  • Bristle;mane;hair on the neck of a horse, pig, etc
  • 马、猪等畜类颈上的长毛:~毛。~帚。~刷。红~烈马。


(马、猪等颈上的长毛) hair on the neck of a horse, pig, etc.:

  • 猪鬃

    pig's bristles;

  • 马鬃

    horse's mane

  1. 云南桔小寡鬃实蝇种群动态研究

    On the population dynamics of oriental fruit fly in Yunnan Province

  2. 为甚么是女人睹告那汉鬃螵慎重?

    Why is the woman telling the man to be careful ?

  3. 街垒出现了人在上面竞相攀登的场面,它有着一簇象鬃毛样披散的火光。

    The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes .

  4. 无额鬃和唇基毛;(4)额部;

    The clypeus without setae ; 4.the hairs in the frontal region ;

  5. 用来刷重东西的有细硬毛鬃的刷子。

    A brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning .

  6. 他听到法官字鬃千钧的话,顿吮垂透丧区。

    His heart sink as he listen the judge utter the fateful word .

  7. 两叶上有少数较长的鬃。

    Both lobes bear a few relatively long bristles .

  8. 他的头发是白金色的,长着一副银鬃马的身体。

    he had white-blond hair and a palomino body .

  9. 它颈项上??挲的鬃是你给它披上的吗。

    Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder ?

  10. 聚酰胺6鬃丝纤维对水泥抗折性能影响的研究

    The research of the influence that polyamide 6 bristle on the bending capability of cement

  11. 那匹马的鬃稀。

    The horse has a thin mane .

  12. 带假鬃的熟大毛马驹皮小雄驹:雄性小马。

    Dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane Colt : a young male horse .

  13. 使用天然鬃毛刷或橡胶梳来梳理头发,防止头发倒竖。

    Stop your hair from rising by using a natural bristle hairbrush or rubber comb .

  14. 溶剂和添加剂对尼龙6鬃丝结构形态和道明性的脸响

    The influence of solvent and additives on structure , morphology and transparency of nylon 6 filaments

  15. 它好像是墙上的影子,瘦腿的、飞跃的红鬃马,年轻的猎人和骑在马上的绅士和太太们。

    horses with flowing manes and thin legs , huntsmen , ladies and gentlemen on horseback .

  16. 无额鬃和唇基毛;

    The clypeus without setae ;

  17. 新西兰的假山毛榉属的一种植物,通常有银白色树皮。带假鬃的熟大毛马驹皮

    New Zealand beech with usually pale silvery bark . dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane

  18. 而且,聚酰胺6鬃丝纤维在水泥(混凝土)中有足够的耐久性。

    Moreover , the polyamide 6 bristle turns out have quite good durability in cement and concrete .

  19. 前中鬃强壮,后背中鬃3,小盾不带黄色,背侧片、前胸基腹片和后气门前肋裸;

    Acr strong , post dc 3 , scutellum without any yellow coloration , notopleura , prosternum and beret bare ;

  20. 狮鬃水母体内含水量达百分之九十五,它们没有骨头或血液,甚至没有大脑。

    Their bodies are 95 percent water and they have no bones or blood . They don 't even have brains .

  21. 治疗汽车简介了三元乙丙橡胶之前,应用胶粘剂的保留植绒鬃或装饰面料。

    Treatment of automotive profiles made of EPDM rubber prior to application of an adhesive for retaining flocking bristles or decorating fabric .

  22. 它被称为鬃鬣狗,以充满了非洲的野性和如漆彩般的皮毛而出名。这种濒危犬科动物有着类似于狼的群体社会构成。

    Known as African wild , painted , or Cape hunting dogs , these endangered canines closely resemble wolves in their pack-oriented social structure .

  23. 鸠形马一种全身金黄色或淡棕色的马,鬃和尾是白色或奶油色,被认为是从阿拉伯系发展来的。

    A horse with a golden or tan coat and a white or cream-colored mane and tail , thought to have been developed from Arabian stock .

  24. 霜鬃巨魔的社会和他们的游戏战联系在一起,即使是幼小的巨魔或者是部族的新兵。

    Frostmane society is geared around their state of guerilla war , with even the Whelps and Novices of their Tribe being enlisted into the battle .

  25. 这支巨魔形式上的首都在哪里,无人知晓,最大的聚集地是一个叫“霜鬃巨魔要塞”的山洞。

    It is unknown where the location of their former capital was , however the seat of their power now lies in the large cave complex of Frostmane Hold .

  26. 狮鬃水母会捕食鱼类,甚至是其他水母,虽然没有大脑,但它们都是游泳健将,所以捕食对它们来说是轻而易举的事。

    The lion 's mane jellyfish will eat fish and even other jellyfish , and they can do this because despite not having brains , they are very powerful swimmers .

  27. 毛样的,长毛状的有毛发的形状的当浓密的内毛长出后,非常酷似羊毛。颈部和肩部的被毛更浓密,形成鬃毛样外观。

    Having the form of a hair . Heavy undercoat , when present , rather woolly . Neck and shoulders heavily coated , especially in dogs , giving mane-like appearance .

  28. 在丹莫罗的冰霜巨魔属于霜鬃部族,他们正在和矮人进行游击战。目前他们居住在一些洞穴中,以及涌冰湖边上的一些小营地里。

    The ice trolls of Dun Morogh-the Frostmane Tribe-who are currently fighting a guerilla war against the Dwarves , have been forced to live in caves and small encampments surrounding Iceflow Lake .

  29. 乔佛里王子的坐骑是匹箭步如飞的红鬃骏马,他驾驭马儿的方式更是横冲直撞,速度极快,珊莎必须死命驱赶胯下母马才能跟上。

    Prince Joffrey 's mount was a blood bay courser , swift as the wind , and he rode it with reckless abandon , so fast that Sansa was hard-pressed to keep up on her mare .

  30. 唯一比想象中的大王乌贼还要长的海洋生物就是狮鬃水母了。其触须长度可达36米,这可比蓝鲸的平均体长还要长!

    One of the only creatures longer than the imagined giant squid is the lion 's mane jellyfish , whose tentacles can reach120 feet long . This is longer than the average body of a blue whale !