
  1. 论高等建筑教育与创造性人才培养

    On the higher education of construction and cultivation of talent

  2. 实践教学在高等建筑教育中具有重要的作用,在建筑类高校中也具有自身的特色。

    Practical teaching plays a major role in higher engineering teaching , and there are specific characteristics in construction institute .

  3. 《高等建筑教育》2000-2001年载文的统计分析

    Statistic and analysis on the information content of Journal of Architectural Education in Insitutions of Higher Learning in the years of 2000 and 2001

  4. 他们创办了中国高等建筑教育事业,传播和发展了西方近代建筑学,并在中国建筑史学研究领域取得了开拓性的成就。

    They set up the higher education for Chinese architecture , spread and developed the idea of modern Western architecture , and achieved great success in the field of the history of Chinese architecture .

  5. 目前,在高等建筑教育的宏观和微观层面仍然存在诸多矛盾和问题,创造性人才培养尚存在理论和实践性缺失。

    At present , there are a great deal of contradictions and questions in high macroscopic and micro aspect of education of construction , and still there are a theoretical and practical absence in cultivation of creative talent .

  6. 高等建筑教育是以培养具有创造精神和创造能力的高级建筑人才的专业教育,显然,创造性人才的培养是贯穿整个教育教学过程始终的价值目标之一。

    Higher education is the specialized education to cultivate the high-level talents of construction who have the spirit of creation and creativity . Obviously , cultivation of creative talent is one of the value goal runs through the whole education and teaching course .

  7. 本文在对建筑的宁静加以分析的基础上,提出了创造建筑宁静的创作建议,对高等建筑教育尤其是建筑学教育具有一定意义。

    On the basis of the analysis of what is the architectural tranquility , the authors put forward some creative suggestions on the creation of the architectural tranquility , which is profoundly meaningful for the advanced education of the architecture , especially the architectural education .

  8. 对当代中国建筑与家具设计的分离问题,从高等建筑与设计教育的角度去重新审视和分析。

    The separation problem designed to the contemporary and Chinese architecture and the furniture , from higher education architecture and design angle to re - examine with analysis .