
  1. 此外,黄英豪称,尽管香港回归祖国已近24年,但由于一些香港居民,特别是年轻人不了解中国的历史和中国大陆的最新发展,香港的教育体系也需要彻底改革。

    In addition , Wong said the city 's educational system also needs an overhaul and reform as some residents , especially the youngsters , don 't understand the history of China and the Chinese mainland 's latest development despite the city 's return to the motherland almost 24 years ago .

  2. 我们永远不会忘记香港回归祖国的那一天。

    We can 't forget the day that Hongkong regress to China for ever .

  3. 香港回归祖国以来,已经有了一个良好的开端,也一定会有更加美好的未来。

    Hongkong 's return has had a good beginning , and Hongkong 's future will be even brighter .

  4. 香港回归祖国有了的开端,也会有美好的未来。

    Hong Kong 's return has had a good beginning and Hong Kong 's future will be even brighter .

  5. 香港回归祖国后,按照《基本法》实行高度自治。

    AFTER the reunification , Hong Kong has been enjoying a high degree of autonomy under the Basic Law .

  6. 香港回归祖国以来,原有的资本主义制度和生活方式继续保持不变。

    Since Hong Kong 's return to China , its previous capitalist system and way of life have remained unchanged .

  7. 假如香港回归祖国之后真的有转变,就是香港人在思想模式上的转变。

    If there has been any change at all in Hong Kong since the Handover , it is in the mindset of our people .

  8. 香港回归祖国是中华民族的盛事,也是全世界瞩目的一件大事。

    The return of Hongkong to the motherland is both a great vitory for the Chinese nation and a great event attracting world-widee attention .

  9. 委员会很快便得出结论,就是随着香港回归祖国,我们有必要替香港确立鲜明的定位。

    The Commission has quickly fastened on to the fact that we need to establish a distinct position for ourselves , following the reunification .

  10. 我坚信,香港回归祖国,实行“一国两制”,前途必定更加辉煌。

    I firmly believe , as a special administrative region of China , the future of Hong Kong will be more glorious and more successful .

  11. 125.香港回归祖国后,更多市民希望多认识祖国伟大的历史、文化和传统。

    125 . Since reunification there has been a noticeable trend among our people of wanting to know more about our country 's proud culture , history and heritage .

  12. 今年七月一日,香港回归祖国。香港的历史进入了实行「一国两制」的新的进程。

    The reunification with China on1 July this year marks the beginning of a new era in which Hong Kong will be administered under the concept of " one country , two systems " .

  13. 香港回归祖国已约有五个月,今天,我很高兴告诉各位,我们生活在香港的人,仍然充满自豪和信心,向前迈进。

    It is about five months since the reunification of Hong Kong with china . I am glad to tell you today that we continue to move forward in Hong Kong with pride and confidence .

  14. 我们在充分肯定香港回归祖国15年来取得巨大成就的同时,也要清醒地看到香港社会仍然存在一些深层次矛盾和问题。

    While fully recognizing the remarkable achievements Hong Kong has made since its return to the motherland 15 years ago , we should also be sober-minded of the deep-seated problems and challenges in the Hong Kong society .

  15. 香港回归祖国后,法定语文事务署为使公务员更好地直接运用中文撰写公文,编纂了《政府公文写作手册》一书。

    After the return of Hong Kong to the motherland , the Legal Chinese Affairs Office edited 《 Governmental Document Writing Handbook 》 in order that the public servants are able to write official document in Chinese practically and directly .

  16. 第一章论述香港回归祖国之前的司法审查,包括香港司法审查的理论基础、法律依据和内容,其中涉及到对香港司法审查与英国司法审查的比较分析。

    Chapter one analyzes judicial review in Hong Kong before its returning to China , including the theoretical foundation , legal basis and contents of judicial review in Hong Kong . This chapter analyzes the differences between judicial review in Britain and that in Hong Kong .

  17. 姜恩柱在北京发表讲话时说道,“一国两制”方针的成功体现在它不仅使香港回归祖国,同时还实现了“港人治港”,并使该地区的发展得以保持。

    Speaking in beijing , Jian Enzhu said this success was demonstrated by the fact that the policy had enabled the return of Hong Kong to china , while at the same time allowing Hong Kong people to govern Hong Kong and maintain the region 's development .

  18. 香港自回归祖国以来,保持了原有的社会、经济制度不变,生活方式不变和法律基本不变。

    Since its return , Hongkong 's previous social ecnomical system and way of life have remain unchanged , and its law has been basically unchanged .

  19. 香港现已回归祖国,保障国家安全,是天经地义的事,每个人都应该履行这一份最基本的公民责任。

    Following our return to the motherland , ensuring national security has become the natural and basic civic responsibility for each one of us to observe and practise .

  20. 香港、澳门回归祖国以来,“一国两制”方针和基本法得到全面贯彻执行。

    Since the return of HK and Macao , the policy of " One country , two systems " and the Basic Law have been implemented comprehensively .

  21. 香港和澳门回归祖国,丰富了“一国两制”的理论和实践。

    The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland has enriched the concept of " one country , two systems " in both theory and practice .

  22. 香港、澳门回归祖国后,按照《香港特别行政区基本法》和《澳门特别行政区基本法》的规定,实行不同于内地的法律制度。

    Since the return of Hong Kong and Macao to China , as stipulated by the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Basic Law of Macao Special Administrative Region respectively , the legal systems practiced in the two regions differ from that of the mainland .

  23. 自香港、澳门先后回归祖国,海峡两岸的统一已属历史的必然。

    Since Hong Kong and Macao has returned to China , the unity across the Taiwan Strait has already been a historical necessity .

  24. 香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥表示,《国家安全法》是中国香港回归祖国以来最重要的发展。

    Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam is calling the national security legislation the most important development since the city 's return to China .