
  • 网络high liquid limit soil
  1. 高液限土的处治方案

    Treatment Measures of High Liquid Limit Soil in Mao Zhan Expressway

  2. 高液限土路基施工方法及处理措施

    Construction method and treatment measure of high liquid limit soil foundation

  3. 高液限土路堤的填筑与压实研究

    Study on Filling and Compacting of High Liquid Limit Clay Embankment

  4. 高液限土在路基填筑的应用

    The Application of High Liquid Limit Soil in the Subgrade Filling

  5. 普惠高速公路高液限土处治及利用

    Treatments and Applications of High-Liquid Limit Soil in Project of Hui-Pu Expressway

  6. 靖西至百大二级公路高液限土路基处治

    Treatment on High Liquid Limit Soil Subgrade of Jingxi-Baida Class II Highway

  7. 格栅加筋垫层加固高液限土地基的效果分析

    Analysis of Reinforcement of High Liquid Limit Foundation by Geogrid Reinforced Cushion

  8. 掺砂改良高液限土修筑路基技术研究

    Study on Subgrade Construction by Mixing Sand to Improve High-Liquid Limit Soil

  9. 康耐改善高液限土工程特性的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Engineering Behaviors of High Liquid Limit Soil Improved by CON-AID

  10. 高液限土在填方中的利用与含水量控制

    Use in fill and control in moisture content of high liquid limit soil

  11. 高液限土在高速公路建设中的应用研究

    Application of High Liquid Limit Soil in Freeway Construction

  12. 过湿高液限土底基层加固技术试验研究

    Test and Study into Strengthening Technique of Overwet and High Liquid Limit Soil Subbase

  13. 高液限土与软粘土路基沉降变形规律研究

    Settlement Deformation Rules Research on Subgrades of High Liquid Limit Soil and Soft Clay

  14. 高液限土的改良技术研究

    Study on Improvement of High Liquid Limit Soil

  15. 土钉加固高液限土路堑边坡的支护参数优化

    Optimization of Supporting Parameters for Treating High Liquid Limit Soil Slope by Soil Nails

  16. 某高速公路高液限土路用性能的试验研究

    Study on the experiment of performance of high liquid limit soil on some highway

  17. 康耐改良高液限土路用特性研究

    Study on road properties of high liquid limit soil improved by CON - AID

  18. 高液限土强度特性及路堑边坡稳定性研究

    The Study on Strength Characteristic and Cutting Slope 's Stability of High-liquid Limit Soil

  19. 西南山区高液限土路堤填筑初期堤身沉降研究

    Study on the early settlement of the high-liquid limit soil embankment in southwest mountain areas

  20. 掺砂改良高液限土是一种新技术、新工艺。

    The method of mixing sand to improve high-liquid limit soil is a sort of new technology and craftwork .

  21. 两地红粘土都属高液限土,按相关规范改良后才可以填筑。

    According to the related standard , both clays belong to the high liquid limit soil and have to be improved to filling .

  22. 从非饱和土理论出发,分析了高速公路高液限土路堤的有关工程隐患的形成机理,提供了相关的计算公式。

    The formation mechanism of hidden danger of high liquid limit soil of expressway embankment was analyzed with the theory of unsaturated soil , the relative calculation formula was provided .

  23. 通过对福建某高速公路高液限土较为详细的室内试验和现场填筑试验,证明采用合理的施工工艺与质量控制措施,高液限土是可以用于高速公路路基填筑的。

    Through so detailed room test and scene test at Fujian freeway , authors proved that high liquid limit soil can be utilized as freeway subgrade construction staff while implementing rational construction and quality control .

  24. 针对高液限土的特点,采用掺入不同剂量生石灰进行高液限土的改良试验,研究其物理力学性质和强度变化规律。

    Based on the characters of high liquid limit soil , the modified experiments are completed by adding different ratios of lime to modify the high liquid limit soil , and the physical and mechanical properties and the change laws of strength are studied .

  25. 研究结论:使用刨削器可以提高低含水率高液限土液、塑限试验的效率,该方法经济实用,同时可以降低试验工作人员的劳动强度。

    Research conclusions : Use the chipper , we can improve the efficiency of liquid-limit & plastic-limit test that with lower containing water rate higher liquid-limit soil . And the method is very economic and useful . In the meantime , this method can debase the operators physical force .

  26. 高液限砂质土在高等级公路上的应用

    Application of High Liquid Limit Sandy Soil on Hgh Grade Highway

  27. 通过对现场高液限素土的晾晒研究,证明了高液限土处理的必要性。

    The treatment for high liquid limit soil was essential by the field sunning of plain high liquid limit soil .

  28. 在低含水率高液限黏性土的液、塑限试验过程中,土样浸泡时间较长,试验周期较长。

    In the liquid-limit & plastic-limit test using the soil with lower containing water rate higher liquid-limit , the sample of soil has to marinate longer time .