
ɡǔ qiānɡ
  • bone lacuna
  1. Bio-oss填塞根切术后骨腔疗效观察

    Effects of Bio - oss in Packing Bone Cavity Following Apicectomy

  2. 目的:探讨Bio-oss填塞骨腔对提高根尖切除术疗效的意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the potentials of Bio-oss in acceleration of bone tissue healing after apicectomy .

  3. 方法:45例均行颌骨病变性骨腔清除术,术后应用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)对患者的疼痛程度进行评估。

    METHODS : Curettage of the jaw bone cavities was performed in these cases , and visual analogue scale ( VAS ) was adopted for evaluation of the postoperative pain .

  4. 方法:选取120例根尖周刮治术的患者随机分为2组:实验组65例,术后使用BIO-OSS骨粉充填骨腔;

    METHODS : 120 periapical curettage cases were divided into two groups randomly . 65 cases received therapy of the BIO-OSS bone dust implant .

  5. 颌骨病变性骨腔的定位

    Localization method in the diagnosis of the pathological jaw bone cavity

  6. 下颌骨骨腔煅石膏颗粒植入效果的实验研究

    Effects of plaster-of-Paris particulate implants in mandibular bone cavity : an experimental study

  7. 碘仿海绵填塞颌骨囊肿摘除后骨腔对创口愈合的影响

    The effect of iodoform sponge filled in bone cavity after removal of jaw cysts

  8. 颌骨病变性骨腔刮除术治疗三叉神经痛

    Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia by Curettage of Bone Cavities of Pathoses in the Jawbone

  9. 自体富血小板血浆在颌骨囊肿术后骨腔修复中的应用

    Clinical Study of Platelet-rich Plasma for the Repair of Bone Defects in Mandibular Cysts

  10. 方法:45例三叉神经痛患者均行颌骨病变性骨腔清除术。

    Method : Jawbone cavities were detected and operated in 45 patients with trigeminal neuralgia .

  11. 结论:表明可应用膜诱导组织再生技术治疗牙根尖周区骨腔缺损。

    CONCLUSION : MGTR can be used for the treatment of apical alveolar bone defect .

  12. 颌骨病变性骨腔对三叉神经痛发病的影响

    The influence of pathological bone cavity of jaw bone on the etiopathology of trigeminal neuralgia

  13. 复方可吸收性明胶海绵填塞颌骨囊肿术后骨腔34例临床研究

    Using compound absorbable Gelfoam to fill jaw cavity after operation on 34 cases of cyst of jaw

  14. 羟基磷灰石在颌骨囊肿术后骨腔中应用的临床观察与分析

    The evaluation and clinical observation in HA ( hydroxyapatite ) ' application in bone antrum after jaw cyst operation

  15. 结果:结果显示实验组骨腔缺损于3月后愈合,与对照组有显著性差异。

    RESULTS : The alveolar bone regeneration of the test group was significantly better than that of the control .

  16. 可形成肌皮瓣,用肌肉充填骨腔,有利于骨髓炎治愈;

    The muscle carried by the flap could be used to fill a bone cavity , aiding to cure osteomyelitis ;

  17. 骨腔刮治物大多见死骨,炎症细胞,仅2例见少量神经末梢。

    Sequestra and inflammation cell were found in the contents of bone cavity . Only 2 case of a little amount of nerve ends .

  18. 实验发现煅石膏颗粒植入颌骨骨腔是安全的,对组织有相容性,能被吸收,且可刺激新骨形成。

    The experimental results show that the plaster-of Paris particulate implants in mandibular bone cavity were safe , tissue tolerant , absorbable and stimulative to bone formation .

  19. 结果定制假体安置方便,与骨腔匹配好,增强了假体稳定性,缓解了疼痛,改善了髋关节功能。

    Result The custom made prosthesis effectively increased the fitness of prosthesis bone interface . It enhanced the stability of implants and improved the hip function as well as relieved pain .

  20. 背景:三叉神经痛的发病原因中因牙源性感染因素所致,在继发三叉神经痛的病因学研究中愈来愈受到重视,并提出了颌骨骨腔病变学说。

    BACKGROUND : Odontogenic infection factor has been given much importance in the study of the etiology of secondary trigeminal neuralgia , and the theory of jaw bone cavities is proposed .

  21. 研究人员认为,这些残余物之所以能够被保存下来,是因为骨腔被铁矿物堵塞住了,因为如果有机物和外部环境隔绝开来的话,是可以保存数百万年的。

    The researchers believed that the remnants were preserved because of the clogging by iron mineral in the bone cavity , since organics could remain for millions of years if isolated from external environment .

  22. α-氰基丙烯酸正丁酯充填骨缺损腔的特点

    Characteristics of N-Butyl cyanoacrylate in filling bone defected cavity

  23. 肱骨头是和肩胛骨的腔相吻合的肱骨的头。

    The caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula .

  24. 骨残腔基本消失,新生骨密度接近于正常骨,实验组12例,对照组10例。

    Residual cavities of 12 cases in experimental group and 10 cases in control group were disappeared basically . The density of palingenetic bone was approximate to normal bone organization .

  25. 方法:将已配制的生物蛋白胶涂在骨创腔表面,以达到止血封闭缺损组织和促进创口愈合等。

    Methods : Distribute FG on the surface of the wound space of the bone to get the possible effects of hematischesis , block defective tissue and the healing of wound etc.

  26. 移植骨为创腔的愈合起到了桥梁和诱导新骨形成的作用。

    The transplanted bone served as bone bridge , and induced the formation of new bone .

  27. 组织学检查:正常颅骨结构可见板状骨和骨髓腔。

    Histological tests : The tabular bone and marrow cavity can be seen in the normal skull structures .

  28. 目的为边缘或瘤内切除的骨肿瘤瘤腔寻找一种既可以充填,又可以缓慢释放抗肿瘤药物、减少局部肿瘤复发的瘤腔充填材料。

    Objective To search a filling anti-tumor agent that can be released slowly in the tumor cavity after bone tumor operation .

  29. 疑胎骨残留宫腔1例,在超声监视下切除病变组织;

    It was suspected that the fetal bone was stay at the cavity , the lesion was resected by the ultrasonographic monitoring .

  30. 因此,下肢长管状骨及其髓腔的形态等解剖学研究,对下肢远端直视下植入髓内锁钉(盲置法)的准确性十分重要。

    So , morphological and anatomical study of lower extremity long bone and marrow is very important to the accuracy of blind implantation of distal locking nail .