
fēi xiáng
  • fly;flight;hover;flit;circle in the air
飞翔 [fēi xiáng]
  • (1) [hover]∶回旋而飞

  • 一群海鸥在轮船上空飞翔

  • (2) [fly;flit]∶飞

  • 海燕叫喊着,飞翔着,像,像黑色的闪电,箭一般地穿过乌云

  • 云雀在薄薄的熹微中上下飞翔

飞翔[fēi xiáng]
  1. 这种鸟尾部末端有一条黑带,飞翔时很容易认出来。

    The bird is easily recognized in flight by the black band at the end of its tail .

  2. 飞翔的梦就是引诱者的引诱之梦。

    The dream of flight is the dream a seductive seducer .

  3. 燕子在万里无云的蓝天飞翔。

    There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky

  4. 许多鸟儿在空中飞翔。

    There were many birds flying in the air .

  5. 天空中有几只鸟儿在飞翔。

    There are some birds flying in the sky .

  6. 一群海鸥在甲板上空飞翔。

    A flock of sea gulls are hovering over the deck .

  7. 瞧,一架飞机在天空飞翔!

    Look , a plane is flying in the sky .

  8. 燕子自由自在地飞翔。

    Swallows fly about , carefree and at liberty .

  9. 许多鸟儿在空中飞翔。

    Many birds are flying in the air .

  10. 他们喜欢看鸟儿在花园里的树间飞翔。

    They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden .

  11. 所有的动物都在这个面积达125英亩的美丽花园里快乐地飞翔、跳跃和玩耍。

    All are flying , jumping and playing happily in 125 acres of wonderful gardens .

  12. 第二天早上,国王看到另一只猎鹰在天空中自由飞翔。

    The next morning , the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely .

  13. 你们都喜欢出门散步,而我是出门飞翔。

    You like to go out for a walk , but I go out for a fly .

  14. 而它又老又重的翅膀加上身上厚厚的羽毛,让它难以飞翔。

    And its old and heavy wings with thick feathers on its body make it difficult to fly .

  15. 如果蝴蝶不挣扎着离开蛹,那它就不会学会飞翔!

    If the butterfly doesn 't struggle ( ; ) to leave the chrysalis , it can 't fly !

  16. 我们心中也有“一对飞翔的翅膀”,但我们总是忽略它们,为了安全和舒适而停滞不前。

    We all have " two flying wings " in our hearts as well , but we often seem not to notice them and stay where we are just for safety and comfort .

  17. 它望着天空中展翅飞翔的大鹏,忍不住发笑,说:

    It looked up at the roc soaring in the sky and couldn ’ t help laughing .

  18. 那个不断地在空中飞翔的死的恐怖把一切别的感觉都赶走了

    Their only thought was of the fiery harbingers of death streaking through the sky above them .

  19. 一只老鹰虽然变成了斑鸠,但他在飞翔的时候就忘记了这一点。

    Although an eagle had changed into a cushat , it forgot all this while it was flying .

  20. 思想如同小鸟儿,一旦被关进笼子里,或许能展开翅膀,但再也不能飞翔。

    Thought is like a bird , and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings , but not fly .

  21. 但是,它们行动的时候,总是成群结队,相依为命,一起飞翔,一起降落。

    But when they moved about , they always moved in groups , depended on one another for survival , and flew and landed together .

  22. 它张开翅膀能冲破风暴,在九万里高的天空中飞翔,一直飞向南方的大海。

    When it spread its wings , it could break through a storm and soar at a height of 90000 li ( 1 / 2 kilometre ) in the sky towards the sea in the south .

  23. 凯文Q.如果人类长出了轮子并且能在空中飞翔,那么要怎么把他们和飞机区分开来?——匿名提问�

    Q. If people had wheels and could fly , how would we differentiate them from airplanes ?

  24. “飞狼”伊塞亚-莱德,1994年扣篮大赛冠军,虽然体胖如牛,但莱德在扣篮时依然轻盈,飞翔的瞬间也相当NB。

    Iraq to fill Asian-Lyde , in1994 buckled the basket big game champion , although body fat like cow , but Lyde when buckled the basket still lithe , soaring instantaneous also quite NB .

  25. 本文探讨了用DPH作为荧光探剂,研究家蝇飞翔肌线粒体膜脂流动性的方法。

    This present paper dealt with the method of study on the fluidity of mitochondrial membrane from housefly flight muscles using DPH as a fluorescence probe .

  26. 昆虫线粒体的结构和功能的研究Ⅰ.粘虫蛾(LeucaniaseparataWalker)飞翔肌线粒体的氧化磷酸化作用

    Studies on the structure and functions of the mitochondria of insects ⅰ . respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria isolated from the flight muscles of the armyworm moth , Leucania separata Walker

  27. 它们的飞翔能力使得它们能迅速飞抵远处。

    Their flying ability permits the rapid covering of great distances .

  28. 雪白的鸽子盘旋飞翔,流淌下一串悦耳的哨音。

    White pigeon wheel and hover , trickling the melodious whistle .

  29. 兔子没有看到鹰在高空中飞翔。

    Rabbit does not see Eagle flying high in the sky .

  30. 雪的来临,它在原野上飞翔。

    Arrives the snow , and , driving o'er the fields .