
  • 网络soar;surge;skyrocket
  1. 在大型传统零售商中,沃尔玛最近公布了最佳业绩,致其股价飙升,而梅西百货、塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙的股价下跌。

    Among large traditional retailers , Walmart recently reported the best results , leading its stock price to surge , while Macy 's , Target , and Nordstrom 's dropped .

  2. 在2007年和2008年,世界粮食价格的飙升——以及它们给食品安全带来的威胁——和过去的上涨相比,有了不一样的、更令人不安的特性。

    The surge in world grain prices in 2007 and 2008 — and the threat they pose to food security —— has a different , more troubling quality than the increases of the past .

  3. 科技热潮使得股价飙升到极高的水平。

    The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere .

  4. 汽车犯罪数量不断飙升是全国性的问题。

    The rising number of car crimes is a nationwide problem .

  5. 尽管多次尝试节食,她的体重仍然飙升了。

    Despite numerous attempts to diet , her weight soared .

  6. 乡村的房价正在飙升。

    Houses in the village are selling for astronomical prices

  7. 利润从1981年的零收益飙升至去年的1,600万。

    Profits zoomed from nil in 1981 to about 16 million last year .

  8. 两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。

    Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment , large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors .

  9. 德斯·奥康纳预计会飙升至圣诞畅销唱片排行榜的榜首,这将让他的批评者都笑不出来。

    Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade .

  10. 学费飙升和收入下降导致了更大的债务负担。

    Soaring tuitions and declining incomes have resulted in larger debt burdens .

  11. 尽管有北极熊的悲剧,碳排放量也在飙升,但大多数人很难相信全球变暖会对他们个人产生影响。

    Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring , most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally .

  12. 尽管有这些临时举措,在许多其他国家,不断飙升的粮食价格和逐步蔓延的饥饿开始对其社会秩序造成破坏。

    In spite of such temporary measures , soaring food prices and spreading hunger in many other countries are beginning to break down the social order .

  13. NPD集团的新调查发现,自从实行封锁以来,睫毛膏的销量相比去年上升了55%,眉妆产品销量飙升了78%——这可能是提供除毛和脱毛服务的美容院关门的结果。

    In new research by The NPD Group , it was found that since the start of lockdown , mascara sales are up 55 percent against the previous year , and eyebrow providing threading and waxing treatments .

  14. 一份报告称,外骨骼的销量会因此飙升。

    One report says sales are now due to rocket as a result .

  15. 哇,你们的价格在飙升啊,我们是不可能接受这个价格的。

    Your price has soared ! It is impossible for us to accept it .

  16. 这被称为“手部拉皮”。英国医生杰克这几个月来接待的手部拉皮顾客人数飙升,增长了4倍。

    The procedure is called a ' handacial ' and Dr Jack has seen a four-fold increase in requests for it in recent months .

  17. 可能你经常会见到医生就血压飙升,还可能会晕针或晕血。

    You may regularly experience a rise in blood pressure on visiting the doctor . You may be afraid of needles and the sight of blood .

  18. 据美国国家眼科研究所2009年的一项研究显示,自20世纪70年代初,美国人近视的比例飙升了66%;

    The prevalence of myopia , the condition ’ s medical name , in Americans has soared by 66 percent since the early 1970s , according to a 2009 study by the National Eye Institute ;

  19. 答:虽然大多数水果被消化的时间较长,但香蕉和葡萄的果糖含量极高,考虑到它们的纤维含量,它们会让血糖飙升得更快。

    While most fruits make a slow journey through the digestive tract1 , bananas and grapes are particularly high in fructose given the amount of fiber2 they contain , so they give us a faster sugar spike3 .

  20. 目前尚不清楚是什么导致了心碎综合征,但据了解,丧亲之痛、车祸、地震甚至婚礼等喜事急性应激引起的肾上腺素急剧飙升,会导致部分心壁运动丧失,进而诱发急性心衰。

    It is unclear what causes takotsubo , but sharp spikes3 in adrenaline caused by acute stress like bereavement4 , car accidents , earthquakes and even happy events such as weddings are understood to drive loss of movement in part of the heart wall , which then precipitates5 the acute heart failure .

  21. 但随着大宗商品价格飙升,批评美联储(FederalReserve)的零利率已成为美国人茶余饭后的新话题。

    Criticizing the Federal Reserve 's zero-interest-rate policy is the new national pastime , thanks to a surge in commodity prices .

  22. 中国中信银行(chinaciticbank)、南京银行(bankofnanjing)和交通银行(bankofcommunications)在上海上市的首日股价都飙升近一倍。

    The shares of China CITIC Bank , Bank of Nanjing and Bank of communications nearly doubled on their first day of trading in Shanghai .

  23. 私人信贷与GDP的比率从2000年的100%左右飙升至2008年的230%。

    The ratio of private credit to GDP jumped from around 100 per cent in 2000 to 230 per cent in 2008 .

  24. 不过,北京师范大学(beijingnormaluniversity)学者贺力平估计,近几个月来,这一比例已飙升至高达70%的水平。

    However , he Liping , an academic at Beijing Normal University , estimates that in recent months that figure has jumped to as many as 70 per cent of buyers .

  25. 尽管中国国内生产总值(gdp)每年以两位数的速度飙升,但耕地面积的增长却或多或少限于停滞。

    While Chinese gross domestic product shoots up annually at double-digit rates , the area of planted farmland is more or less static .

  26. TNT快递股价飙升逾30%。

    TNT Express shares jumped more than 30 per cent .

  27. 危机前,信贷迅速扩张,但危机之后,信贷与gdp比率的下滑幅度正与危机前的飙升幅度相当。

    It expands rapidly before crises , but post-crash the ratio of credit to GDP declines by an amount comparable to the pre-crisis surge .

  28. 据咨询公司EVADimensions的估算,沃尔玛的经济利润投资者最关心的一项标准多年来一路飙升。

    Its economic profit , the measure that investors care about most , has been rocketing for years , calculates the EVA dimensions consulting firm .

  29. 在那些上市首日股价飙升、并因此在公共市场引起轰动的公司担任CEO,现在看起来真像是一场职业冒险。

    Being a CEO of a company that made a splash in the public markets with high-flying IPOs is starting to look like a job hazard .

  30. 与此同时,随着平板电脑的销售飙升,苹果即将推出新的、或许是目前iPad增强版的平板电脑。

    Meanwhile , Apple is set to launch the new and presumably enhanced version of the iPad today , as tablet sales surge .