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gǔ tou
  • bone;character;sarcasm
骨头 [gú tou]
  • (1) [bone]∶人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织,主要成分是碳酸钙和磷酸钙

  • (2) [character]∶比喻人的品质

  • 硬骨头

  • (3) [sarcasm]〈方〉∶比喻话里暗含着的不满、讽刺等意思

  • 他的话里有骨头

骨头[gǔ tou]
  1. 这震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。

    The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body .

  2. 狗把骨头埋在花园里。

    The dog had buried its bone in the garden .

  3. 赶快,你这懒骨头,起床了!

    Come on , lazybones , get up !

  4. 骨头愈合得不好。

    The bone failed to knit correctly .

  5. 那狗在啃骨头。

    The dog was gnawing a bone .

  6. 你能听到锯子锯进骨头里的声音。

    You can hear the saw as it cuts through the bones .

  7. 她拿勺捞起鸡骨头放回了炖锅里。

    She scooped the chicken bones back into the stewpot .

  8. 他测出了超声波穿过骨头的速度。

    He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone .

  9. 跟肉铺老板要煲汤用的骨头(最好是髓骨)。

    Ask the butcher for soup bones ( marrow bones are best ) .

  10. 我双脚湿透,感觉都冻到骨头里了。

    I 've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through

  11. 脚的结构非常特殊,由26块细小的骨头组成。

    The feet are highly specialised structures made up of 26 small delicate bones .

  12. 他瘦得只剩皮包骨头了。

    He was nothing but skin and bones .

  13. 骨头愈合得不好。

    The bone hasn 't knitted together properly .

  14. 从来没有哪个医生能治愈骨折,他们只是让骨头复位。

    No doctor has ever healed a broken bone : he or she sets them

  15. 他是个瘦得皮包骨头的小男孩。

    He was quite a skinny little boy

  16. 这些骨头开始互相挤压,造成疼痛和畸形。

    The bones begin to grind against each other , leading to pain and deformity .

  17. 狐狸过来寻觅骨头。

    The foxes come and scavenge the bones

  18. 蛋白质是否存留取决于骨头被石化的方式。

    The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised .

  19. 用动物骨头雕刻物品是犯人打发时间的一种常见做法。

    It was common practice for prisoners to carve objects from animal bones to pass the time .

  20. 不要给狗喂小块的骨头,以免它整个吞下去而造成内部器官损伤。

    Small bones should be avoided as the dog may swallow them whole and risk internal injury .

  21. 骨头愈合时将会连接在一起。

    As they heal , the bones will fuse together .

  22. 狗在啃骨头。

    The dog is gnawing on a bone .

  23. 骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息。

    The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him .

  24. 手术的第一步是把骨头接上。

    The first stage of the operation was to join up the bones .

  25. 那些狗为了一块骨头而争斗。

    The dogs were fighting over a bone .

  26. 狗爱啃骨头。

    Dogs like to gnaw on a bone .

  27. 他骨头很硬。

    He is a person of great moral integrity .

  28. 他吃了那条鱼,连骨头都吃了。

    He ate the fish , bone and all .

  29. 潮湿的空气令我的老骨头受到了伤害。

    The damp air makes my old bones hurt .

  30. 那狗抢到骨头就跑了。

    The dog grabbed the bone and ran off .