
  • 网络Marais;Malay;Victor Mallet
  1. 维克托•马莱是英国《金融时报》亚洲版主编

    Victor Mallet is the FT 's Asia editor

  2. 之后,医生要求将他的尸体送到特鲁瓦纳马莱政府医学院以验尸,不过,据《印度时报》报道,他的尸体、以及负责运输的那个人,竟然双双失踪了。

    Medics ordered his body to be sent to the Tiruvannamalai Government Medical College Hospital for post-mortem but , according to the Times of India , the cadaver , and the person charged with transporting it , have both gone missing .

  3. 我在马拉莱发现一个女人。

    I have literally found one woman in maralai .

  4. 我要去马拉莱旅行。

    I was taking a trip to maralai .

  5. 到马拉莱你再找伊丽莎白。

    In malarai you ask for elisabeth .

  6. 紧接着,我提到了跟我同名的“迈万德的马拉莱”,她的能力和勇气抵得过成百上千英勇的男人。她用寥寥几行诗句,改变了战局,导致英国最终战败。

    After that I spoke of my namesake , Malalai of Maiwand , who had strength and power equal to hundreds and thousands of brave men because her few lines of poetry changed everything so the British were defeated .