
gāo jié
  • noble and unsullied;be noble and unsullied
高洁 [gāo jié]
  • [be noble and unsullied] 高尚纯洁

  • 实际行动证明她很高洁

高洁[gāo jié]
  1. 她是一个品格高洁的姑娘。

    She 's a girl of noble and unsullied character .

  2. 诗中有画心志高洁&王维山水田园诗《山居秋暝》解读

    Pictures in Poem Noble and Unsullied Aspiration & interpreting landscape pastoral poetry 《 Shan Ju Qiu Ming 》 by Wang Wei

  3. 我认为他是个品行高洁的人,一心奉献于人民和工会的事业。

    I believe he was an honourable man , dedicated to the people and his union

  4. 这使得LF向高效率化(快速、高质量、高洁净度)方向发展的要求越来越迫切。

    This causes the request of the high efficiency LF ( fast , high grade , high cleanness ) to be getting more and more urgent .

  5. 通过炉外精炼采用LF精炼炉加VD真空精炼炉。它可为连铸提供优质和高洁净度的钢水,在炼钢和连铸之间起一个时间上的缓冲。

    Ladle Furnace Refining adopts LF Refining furnace and VD Vacuum Refining furnace , which provides high quality and high purity molten steel for continuous casting and make a cushion for steel making and casting .

  6. 介绍了钢包炉(LF)精炼渣的组成,并确定了用于不同钢种的渣料配比,理化性能及其精炼效果,为生产高洁净钢改善了精炼条件。

    This paper describes the composition of the refined slag in LF . the slag distribution for different steel grades , theoretical performance and its refining effect are determined herein to improve refining conditions for the production of highly cleaned steel .

  7. 研究了低碳钢、普通市售X65钢和高洁净度X65钢三种超细晶粒钢焊接HAZ的晶粒长大倾向。

    In this paper , the grain growth in the HAZ of three kinds of ultra-fine grain steels such as low carbon steel , commercial X65 steel and high purity X65 steel were evaluated .

  8. 近年来的研究工作表明:低活性Fe-Cr-Mn系合金最有希望替代高洁性Fe-Cr-Ni系合金,使用在核反应堆中,用作第一壁结构材料和包壳材料的。

    Lately studies showed that the low activation Fe-Cr-Mn type alloys were very likely to substitute the high activation Fe-Cr-Ni type alloys and can be used as first wall and cladding materials in fusion reactors .

  9. 我对你的爱,宛如天空一样高洁。

    My love for you is as high as the sky .

  10. 他是一个品性高洁的人。

    He 's a person of noble nature and unsullied character .

  11. 高洁净度重轨钢的冶炼工艺研究

    Research of Metallurgical Process of High clean Heavy Rail Steel

  12. 高洁净度管线钢中元素的作用与控制

    Effect and control of elements in high cleanliness pipeline steel

  13. 高洁净微合金钢变形抗力的研究

    Study on Deformation Resistance of Micro - alloying Clean Steel

  14. 纯铁和高洁净钢的非均质形核

    Heterogeneous Nucleation of Pure Iron and High Clean Steel Melts

  15. 高洁净度钢轨钢的夹杂物控制技术

    Control Technique of Inclusions for Rail Steel with High Cleanliness

  16. adj.有品德的她一直想要过一种高洁的生活。

    virtuous She always tried to lead a virtuous life .

  17. 高洁净性冷轧硅钢轧制油

    Cold rolling oil of silicon steel with high detergency

  18. 变形条件对高洁净微合金钢组织性能的影响

    Effect of Deformation Condition on Microstructure and Properties of a Micro-alloyed Clean Steel

  19. 高洁净净化厂房施工与验收测试

    Construction & Acceptance Test Technology of Super Clean Workshop

  20. 研制了高洁净性冷轧硅钢轧制油。

    The cold rolling oil of silicon steel with high detergency was developed .

  21. 过着高洁的(或纯洁的)生活。

    Led a virtuous ( or moral ) life .

  22. 我刚刚在这儿涂了思高洁防油剂。

    I 've just had that scotchguarded there .

  23. 陶渊明咏秋菊的诗篇显示出他高洁的人格。

    Tao Yuanming 's poem which praised the autumn chrysanthemum revealed his noble character .

  24. 任何指望阿拉斯泰尔这位苏格兰人是位高洁正经的清教徒式的人,都会感到意外。

    Anyone expecting of this Scot a high-minded , humourless Puritan would have been surprised .

  25. 并且能在半导体、医药及生物科技等产业提供其所需要的高洁净度设备及配件。

    We also provide high purity equipments and fittings in semi-conductor , medicine and bio-technique .

  26. 人生在世首要的大事是要保持灵魂的高洁。——

    The principal thing in this world is to keep one 's soul aloft . -

  27. 有时,那真是一种奇特的对比,额头高洁而笑容富于肉感。

    At certain moments , that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast .

  28. 主要技术路线是高洁净度、高均匀性、微合盒化、超细晶粒及组织。

    The characters of new steels are high cleanliness , high homogeneity , ultra-fine grained and micro alloyed .

  29. 他声称正是因为他品行高洁的冷漠,才使他成为强权者眼中有价值的人。

    He argued that it was precisely his virtuous indifference that made him so valuable to the powerful .

  30. 同时在自净器出风口前方,能得到高洁净度的局部环境,可与有关设备配套使用。

    Additional , the Automatic Purifier can work together with other equipments to provide a partial high cleanliness grade environment .