
jì shù ɡuǎn
  • counter tube;counting tube
  1. 用正比计数管探测单电子的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation in Detecting Single Electron with Proportional Counter Tube

  2. 在E/P值较高时存在一个峰值,正比计数管工作电压越高,次级电子数目越多;

    While E / P is high , there exists a peak value , the higher the working voltage of proportional counter tube , the more the number of secondary electron emitted .

  3. 正比计数管用于X射线荧光分析的研究

    Investigation of some problems about proportional counter used in X-ray fluorescence analysis

  4. 端窗类型的低能γ和X射线正比计数管

    The End Window γ Ray and X Ray Proportional Counter for Low Energy

  5. 软X射线流气正比计数管

    Flow Proportional Counter for Soft X - Ray Detection

  6. GM计数管死时间及其对辐射测量的影响

    Dead Time of GM Counter and Its Effect on Radioactive Measurement

  7. 测定GM计数管死时间的新方法

    A New Way of Measuring Dead Time of the GM Counter

  8. GM计数管脉冲供电电压对计数率的影响

    Influence of Pulsed Supply Voltage for GM Counter Count Rate

  9. GM计数管的失效规律研究

    The research on the failure regularity of GM counter tubes

  10. GM计数管对裂变中子的相对灵敏度

    The Relative Sensitivity of GM Counter to the Fission Neutrons

  11. 探测组件集成了多路独立GM计数管、数字成型及单片机电路。

    The monitor contains multi-channels GM tubes , digital and SCM circuits .

  12. GM计数管失效率试验与评价

    The G-M Counter 's Failure Rate Test and Comments

  13. 高压调制消除BF3计数管辐照效应

    Eliminating the irradiation effects in BF_3 counter by high voltage modulating

  14. 4πB计数管γ灵敏度和~(60)Co高计数率的测定

    Measurement of the Y Sensitivity of Two 4 πβ Proportional Counters and Measurement of High Count Rate ~ ( 60 ) Co Source

  15. BF3计数管阵列灵敏度标定和X光干扰观测

    Sensitivity calibration of BF 3 counter array and X ray radiation interference observation

  16. 计数管扫描平面侧向倾角造成的X射线应力测量值误差及其对某些复杂形状试件应力测量的影响

    The error caused by the side declining angle of the counter scanning plane and its effect to the X-ray stress measurement

  17. GM计数管的线性化

    Linearization of the GM Counter

  18. 一个与BF3计数管相匹配的实用前置放大器

    A Preamplifier for BF 3 Proportional Counter

  19. GM计数管的可靠性应当以失效的工作时间-寿命,以及在寿命期间的失效率来表征。

    The reliability of GM counter tubes should be described by useful time before failure life and failure rate during life .

  20. 实验结果表明,双计数管方案能够有效消除x射线源频闪所造成的随机误差,为开发新型密度计奠定了基础。

    The results show that double counter tubes programs can effectively eliminate random errors caused by X-ray stroboscopic , laying the foundation for a new density meter .

  21. 本文报道了一种宽量程、多功能的GM计数管电子个人剂量仪的主要设计特点和基本性能。

    This paper describes the main design features and basic properties of a GM tube electronic personal dosimeter with wide range and multi purposes .

  22. G-M计数管在环境γ辐射连续监测中的应用

    Application of G-M counter in environmental γ radiation continuous monitoring

  23. 内充气正比计数管系统绝对测量~(87)Kr放射性活度浓度

    Absolute Measurement of Activity Concentration of ~ ( 87 ) Kr by Using Internal Gas Proportional Counting

  24. G-M计数管对14MeV快中子的相对灵敏度

    The relative sensitivity ( K_u ) of G-M counter to 14 MeV neutrons

  25. 一种新的GM计数管Time-To-Count测量方法

    A new Time-To-Count measurement of GM tube

  26. 本文研究了双圆筒型4πβG-M计数管的一些性能及其探测效率。

    The paper researches some performance and detection efficiency of di-cylindrical 4 πβ G-M connter .

  27. 文中给出适于几种GM计数管死时间τ和计数率n之间关系的表达式,因而提供一个通过微机使GM计数管线性化的方法。

    A formula on the relationship between the dead-time and the counting rate used for several kinds of GM counter is proposed , and a method fo linearize GM counter by microcomputer is provided .

  28. 本文介绍用Z80微处理机测定盖革弥勒计数管的坪曲线的实验原理和测定的软硬件,以及应用电路与程序设计。

    In this paper , Z-80 microcomputer is used for measuring even-curve of G-M counter . The theory of experiment and sofeware and hardware including applied circuit and programmes have been given .

  29. 利用流气式正比计数管监测X射线强度,测得了KodakSWR底片对以上四种能量的X光的响应曲线。

    The X-ray intensities were monitored by proportional counters , we obtained sensitivity curves of Kodak SWR X-ray film for these different energy X rays .

  30. 本文报道了宽量程、多功能GM计数管X、γ个人剂量仪的设计要求、测量控制模型建立的方法及单片机控制软件的设计。

    This paper describes the design requirements for the MD III X ,γ personal dosimeter with wide range and multi purposes , the method of establishing measurement control model and the design of PIC microprocessor software .