
  1. 起步区作为雄安新区主城区,肩负着集中承接北京非首都功能疏解的时代重任。起步区规划面积约198平方公里。

    The start-up area will be part of the Xiongan city proper , which will cover 198 square km .

  2. 日本首都功能转移考

    Research on the Capital Functions Relocation of Japan

  3. 未能从首都功能上考虑调整和发展问题;

    The development and adjustment are not accommodated to the function of the Capital ;

  4. 本文主要介绍日本政府与学术界正在积极进行的日本首都功能转移的研究课题。

    The paper introduces a long-term project of the capital function relocation of Japan that is undertaken by the central government and academic society .

  5. 中国于2017年宣布建立雄安新区的计划,以疏解北京非首都功能。

    China announced plans to establish the Xiong'an New Area in 2017 to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China 's capital .

  6. 依据首都功能定位,京煤集团制定了产业结构调整,实施煤炭与电力产业外迁的发展战略。

    Based on functional orientation of the capital , Jingmei Group formulated the development strategy of industrial structure adjustment , and moving the coal and electric industry elsewhere .

  7. 到2035年,首都功能核心区常住人口规模控制在170万人左右,地上建筑规模控制在1.19亿平方米左右。

    By 2035 , the permanent population in Beijing 's core area will be around 1.7 million , and the floor area of above-ground buildings will be around 119 million square meters .

  8. 新的首都功能区的建设,在生产力和文化发展以及人民根本利益方面,完全符合“三个代表”的思想。

    The construction of a new capital functional area fits in with the essence of " three represents " in terms of production power and culture development as well as the citizens ' fundamental interests .

  9. 由于京津冀协同发展的重大国家战略要求有序疏解北京非首都功能,为了调整经济结构,所以该地块已经改造建成公园。

    Thanks to the strategy of coordinated development of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei which requires the capital city to eschew its non-capital functions , the place has been reshaped into a park following economic restructuring .

  10. 在城市建设用地人口承载力中,采用人均指标法分区域进行评价,得出首都功能核心区人口处于超载状态;功能拓展区人口承载潜力有限等。

    Per capita index method used to evaluate the urban construction land population capability in the sub-region . The conclusion is that the existing population scale has exceeded the reasonable capability of the core area of the capital function , and there is some construction potentiality in functional development district .

  11. 首都城市功能叠加论

    On the Overlap Function of the Capital City

  12. 本文旨在从政治学角度研究首都城市功能,为首都城市更好地发挥在国家现代化建设中的龙头作用提供理论依据。

    This paper , by studying functions of capital cities from the perspective of politics , aims at providing a theoretical basis for these cities so that they play the leading roles better in states ' modernization constructions .

  13. 日本首都圈城市功能分类与空间组织结构

    The Function Classification and Spatial Organizational Structure of Japan 's Capital Megapolis

  14. 本文通过使用文献综述、实地调研、对比分析等方法对于首都跨界水源功能区的生态补偿进行了实证研究,拟为建立长期有效的生态补偿机制,促进区域经济协调发展提供政策建议。

    By using methods of literature review , investigation and comparative analysis this thesis takes a empirical study for the ecological compensation of Capital cross-border water functional source area and provides policy suggestions to establish a long-term effective mechanism and promote the harmonious development of the regional economy .

  15. 首都经济有广义和狭义之分,狭义首都经济是指和首都功能相联系的经济,广义首都经济还包括北京经济。

    Capital Economy possess dual definations , in a narrow sense , Capital Economy means an economy which link the specified functions of capital of China , while in a broad sense , it contains the regional economy in Beijing other than the above .