
  1. 有的是都市美男族(由于应用范围太广,这个词已经过时),他们对自己颜值的迷恋程度堪比《美国杀人魔》(AmericanPsycho)中的帕特里克·贝特曼(PatrickBateman);

    the metrosexual ( a term that 's already become obsolete because it applies to such a broad spectrum ) , who tends to his appearance as obsessively as does Patrick Bateman in " American Psycho " ;

  2. 我的名字叫Amanda,我已经患上了一种我称之为“Facebook效应”的综合征。也就是当我越沉迷于社交媒体或其他注重颜值的平台,我就会越在乎自己的外表。

    My name is Amanda , and I suffer from a syndrome I call the " Facebook Effect . " The more intertwined Ibecome with social media or any other image-heavy platform , the more obsessed I become with my appearance .

  3. 很少有观众只冲着演员的颜值买票。

    Few moviegoers would pay to just see an actor 's face .

  4. 章泽天遗传了她母亲的颜值。

    Zhang Zetian got her looks from her mother .

  5. 颜值太低,口音很怪,还是缺少承诺?

    Below average looks ? A weird accent ? Or a lack of commitment ?

  6. 也许我们该尝试雇用颜值高的老师。

    Maybe we should try hiring better-looking teachers .

  7. 心理学家发现,女性往往对颜值高的男性更为宽容,更愿意原谅他们的过失。

    Women are more likely to tolerate bad behaviour in handsome men , psychologists claim .

  8. 研究人员还发现高智商的人通常颜值也高。

    Researchers have also found that those with a high IQ tend to be better looking .

  9. 口译在这里代表着名誉和加分项,就如同剧中程家阳的财富和颜值一样。

    It 's a mark of prestige and desirability , just like Cheng 's wealth and appearance .

  10. 在此之前,另一组男士已经对这些女性的颜值做出了评判,他们认为这些女性中有一半面容姣好,另一半长相平庸。

    A different group of men had judged half of the women as attractive and the half unattractive .

  11. 早期研究指出,大家认为颜值高的人更有能力、更聪明、更有说服力,而且更擅长社交。

    Earlier studies have found that good-looking people are considered more capable , intelligent , persuasive and socially skilled .

  12. 世界上先有了老师,然后才有了高颜值的老师……你们懂的。

    There are teachers ... and then there are hot teachers . You know what I 'm talking about .

  13. 闹钟还能改善人的睡眠,而且颜值还挺高?

    It 's hard to believe that an alarm clock could not only be beautiful but also improve your sleep .

  14. 我想告诉你的是:我打破了颜值定律并让他们变得有利于自己。

    I will just tell you I rejected the rules of the beautiful , and learned how to make them work for me .

  15. 然而,这一屋子的会计师都达到了普通人群中很大一部分人无法达到的颜值标准。

    Yet this roomful of accountants all achieved a minimum standard of looks that a large slice of the general population fails to match .

  16. 长得不好看也可以帮你战胜一些颜值高的人而获得一份工作,但只有在负责招聘的人将你视为竞争对手的时候。

    It can also help you get hired over someone handsome - but only when the person doing the hiring sees you as competition .

  17. 我们通常更喜欢颜值高的人,他们在选举中得票更多,在工作中薪水更高。

    We treat pretty people more favorably in general , often vote for them more in elections , and pay them more in their professions .

  18. 招聘人员和经理们如此看重颜值,以至于调查发现,颜值高的人收入要比颜值低的人高10%左右;

    Recruiters and managers are so faceist that the good looking have been found to earn some 10 per cent more than the bad looking ;

  19. 颜值高成为很多粉丝追剧的原因,尤其是风度翩翩的帅哥钟汉良(40岁)和大美女唐嫣(31岁)。

    Many fans follow the series because of all the pretty faces , especially stunner Tiffany Tang , 31 , and the well-dressed Wallace Chung , 40 .

  20. 我们在互联网时代变得越来越看重颜值,这从某种角度看很奇怪,因为我们现在更多地发送电子邮件,而不是与人见面。

    In a way it is odd that we should be becoming more faceist in an internet age in which we send emails rather than meet people .

  21. 为了向这项研究致敬,以下盘点美丽与智慧并重,在网络上爆红的高颜值老师。

    In honor of this study , here are some handsome teachers having taken the internet by storm for being the perfect mix of beauty and brains 。

  22. 你明白无论你怎改变,除非整形,你永远不会属于高颜值的团体。

    It 's that you simply know that no matter what you do , sans literal plastic surgery , you will never belong to a certain club .

  23. 因此,如果你的老师颜值很高,你很可能更愿意去听从他的安排,完成他布置的任务。

    So , if you think your teacher is hot , you 're more likely to do what he or she says and get your work done .

  24. 至少这项新研究含蓄地肯定了颜值的影响。更令人惊讶的是,研究员认为,无论老师和学生的性别是否相同,性兴趣都不能解释这种结果。

    More surprising : The researchers don 't think that sexual interest explains the results , which held up whether the teacher and students were of the same sex or not .

  25. 如果我回忆一下自己孩子的朋友里那些在会计师事务所、银行、咨询公司和律师行找到工作的年轻人,他们的颜值都远高于平均水平。

    If I think of the friends of my children who have landed jobs in accountancy , banking , consulting and the law , all are of far above average appearance .

  26. “高颜值”,或者“面部分数爆表”,是指某人好看,而低颜值则意味着人长得比较难看。

    A high face score , or a " face score detonation , " means that someone is good-looking , while a low face score means that someone is on the uglier side .

  27. 在所有实验中,参与者都明显更不愿雇佣颜值高的求职者从事不太理想的工作,而更愿意雇佣他们从事更理想的工作。

    In all experiments where they were asked , participants were significantly less likely to hire the attractive candidate for the less desirable job and more likely to hire the attractive candidate for the more desirable job .

  28. 据《纽约时报》消息,《实验心理学季刊》曾在2014年刊登过一项研究,研究发现男性和女性参与者都认为淡妆状态下的女性颜值最高。

    According to The New York Times , a 2014 study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology found that both male and female participants thought " regular " women looked best when they applied a moderate amount of makeup .

  29. 假设有这么一个地方,你可以坐下来和一位高颜值的韩国美女随意攀谈,甚至一个便宜简单的礼物就会让其夸赞送礼物的人。

    Imagine there 's a place where someone can go and sit down for an intimate chat with a gorgeous South Korean beauty ; a place where even a simple cheap gift will cause her to blush with praise for the gift-giver .

  30. 它保留了原著之美,加之演员们高质量的颜值,让观众大饱眼福,又满足了女孩们的爱情幻想。最重要的是,它鼓励所有人要抓住一切机会追求幸福。

    It maintains the beauty of the novel , adds cute faces to create a feast for the eyes , satisfies many girls ' fantasies about love , and most importantly , encourages all of us to seize every available opportunity to embrace happiness .