
  1. 全球第一大矿产企业必和必拓的董事会同样也已开始寻找首席执行官高瑞思(mariuskloppers)的接班人。

    The board of BHP Billiton , the largest miner , has also started looking for a successor for chief executive Marius Kloppers .

  2. 然而,必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(mariuskloppers)相信,合资计划将顺利跨越这些障碍,于明年中期落实。

    Marius Kloppers , BHP chief executive , is confident , however , that the venture will clear those hurdles and come into being in the middle of next year .

  3. 分析师和投资者们预计出价将提高,尽管必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(mariuskloppers)声称,每股130美元的出价是“充分和公平的”。

    Analysts and investors expect the offer to rise , despite the claims of Marius Kloppers , BHP chief executive , that the $ 130 per share offer was " full and fair " .

  4. 但必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(mariuskloppers)后来表示,随着中国国内钢价上涨,中国一些钢厂在过去两周再次扩大生产,现在即使是短期前景也不明朗。

    But Marius Kloppers , chief executive , later said the outlook was unclear even for the short-term as some Chinese steelmakers had ramped up production again over the past two weeks as local prices in the country improved .

  5. “中国复苏的速度真是让人惊讶,”高瑞思表示。

    " The velocity of the recovery in China has indeed been surprising , " Mr Kloppers said .

  6. 高瑞思表示,这种体制在过去的数十年间运转良好,因为过去供给、需求以及运费等成本变量的波动都比较小。

    This had worked in previous decades , Mr Kloppers said , when there was less volatility in supply , demand and cost variables like freight charges .

  7. 高瑞思表示,已经产生的一种现象是,年初时的猜测,最终可能让其中一方损失数十亿美元。

    Mr Kloppers said a phenomenon had arisen when guesswork at the start of the year stood to lose either side billions of dollars by the end of it .

  8. 高瑞思发出信号表示,必和必拓能以类似该公司帮助终结铁矿石基准定价的方法,带领钾肥市场告别协议定价。

    Mr Kloppers signalled that BHP could lead the potash market away from negotiated pricing in much the way that BHP helped bring an end to benchmark iron ore pricing .

  9. 高瑞思称,围绕力拓的争议,并没有影响到必和必拓,虽然它们作为向中国供应铁矿石的主要澳大利亚矿商,角色存在相似之处。

    The controversy surrounding Rio had not affected BHP , Mr Kloppers said , in spite of the similarity of their roles as lead suppliers of Australian iron ore to China .

  10. 在必和必拓宣布本财年利润减半之际,高瑞思提出,根据合约制定铁矿石价格的传统体制,迟早会被取代。

    As BHP unveiled a halving of full-year profits , Mr Kloppers suggested it was only a matter of time before the traditional system of pricing iron ore on contractual agreements was replaced .

  11. “考虑到这宗交易的规模和全现金性质,潜在的闯入者似乎不会太多,”高瑞思在伦敦表示。

    " Given the size of the deal , and the all-cash nature of it , it does not seem that there is an enormous universe here of potential interlopers , " Mr Kloppers said in London .

  12. 球正在滚动,并将继续滚动下去,高瑞思表示,并补充道,虽然必和必拓无力强行促成改革,但其它参与者开始逐渐认同这种思路。

    There is a ball that 's rolling , and will continue to roll , he said , adding that , while BHP did not have the power to force a change , other players were coming around to this thinking .