
zōng máo
  • bristle;mane;horsehair;acicula
鬃毛 [zōng máo]
  • [mane;bristle] 一般指马、猪颈上的硬长毛

鬃毛[zōng máo]
  1. 这些马接受专门训练,鬃毛也得到精心梳理。

    The horses were exercised and groomed with special care .

  2. 它粗短的尾巴上鬃毛浓密。

    It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles .

  3. 这匹马的鬃毛非常漂亮。

    The mane of the horse is very beautiful .

  4. 这种刷子是用动物的鬃毛制作的。

    This brush is made of animal bristles .

  5. 刷子是用动物的鬃毛制成的。

    The brush is made of animal bristles .

  6. 它们的鬃毛直立起来,在风中就像一面面硬硬的黑色三角旗

    Their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind .

  7. 除Bohm氏鬃毛外,所有的感器都分布在触角鞭节的网纹区上。

    All sensilla , except Bohm bristles , occur on the reticular area of the antennae .

  8. 有些用户已经注意到,这款机器人有脱落鬃毛的趋势,但该公司的首席执行官伊桑·伍兹(EthanWoods)说,目前新设计的机器人已经解决了这一问题。

    Some users have noted the bot 's tendency to shed bristles , but Ethan Woods , the company 's chief executive , said a new design has addressed the issue .

  9. 它有浓密的鬃毛,为其防风御寒。

    It has thick mane to keep from wind and cold .

  10. 插装机,用于将鬃毛插入刷座,孔穴或手柄上

    Inserting machine for inserting bristles into brush mounts sockets or handles

  11. 南美洲金色的猴子,毛发长而软形成鬃毛。

    South American monkey with long soft hair forming a mane .

  12. 把我亮闪闪的鬃毛洗过,它将永远金光闪闪,

    My bright mane for ever Shall shine like the gold ,

  13. 有光泽的皮毛,光亮的鬃毛。

    It 's lustrous coat , it 's flowing mane .

  14. 鬃毛和尾毛长而粗糙的特别小的马。

    Breed of very small pony with long shaggy mane and tail .

  15. 简直就像骏马的鬃毛

    It 's like the hide of a fine horse .

  16. 戴鬃毛是否有点儿光泽?

    Has it got a bit of sparkle about it ?

  17. 听到这怪声,马的鬃毛都竖起来了。

    Hearing the strange sound the horse 's hair bristled .

  18. 雄性巴巴里狮的脸部围着一圈鬃毛。最后一只野生的巴巴里狮于1927年在摩洛哥被枪杀。

    The last wild Barbary lion was shot in Morocco in 1927 .

  19. 我要去给我的鬃毛,腿毛,眉毛上蜡了。

    I gotta go get a mani , PEDI and my eyebrows waxed .

  20. 有丰厚的鬃毛和饰毛,而且雄性更为明显。

    Mane and frill should be abundant , and particularly impressive in males .

  21. 北美洲草原上大型鬃毛粗硬的褐色野牛。

    Large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains .

  22. (指动物或者植物)有坚硬的、粗糙的毛发或者鬃毛。

    ( of animals or plants ) having stiff coarse hairs or bristles .

  23. 冰岛马银鬃毛的遗传

    Inheritance of the Palomino Color in Icelandic Horses

  24. 一匹有着短刺鬃毛的马;有刺的灌木;有芒刺的水果。

    A horse with a short bristly mane ; bristly shrubs ; burred fruits .

  25. 他把他的马的鬃毛梳理整齐。

    He combed his house 's mane tidy .

  26. 它鬃毛和尾巴扎辫子。

    His mane and tail are braided .

  27. 现在他能十分容易地瞧见马儿的脑袋、耳朵和鬃毛了。一道金光从左边落在他们身上。

    He could see the mane and ears and head of his horse quite easily now .

  28. 身体为浅棕色或金黄色、鬃毛和尾巴为乳白色的马。

    A horse of light tan or golden color with cream or white mane and tail .

  29. 这把牙刷是真鬃毛制的。

    This toothbrush is real bristle .

  30. 动物发怒时鬃毛会竖起。

    Angry animals erect the mane .