
ɡāo děnɡ dònɡ wù
  • higher animal
  1. 有机锗能延长果蝇寿命,但无对高等动物的试验,因其长期应用具有毒性,在抗衰老延寿方面似难以应用。

    Organis germanium can lengthen fruit fly 's life-span , but there aren 't tests to higher animal , it seems difficult that organic germanium is used in lengthening life-span and Anti-decrepitude because of it 's toxicity utilized for long-term .

  2. 结果表明,区内有高等植物113科568种、高等动物近220种,物种多样性赋分3分;

    In the Reserve , there were 568 higher plant species belonging to 113 families and 220 higher animal species , with score 3 of species diversity .

  3. 猿、猴子、猩猩虽然是高等动物,但它们都不会制造工具。

    Apes , monkeys and orangutans are higher animals , but they can 't make tools .

  4. 透明质酸(HyaluronicAcid,HA)又名玻璃酸,是一种广泛存在于高等动物和低等动物细胞外间质中的高分子量聚多糖。

    Hyaluronic acid ( HA ) is a extracellular high molecular weight polysaccharides widely present in higher animals and lower animals .

  5. DNA甲基化是常见的基因表达修饰方式,存在于几乎所有高等动物,能关闭特定基因的活性。

    DNA methylation is a common way of modify gene expression , exists in nearly all higher level animal , can shut down the activity of certain genes .

  6. 但研究发现,昆虫并不具备高等动物高度专一的免疫体系,即昆虫缺乏B和T淋巴细胞系统,也无免疫球蛋白及补体。

    From researches , insects have no specific immune system like mammals , they are lack of not only B and T lymphoid cell series but also immunoglobulin and addiment .

  7. 对高等动物毒性中等,雌、雄性大白鼠的LD50分别为794和126.0mg/kg。

    The oral LD50 was 79.4 and 126.0 mg / kg to female and male of rat , respectively .

  8. Gabor小波变换与高等动物视觉皮层简单细胞的接受场具有相似的特性,被广泛地应用于计算机视觉和模式识别领域。

    Gabor wavelets transform is similar with human vision characteristic , and is widely used in computer vision and pattern recognition area .

  9. Evolution一词先后被用在胚胎学的预成论和后成论中,分别用来描述预先存在的微缩体的展开以及高等动物胚胎对低等动物形式的重演。

    " Evolution " was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesist , respectively , to describe the unfolding of preexisted miniature and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals .

  10. 因此,我们认为,与在高等动物中的作用一样,CPGDNA也是鱼类免疫系统的一种新型有效的免疫调节剂,它能增强鱼体内细胞和体液介导的免疫应答,从而增强机体的抗病能力。

    In a word , we observed that CpG DNA is a novel immunostimulatory in vivo and in vitro on fish as well as those on higher vertebrates , which promote the cell - and humoral-mediated immune responses to defense against the invading microorganisms .

  11. C2H2型锌指基因是高等动物基因组中最大且最复杂的基因超家族,在人与小鼠基因组中拥有数百个成员。

    C2H2 zinc finger ( C2H2-ZNF ) genes are one of the largest and most complex gene super-families in metazoan genomes , with hundreds of members in the human and mouse genome .

  12. 昆虫的免疫系统没有像高等动物所具有的免疫球蛋白和补体系统,在长期的进化过程中,发展出了一套独特的免疫系统。

    Insects have developed a special immuno system through the long evolutionary progress .

  13. 高等动物基因的表达具有时间和空间性。

    The expression of gene in higher animals has temporal and spatial features .

  14. 它们是高等动物营养必不可少的部分。

    They are a necessary part of the diet of all higher animals .

  15. 作为高等动物、情感机器的人体是平衡的。

    The balance lies in the life and death that every human being experiences .

  16. 人,高等动物、情感机器。

    The Great Balance Theory regards human beings as higher animals and emotional machines .

  17. 高等动物克隆成功及其意义

    Cloning of Higher Mammal and Its Significance

  18. 大多数的比较复杂的情绪是各种高等动物和我们所共有的。

    Most of the more complex emotions are common to the higher animals and ourselves .

  19. 高等动物学杂志。

    Journal of Advanced Zoology .

  20. 鳞翅目昆虫与高等动物一样,本身可以抵御外来异物入侵,具有极强的先天免疫力。

    Lepidopteron have strong innate immune ability , which could resist infection of foreign microbe as higher animals .

  21. 研究发现,它对高等动物也表现出较强的药理活性,而且副作用小。

    Studies indicate that it also showed a strong pharmacological activity in higher animals , and its side effects were minor .

  22. 视觉作为高等动物最主要的感觉系统,是接收外部信息最有效的方式。

    The visual system of higher animals is the most effective way of receiving external information as the most important sensory system .

  23. 游戏行为是高等动物幼体的重要行为之一,不少动物一直到成体阶段都保持游戏行为。

    As to animals , their play behaviors have adaptive significance , which can be considered as a kind of practical leaning behavior .

  24. 不可能指出一种高等动物,它的某一部分不是呈退化状态的。

    It would be impossible to name one of the higher animals in which some part or other is not in a rudimentary condition .

  25. 是高等动物血液循环中的主要的游离糖。是细胞功能的能源。

    As the major circulating free sugar in blood , it is the source of energy in cell function and a major participant in metabolism .

  26. 此外,它在高等动物的胚胎发育过程中主要参与细胞的增殖、分化、极化、凋亡与抗凋亡等。

    In addition , Wnt signaling pathway is mainly involved in the process of cell proliferation , differentiation , polarization , apoptosis and anti-apoptosis during the embryonic development .

  27. 高等动物的大脑皮层是多层结构,在发育过程中神经干细胞的分化和外向迁移对于大脑皮层的多层结构建立有着重要作用。

    Higher animals ' cerebral cortex is a multi-layer structure , The development and migration of neuronal stem cells towards out layer is crucial for such structure formation .

  28. 事实表明很多高等动物没有按照这种方式进化,因为他们的许多表型特征表明身体许多部分的寿命都是有限的。

    The fact is that higher animals have simply not evolved that way because many of their phenotypic features demonstrate that many parts of the body have a finite life span .

  29. 地球上的动物经过长期的演变形成神经系统,从无脊椎动物(包括水蛭)到高等动物,神经系统的发达与复杂程度越来越高,适应环境的能力越来越强。

    Evolved after a long period , animals on Earth have formed the nervous system , which the developing and the complexity is increasing and the ability of adaptation to environment is growing in higher animals .

  30. 我认为:人生的意义不仅是吃喝玩乐和哺育下一代,如果就上面两点,人和高等动物的一生又有多大的区别呢?

    I think that : the meaning of life is not only eat , drink and nurture the next generation , if the above two points , and the higher life of animals , there are much difference ?