
  • 网络marsden;E.Marsden
  1. 马斯登的结论与我们的理论完全一致。

    Marsden 's conclusions tie in with our theory perfectly .

  2. 马斯登和你们没有太大的区别。

    Marsden was not too different from you .

  3. 马斯登是个有意思的人。

    Marsden is an interesting character .

  4. 昨天我们讲了卢瑟福,盖革,马斯登,以及他们在金箔上所做的实验。

    Last day we looked at Rutherford , Geiger , Marsden and the experiment that they conducted on the gold foil .

  5. 我们不必考虑,它们的相对大小,因为从马斯登的计算中我们可以得知,就从我现在给你们演示的这种相对距离来说,这些电子将只是一些很微小的斑点。

    And I don 't have to worry about these relative dimensions because we know from Marsden 's calculations that , on the length scale that I have shown here , these would be just tiny little dots .

  6. 见鬼,他的名字配写在黑板上,马斯登,马斯登根据分析得出,核的半径,这是卢瑟福,插一句,创造了这个术语。

    Heck , he deserves to have his name on the board , Marsden So , Marsden concluded by his analysis that the radius of the nucleus , and this is Rutherford , by the way , coining this term .

  7. 她对父亲和马斯登有恋父情结,对情人达雷尔有着很强烈的力比多,对儿子有恋子情节,还有自身的生死本能。如此强大的本我使她在现实生活中反复失去并得到幸福。

    Containing Electra complex towards her father and Marsden , strong libido towards her lover Darrell , Jocasta complex towards her son , and life and death instincts , her powerful id leads her to repeatedly lose and regain happiness in her real life .