
  1. 网络环境下高等学校学报定位及集团化网络出版研究

    Orientation and collective online publishing of university journals in network environment

  2. 高等学校学报编辑角色定位之探析

    A Discussion on the Role of Journal 's Editor of Higher School

  3. 论高等学校学报编辑的初审职责

    Duty of university academic journal editors for examining paper

  4. 广东省高等学校学报调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Journals of Colleges and Universities in Guangdong Province

  5. 高等学校学报是以反映高校教学科研成果的综合性学术刊物。

    College journal is a comprehensive academic periodical reflecting the teaching & Resemching achievement of college .

  6. 中国高等学校学报的诞生

    Chinese College Journal Birth

  7. 上海高等学校学报办刊现状与管理模式调查分析在沪留学生管理工作中的问题及对策

    Investigation on current situation and management of journals of colleges and universities in Shanghai Problems and Countermeasures in International Students Management at Universities in Shanghai

  8. 论我国学报百年发展的基本经验&为纪念我国高等学校学报创办100周年而作

    On the Basic Experience of the Centennial Development of Chinese Journals & Writing for Memorizing the 100 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of Colleges and Universities ' Journals in Our Country

  9. 每一个环节的质量形成了一个质量体系,这个质量体系包含多个参数组成,每一个参数对高等学校学报质量作用不同,从而这些参数与学报整体质量形成函数关系。

    The quality of each link forms a quality system which is composed of a lot of parameter , each of which has different affect on the quality of the university and college journal , therefore , the parameter and the integral journal quality forms the functional relation .

  10. 《杭州医学高等专科学校学报》载文分析

    Analysis of articles published in Journal of Hangzhou Medical College

  11. 《昆明冶金高等专科学校学报》2001年载文及引文分析

    Analysis of Articles and quotations in Journal of kunming Metallurgy College , 2001

  12. 《毕节师范高等专科学校学报》1999~2005年载文统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Publications of the Journal of Bijie Teachers College 1999-2005

  13. 2002-2004年《文山师范高等专科学校学报》的统计分析

    The Statistics and Analyses on Journals of Wenshan Teachers College from the Year 2002 to 2004

  14. 浅议了高等专科学校学报的定位与特色,办刊模式等调整与改革措施。

    This paper discusses adjustment and reform , location and feature , model of the college journal .

  15. 郴州医学高等专科学校学报

    Journal of Chenzhou Medical College

  16. 统计分析了1998&2005年《达县师范高等专科学校学报》发文的引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文年代分布以及自引情况。

    This paper statistically analyzes the number of quotations in the published articles , types of quotations , languages of quotations , years ' distribution and the self-quotation in Journal of Daxian Teachers College from 1998-2005 .

  17. 师范高等专科学校学报大多办刊时间短,起步晚,学校的师资、科研力量较差,使得师专学报质量普遍不高。

    Most teachers college began issuing their journals late and the strength of teachers and scientific research is comparatively weaker than the traditional higher learning institutes , which make it generally poor the quality of the journal of teachers college .

  18. 期刊质量与编辑把关&以《全国高等学校社科学报质量标准及评奖办法》为例谈编辑把关高校社科学报编排常见问题分析

    Journal quality and editor 's role & An opinion about editor 's role through Quality Criterion and Award Evaluation of Journal of Social Science of Colleges and Universities in China Analysis On Some Problems in Composing and Editing University Journal of Social Science in China

  19. 基于SPA高等学校自然科学学报学术质量评价初探

    Discussion on Academic Quality Evaluation of Natural Science Journals in Colleges and Universities Based on SPA System

  20. 中国高等学校自然科学学报编排规范

    Arrangements rules for natural science journal of Chinese higher educational institutions

  21. 高等学校计算数学学报第28卷2006年总目次

    Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese universities Vol.28 2006 contents

  22. 关于《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》的一点看法

    A Comment on Editing and Composing Norms for Social Science Journals in the Higher Institutions of Education in China

  23. 为了解高校科技期刊的基本情况,中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会对入会期刊进行了调查。

    The Society of China University Journals in Natural Sciences ( SCUJNS ) made an investigation to know the status quo of sci-tech periodicals in universities .

  24. 针对《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》存在的一些问题,从汉语书写习惯、社会科学的特殊性以及尊重受众等三个方面,提出了一点看法。

    The article offers some comments on the Chinese orthography , the peculiarities of social science and respecting audience concerning some problems found in Editing and Composing Norms for Social Science Journals in the Higher institutions of Education in China .