
  • 网络The Return of Hong Kong;Hong Kong Handover
  1. 香港回归有着深远的历史意义。

    The return of Hong Kong has a_profound_historical effect .

  2. 香港回归与其经济发展

    The Return of Hong Kong and Its Economic Development

  3. 此外,黄英豪称,尽管香港回归祖国已近24年,但由于一些香港居民,特别是年轻人不了解中国的历史和中国大陆的最新发展,香港的教育体系也需要彻底改革。

    In addition , Wong said the city 's educational system also needs an overhaul and reform as some residents , especially the youngsters , don 't understand the history of China and the Chinese mainland 's latest development despite the city 's return to the motherland almost 24 years ago .

  4. 到了1997年香港回归的时候,刘锡康重新将业务重心放在了中国,如今他的客户包括沃尔玛(wal-mart)和特易购(tesco)等公司。

    By 1997 when Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty Mr Lau had refocused his business in China and today his customers include the likes of Wal-Mart and Tesco .

  5. 香港回归8周年金融体系稳健发展

    Hong Kong Financial Industry Stably Developing after 8 Years Return

  6. 今天是香港回归纪念日。

    Today is the anniversity of Hongkong back to China .

  7. 香港回归中国是1997年的重要大事。

    Hong Kong 's return to China is a momentous event in1997 .

  8. 哦,就是香港回归中国的纪念塔。

    Oh , the tower to commemorate the return of Hong Kong to China .

  9. 我们永远不会忘记香港回归祖国的那一天。

    We can 't forget the day that Hongkong regress to China for ever .

  10. 中国人走资本主义的路线,远早于香港回归。

    The Chinese discovered capitalism way before Hong Kong was handed over to them .

  11. 香港回归在世界各地引起了很大的震动。

    The return on Hong Kong caused a big stir all over the world .

  12. 在庆祝香港回归二十三周年招待会上,林郑月娥发表了上述讲话。

    Lam made the remarks at a reception marking the 23rd anniversary of the return .

  13. 在香港回归仪式上初次公演。

    And premiered it at the handover .

  14. 历史最终会把一切都纳入正轨&香港回归的历史思考

    History Will Put Everything on the Right Course : Historical Reflections on the Reunification of Hongkong

  15. 对於香港回归中国,我们都感到光荣和自豪。

    We share a sense of dignity and pride that Hong Kong has returned to china .

  16. 香港回归后深圳港口的发展和深港港口合作研究

    Study on Development of Ports in Shenzhen and Cooperation of Ports Between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

  17. 它明确规定了1997年香港回归后,保持香港现行社会和经济制度不变。

    It stipulates that Hong Kong 's current social and economic systems would remain untouched after 1997 .

  18. 特别是1997年香港回归以后,香港和内地的贸易往来更加密切,合作层次也逐渐提高。

    After reunification in 1997 , Hong Kong and Mainland have closer relationship in economic and trade .

  19. 香港回归祖国以来,已经有了一个良好的开端,也一定会有更加美好的未来。

    Hongkong 's return has had a good beginning , and Hongkong 's future will be even brighter .

  20. 香港回归与亚太地区和平和繁荣

    On the Reversion of Hong Kong to its Motherland and Peace and Prosperity in the Asia Pacific Region

  21. 香港回归是彪炳中华民族史册的千秋功业

    Hong Kong 's return to the motherland is a shining page in the annals of the Chinese nation

  22. 香港回归祖国有了的开端,也会有美好的未来。

    Hong Kong 's return has had a good beginning and Hong Kong 's future will be even brighter .

  23. 香港回归祖国后,按照《基本法》实行高度自治。

    AFTER the reunification , Hong Kong has been enjoying a high degree of autonomy under the Basic Law .

  24. 关于香港回归后的新专利条例及同中国专利法的一些比较

    Discussion on the New Patents Ordinance in Hong Kong and some comparison with Chinese law after its return to China

  25. 中国在庆祝香港回归15周年之际出台了一系列举措。

    Hong Kong 's 15th anniversary of its return to China from British sovereignty has seen a welter of initiatives .

  26. 香港回归祖国以来,原有的资本主义制度和生活方式继续保持不变。

    Since Hong Kong 's return to China , its previous capitalist system and way of life have remained unchanged .

  27. 第二点,我们在香港回归以后,一直希望香港能早日走向繁荣。

    Second , we have always hoped that Hong Kong will move towards prosperity as quickly as possible after its return .

  28. 1997年香港回归中国时,“一国两制”的说法不绝于耳。

    When Hong Kong and China were reunified in 1997 , the mantra was " one country , two systems . "

  29. 20世纪90年代横跨1997年香港回归,是社会发生重大转折的10年,经历政治和经济的双重转型,安老问题愈发突出。

    During 1990 's , with Hong Kong facing political and economical reform , the aging problem became also increasingly prominent .

  30. 有一次,我接到一份港督府的晚宴请柬。在1997年香港回归前,港督府向来是历任港督的官邸。

    I received an invitation to dine at Government House , the traditional governor 's residence before Hong Kong 's handover in1997 .