
  1. 第五章以3G项目为例分析了实物期权方法下的风险投资决策,并将结论与NPV模型进行比较。

    Part 5 takes 3G project as an example and analyzes venture investment decision in real option method , and compares the conclusion with NPV model .

  2. 通过引入期权定价理论,一方面使得传统的核心方法NPV法有用武之地,同时克服了其缺陷,较好地解决了风险投资决策中不确定性因素的问题。

    The application of option pricing theory can not only make the NPV method more useful and overcome its defects but also solve the problem of uncertainty factors in risk investment decision .

  3. 本研究在展望理论、战略参照点理论和Ordonez等人2000年关于多重参照点的研究基础上,采用风险投资决策任务,从认知角度研究风险决策中的多重参照点效应。

    Based on prospect theory , strategic management theory and the multiple reference points research by Ordonez et al . , this work studied the effects of multiple reference points in risky decision making process from cognitive perspectives .

  4. 复合期权的定价及其在风险投资决策中的应用

    The Pricing of Compound Option and Its Application in Risk Investment

  5. 风险投资决策中的错误研究

    The Error Research in Decision-making of Ventrue Capital On power capital INVESTMENT

  6. 模糊逻辑在风险投资决策中的应用

    An Application of Fuzzy Logic in the Risk Capital Decision

  7. 对风险投资决策中H.Markowitz均值-方差模型的推广

    Generalizations of H. Markowitz 's Model of Expectation-Variance for Risk Investment Decision

  8. 一种带有模糊信息的风险投资决策方法

    A Decision Method for Venture Capital Investments with Fuzzy Information

  9. 高新技术风险投资决策评估方法研究

    A Study on Valuation Methods of Venture Capital Investment for China High-Tech Industry

  10. 不确定决策的专长:对风险投资决策的研究

    Research on Venture Capitalists ' Expertise in Decision Making

  11. 分阶段风险投资决策实物期权价值分析&分阶段投资的延期效应与风险效应

    The Real Option Value of the Multi-Period Venture Investment

  12. 延迟期权与风险投资决策研究

    The study of the Option to Defer Investment and Decision-making of Venture Project Investment

  13. 国际工程项目风险投资决策的研究

    The Research on Risk Decision-making of International Project

  14. 我国农业减灾风险投资决策的经济学判据

    Economic criteria for decision making on venture capital for agricultural disaster reduction in China

  15. 风险投资决策的特点分析

    Analysis of Features of Venture Capital Dicision Making

  16. 行为金融指导下的风险投资决策

    Venture Capital Decision Making By Behavioral Finance Theory

  17. 企业风险投资决策研究

    Investment Decision & making in an Enterprise

  18. 风险投资决策分析方法探讨

    Discussion of risk investment decision analysis method

  19. 风险投资决策行为的理论研究与税收政策分析

    Research on the Theory of Venture Capital Decision & Analysis on the Policy of Tax

  20. 房地产风险投资决策是复杂的多目标决策问题。

    It is a complex problem of multi-objective decision making on venture investment in estate .

  21. 本文集中讨论了风险投资决策机制的设计、应用与动态调整。

    Then discuss mainly the design , application and dynamic adjustment of the decision mechanism of venture investment .

  22. 由于劳动力市场信息不对称,招聘大学生是一种风险投资决策。

    Under asymmetric information of job market , recruiting college students is a risky investment decision to make .

  23. 因此,寻找适合我国国情和经济运行条件的油气勘探开发风险投资决策评价方法具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Therefore it is of great significance to find an appropriate investment appraisal method under China 's current economic situation .

  24. 而且为我国信托业投资者提供了风险投资决策的依据。

    Besides , it provides the investors in the trust industry in our country with the guideline to risk investment decisions .

  25. 实物期权越来越受到风险投资决策者的关注。

    The real option is concerned by the decision maker of risk , and became more and more important to them .

  26. 本文通过与传统方法的比较分析进一步明确了实物期权理论在我国油气勘探开发风险投资决策的适用性和可行性。

    The paper analyzed appraisal model through comparing traditional method , as well as problems of real options theory in oil exploration and development .

  27. 只有这样,我们才能在风险投资决策中运筹帷幄,才能推动高新技术的发展,最终促进国民经济的又好又快发展。

    Only in this way can we plotting coups at risk investment decisions , promote the development of high technology , and promote the national economy developing quickly and well .

  28. 本研究将风险投资决策作为不确定决策任务,采用专家-新手比较研究范型,通过出声思维法和访谈法,探讨了专家和新手不确定决策认知过程的差异。

    In this research the authors used venture investment decision making as the tasks of decision making under uncertainty to compare the difference of the cognitive processes of expert and novice decision makers .

  29. 摘要鉴于风险投资决策传统方法的局限性及风险投资的期权特性,根据金融期权的定价方法,引出实物期权的定价公式。

    Considering the limitation in traditional investment risk decision-making and the options features in risk investment , the paper derives pricing formula in real options transaction , which has been applied in financial options .

  30. H.Markowitz均值一方差模型适用于风险投资决策,在这一模式基础上,通过改造推广建立了一类组合投资决策的新模型。

    Generalizations of H. Markowitz 's Model applies to risk investment decision . On the basis of this model , a new model of combined investment is established by means of reforming and spreading .