
Mǎ Lǐ Yà Nà Qún Dǎo
  • Mariana Islands
  1. 1914年,德国的行政管理在日本海军占有马绍而群岛(Marshall)、卡罗林群岛(Caroline)和北部马里亚纳群岛(NorthernMarianaIslands)之后结束。

    In1914 German administration ended when the Japanese navy took military possession of the Marshall , Caroline and Northern Mariana Islands .

  2. 托管邻区帕劳群岛(palau),马绍而群岛和北部马里亚纳群岛选择不加入其中。

    The neighboring trust districts of Palau , the Marshall Islands , and the Northern Mariana Islands chose not to participate .

  3. 位于马里亚纳群岛最南的一个最大的岛屿。

    The largest and southernmost island in the Marianas .

  4. 热带气旋频数的分布大体以中国南海地区、菲律宾群岛以及马里亚纳群岛附近这3个密集区为中心,向各个方向呈辐射状减少;

    Tropical cyclones mainly occur in South Sea of China , Philippines and Marianas , then decrease radiantly ;

  5. 马里亚纳群岛南部的一个岛屿,是美国太平洋岛屿托管领土的管理中心。

    An island in the southern Mariana Islands that is the administrative center of the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands .

  6. 根据美国国家地理探险队的成员称,卡梅隆此次的探险地是距离太平洋马里亚纳群岛西南部约200英里的马里亚纳海沟,他在海底探险,并拍摄了图片和视频。

    He spent times exploring and filming the Mariana Trench , about 200 miles southwest of the Pacific island of Guam , according to members of the National Geographic expedition .

  7. 马里亚纳群岛发生8.1级中深震,使西北太平洋地区地震水平达到全球第一。

    An earthquake of intermediate depth registering magnitude 8.1 occurred in the Mariana Islands , and so this made the seismicity level in northwest Pacific Ocean region the first of the globe .

  8. 实际上,中国海军能够直达“第二岛链”,即关岛、马里亚纳群岛以及太平洋中部的其他一些小岛,它们难以称得上是壁垒。

    As a matter of fact , it would be able to extend its reach to the " second island chain " Guam , the Marianas and some other small islands in the central Pacific not much of a barrier .

  9. 结果表明:(1)热带气旋中心点位置基本集中在以中国南海、菲律宾群岛以东以及马里亚纳群岛附近这3个地区,与热带气旋发生源地和路径频率图较为一致;

    The result shows that : ( 1 ) the tropical cyclone center are mainly located in South China Sea , east of Philippines , and around Marianas , which is consistent to the distributions of sources and track frequency of tropical cyclones .