
  • 网络Hong Kong flu;Hong Kong influenza
  1. 香港流感大爆发让我们见识到了传染病是如何在现代社会中传播的。

    The Hong Kong flu epidemic shows how a modern crisis might hit the world .

  2. 在1968年和1969年香港流感已造成世界上超过1000000人死亡的案例。

    Hong Kong Flu has been the cause of death of over 1,000,000 people around the world back in 1968 and 69 .

  3. 自1997年香港禽流感事件到目前为止,禽流感已造成了数百人感染及死亡,表明AI已经对人类健康构成了潜在的威胁,AI的研究具有重大公共卫生学意义。

    Since AI infected human causing disease and death in Hongkong in 1997 , there have been hundreds of people infected and killed by AIV , which suggests AI become a threat for humans , and raise great public health concern .

  4. 自从1997年香港发生禽流感,H5N1亚型高致病性禽流感已经引发东南亚许多国家的养禽业遭受了重大损失,并且陆续出现了禽流感感染人的事件。

    Since 1997 , highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses ( HPAI ) of the H5N1 subtype have caused numerous outbreaks in poultry in Southeast Asia , accompanied with the infected human case .

  5. 这是5年里香港首次爆发禽流感。

    This is the first bird flu outbreak at a Hong Kong farm in five years .

  6. 香港现时正步入流感高峰季节,曾医生呼吁市民要严格遵守个人及环境生,预防感染。

    As Hong Kong has entered the influenza peak season , Dr Tsang called on the public to strictly observe personal and environmental hygiene to prevent infection .

  7. 坐落于中国南部的香港将进入到流感季节高峰期,并有报道越来越多的学校爆发了流感。

    Hong Kong , which lies at the south of China , is going through a seasonal flu peak , with outbreaks reported in a growing number of schools .

  8. 由于香港现在收到禽流感感染,我们必须在未来的21天内对农场受到感染的活鸡进行限制,并且21天内暂停所有鸡禽类的进口,包括鸟类。我可以告诉你,在即将召开的香港玩具展上也不会有鸡肉供应。

    As Hong Kong is now affected by the birds flu , we will ban all the affected chickens from our farms for 21 days and also suspend all the imports of chicken and poultry , including birds for the next 21 days . I can tell you that there will no live chickens supply for the upcoming winder festival .

  9. 马利克.佩利斯在香港大学教授微生物学,11年前香港爆发禽流感时,他是发现H5N1型禽流感病毒的首批科学家之一,并参与了解析禽流感病毒基因图以及基因变异的研究小组的工作。

    Malik Peiris teaches microbiology at Hong Kong University . He was among the scientists who first identified the virus when it appeared in the city 11 years ago , and was part of a team that provided the genetic map of the bird flu virus and its mutations .