
  1. 马来酸酐接枝C5石油树脂研究

    Study on graft c_5 petroleum resin by maleic anhydride

  2. 采用自制的马来酸酐接枝三元乙丙橡胶/线形低密度聚乙烯共混物((EPDM/LLDPE)-g-MAH),通过熔融共混挤出对回收光盘聚碳酸酯(PC)进行增韧。

    Recycled CD Polycarbonate was toughened by maleic anhydride grafted EPDM / LLDPE through melt extrusion .

  3. 马来酸酐接枝SBS及其对PA6的增容作用

    Maleic Anhydride Melt Grafted SBS and Its Toughening Effect on PA_6

  4. 马来酸酐接枝POE改性SAN树脂的制备与性能研究

    Study on Preparation and Property of SAN Resin Modified by POE-g-MAH

  5. 马来酸酐接枝PS相容剂的研究

    Study on compatibilizer of maleic anhydride grafting polystyrene

  6. 苯乙烯-马来酸酐接枝预聚物对PS版光敏涂层性能的影响

    Effect of Styrene / Maleic Anhydride Grafting Prepolymers to Photosensitive Coats of PS Plates

  7. 马来酸酐接枝ABS及其应用

    Maleic Anhydride Grafted ABS and Its Application

  8. 实验结果表明,选择马来酸酐接枝的均聚聚丙烯(PPgMAH)作为增容剂,所制得的动态固化PP/环氧树脂共混物的力学性能较好。

    The results show that maleic anhydride grafted PP ( PP-g-MAH ) is a better compatibilizer .

  9. 马来酸酐接枝改性EVA热熔胶的研究

    Maleic anhydride grafted EVA hot melt adhesive

  10. 用毛细管流变仪和DSC方法研究了马来酸酐接枝改性的聚丙烯(PPgMA)对PP/PPgMA共混体系流变性和热行为的影响。

    The effect of PP-g-MA on rheological behaviour and thermal properties has been studied with capillary rheometer and DSC method .

  11. 研究了尼龙1010(NY-1010)与马来酸酐接枝改性聚丙烯(PP-g-MAH)共混体系的热行为及力学性能并与尼龙1010/PP共混体系作了对比。

    The thermal behavior and the mechanical properties of NY-1010 / PP-g-MAH and NY-1010 / PP blend systems were studied .

  12. 超声引发马来酸酐接枝HDPE、LLDPE和EPDM研究

    Melt grafting of maleic anhydride onto hdpe , LLDPE and EPDM through ultrasonic initiation

  13. 研究了马来酸酐接枝聚乙烯对无卤抑烟阻燃PEHD护套料的改性效果,并进行了增韧机理上的探讨。

    The halogen-free flame retardant PE-HD for cable jackets was modified with maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene ( PE-g-MAH ) .

  14. 对马来酸酐接枝炭黑进行了结构表征和应用,结果表明:接枝炭黑使PVC分散性更好,并可显著提高抗冲击强度和拉伸强度。

    The results showed that the grafted carbon black had better dispersion in PVC , the impact strength and tensile strength increased obviously .

  15. 马来酸酐接枝SBR增容改性PVC/SBR共混体的研究

    Study on SBR Grafted With Maleic Anhydride ( SBR-MAH ) as Compatibilizer in the Blend of PVC / SBR

  16. 为了改善木纤维与聚丙烯基体间的相容性,用马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(MAPP)对木纤维进行接枝处理。

    To improve the compatibility between wood fibers and polypropylene ( PP ) matrix , fibers were grafted by maleated polypropylene ( MA-g-PP ) .

  17. 研究了聚碳酸酯与ABS(PC/ABS)及PC/ABS与马来酸酐接枝聚乙烯共聚物(PC/ABS/PE-g-MAH)共混体系的力学性能和应力开裂性能。

    The mechanical properties and stress crack properties of PC / ABS and PC / ABS / PE g MAH blends were studied .

  18. 研究了以自制的马来酸酐接枝改性ABS代替ABS或作为增容剂使用形成的尼龙6/ABS合金的结构与性能。

    Morphology and properties of Nylon 6 / ABS of containing maleic anhydride modified ABS or grafted ABS as a compatibilizer are studied .

  19. 本文用偏光显微镜和DSC研究了马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯共聚物的形态,球晶径向生长速率及结晶熔融行为。

    The isothermal radial growth rates of spherulites and the morphology of maleic anhydride-g-polypropylene have been determined by means of polarizing microscope .

  20. 在brabender上研制了马来酸酐接枝的乙丙共聚树脂。

    Ethylene propylene copolymer was grafted with maleic anhydride on brabender .

  21. 结果显示,马来酸酐接枝HDPE可明显提高复合材料的力学性能,表现出很好的增容效果;

    The results reveal that grafting HDPE with maleic anhydride can remarkably raise the mechanical properties of the composite , exhibiting a good compatibilization effect .

  22. 马来酸酐接枝SEBS对尼龙6/SEBS共混物聚集态结构的影响

    The effect of SEBS grafted by MAH on the aggregation structure of nylon-6 and SEBS blends

  23. 玻璃微珠含量在一定范围内,采用马来酸酐接枝EPDM及表面改性(用硅烷偶联剂)玻璃微珠的复合材料挤出胀大比较大。

    And in a certain range of glass bead contents , the values B of maleic anhydride-grafted EPDM / silane-modified glass bead composites were higher .

  24. 马来酸酐接枝聚乙烯对无卤阻燃PE-HD护套料的改性研究

    PE-g-MAH Modified Halogen-Free Flame Retardant PE-HD for Cable Jackets

  25. 测定还发现CPP的稀释比值随其氯化度的增大而降低,CPP接枝马来酸酐接枝物的稀释比值随其接枝率的增加而减小。

    The laws that dilution ratio decreases with the increasing chlorine content and it declines with the increasing grafting yield are also found .

  26. 介绍以单螺杆挤出机进行马来酸酐接枝改性ABS,对接枝改性ABS的流动性、热性能和力学性能进行了探讨。

    Maleic anhydride is grafted on to the ABS with the aid of single screw extruder - The fluidity , thermal properties and mechanical behavior of modified ABS are also discussed .

  27. 研究结果表明:该热熔胶的主要成分为马来酸酐接枝高密度聚乙烯(PE-HDg-MAH)和乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA);

    IR spectrum showed that the hot melt adhesive is composed mainly of maleic anhydride grafted high-density polyethylene ( PE-HD-g-MAH ) and ethylene / vinyl acetate copolymer ( EVA ) .

  28. 研究了单体用量、界面剂种类和用量、助交联剂、体系pH值等因素对马来酸酐接枝率的影响。

    The effects of factors , such as monomer content , variety and dosage of interfacial agent , auxiliary crosslinking agent and pH value of the system , on the grafting ratio of MAH on PP were studied .

  29. 以镁盐晶须增强聚丙烯(PP)复合材料为研究对象,添加马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PPgMAH)1与PPgMAH2界面改性剂来改善两者界面粘合强度及提高复合材料的力学性能;

    It was focused on the polypropylene reinforced with whisker . By adding different interfacial modifiers : PP-g-MAH 1 and PP-g-MAH 2 , the interface adhesion and mechanical properties of the composites were improved .

  30. 马来酸酐接枝改性ABS,增容ABS/PC合金共混物,可提高合金的缺口抗冲击强度达1.5~2.5倍。

    ABS grafted with maleic anhydride was found to be a very good compatibilizer for the ABS / polycarbonate alloy , which increases the impact strength of the alloy 1.5 ~ 2.5 times .