
fēng yuè
  • wind and moon;gentle breeze and bright moonlight;matters concerning a love;seductive arts of a woman
风月 [fēng yuè]
  • (1) [gentle breeze and bright moonlight]∶本指清风明月

  • 初秋凉夕,风月甚美。——《南史·褚彦回传》

  • (2) [matters concerning a love;seductive arts of a woman]∶男女情爱

  • 如今长大了,渐知风月。——《红楼梦》

风月[fēng yuè]
  1. TLC电视台在2000名英国成年人中发起了这项调查,该电视台发言人称:“接吻是电影中的重要场景,研究哪个接吻镜头最具影响力是很有意思的事情。”《风月俏佳人》中的防火梯之吻位列第四。

    A spokesman for TLC , who conducted the research of 2000 UK adults , said : ' Kisses are such a big part of movies so it 's fascinating to see which ones have had the biggest impact .

  2. 在那里,她成了威廉姆·巴勒斯(WilliamBurroughs)的门客,经常参加派对,混迹于那个时代的市中心风月场,与让-米切尔·巴斯奎特(Jean-MichelBasquiat)交往过一段时间。

    There , she became a prot é g é of William Burroughs , partied hard and ran with the downtown demimonde of the era , dating Jean-Michel Basquiat for a time .

  3. 脱衣舞舞女与风月高手玛嘉蕾莎•吉尔特伊达•泽利麦克劳德(MargarethaGeertruida“Margreet”ZelleMacLeod)被当局逮捕前一直居住于此,玛塔•哈丽(MataHari)的艺名更为人熟知,她被控犯有间谍罪,并于1917年被法国行刑队枪决。

    This is where exotic dancer and temptress Margaretha Geertruida " Margreet " Zelle MacLeod , better known as Mata Hari , stayed before she was arrested , charged with espionage and shot by a French firing squad in 1917 .

  4. 它首度揭开了青楼风月的迷人画皮,暴露出妓院娼肆的阴暗。

    It has exposed the brothel dark side for the first time .

  5. 我就像理查·基尔,而你们俩是我的风月佳人。

    I 'm like Richard Gere and you 're my two hookers .

  6. 你带着满载风月的路途,我跟着你,

    You take the lead I 'll follow you around ,

  7. 我们都看过《风月俏佳人》和《吻别》。

    We 've seen both A Prelude to a Kiss and A Kiss Before Dying .

  8. 《扬州风月记》词语札记扬州&上海:晚清小说中都市繁华梦的变迁

    Yangzhou-Shanghai : the Vicissitude of Urban Prosperity in the Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty

  9. 堪叹古今情不尽,可怜风月债难酬&简论古典诗词的爱情体验意识

    Oh ! Endless Love , Unpaid ! & Brief Comment on the Consciousness of Love Experience in Ancient Poetry

  10. 望月是风月场中的老手,让我领略了什么叫做万种风情。

    The love affair is a chimera market veteran , I got a taste of what types of lifestyles .

  11. 她问道:奶奶,我们应该如何节制那风月之事,不使激情冷却呢?

    She asked " Grandma , how often should we have it so that the passion would last " .

  12. 真的爱都不容易收,恨老来风月,从此共谁同醉?

    I really love is not easy to close , hate old brothels , from whom the same were drunk ?

  13. 《风月梦》作为海派狭邪小说的先声,具有突出的文本示范意义。

    As the harbinger of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel ,《 Feng Yue Meng 》 has the prominent text demonstration significance .

  14. 在这种新型的商业都市文化中,扬州的青楼风月文化,最具魅力的内容及标志之一。

    In this kind of new business culture , the bawdy flirting culture is one of the most magical contents and signs .

  15. “风月宝鉴”是全书的一个大隐喻,书中通过各种与镜子有关的情节巧妙地暗示出“盛衰荣辱”的大主题。

    The fiction ingeniously implies the major theme of rise and decline , weal and woe through its various plots related to the mirror .

  16. 并计算出1975~1999年6、7、8各月及夏季Is的数据,给出了强、弱夏季风月和年。

    The results of Is of June , July , August from 1975 ~ 1999 have been calculated and the strong and weak monsoon years have been given .

  17. 在电影《风月俏佳人》里,朱莉娅•罗伯茨遭到贝弗利·希尔斯的一家服装店店员的粗鲁对待,因为店员认为她买不起店里昂贵的衣服。

    In the movie " Pretty Woman , " Julia Roberts ' character is treated rudely by a salesperson in a Beverly Hills store who believes she can 't afford to shop for expensive clothing .

  18. 至清代《红楼梦》中,镜子成为作品的五个题名之&《风月宝鉴》,整部作品中都隐含着一面大镜子,照出了芸芸众生相,深化了作品的主题。

    To the Qing dynasty in a dream of red mansions , the mirror works become one of the five title - " Chinese ancient " pretty , the whole works , implies a large mirror , according to a person , to deepen the theme of his works .