
tí lù
  • title
  1. 国内R-PVC加工、制品与应用题录

    Title List of Domestic R-PVC Processing , Products and Applications

  2. 网上外文科技期刊最新论文题录保障系统的研制

    Research on the Title Content Information System of Internet Foreign Scientific Journal

  3. 基于ASP的图书馆期刊题录库的Web开发

    Web Development of ASP-based Library Journal Titles Database

  4. EXCEL在转换题录文摘型文献中的技巧应用

    Implication and Its Technique of Excel in the Conversion of Bibliography and Abstract Literature

  5. 2004年版ASTM标准年鉴03.03卷无损检测标准题录

    Index for nondestructive testing standards in volume 03.03 , 2004 of ASTM book

  6. 本文利用DreamWeaverMX和ASP实现了期刊题录库的建设,具有题录检索、管理、统计功能。

    In this paper , using tools of Dreamweaver MX and ASP , a subject database of exploiting with management and statistic function has been established .

  7. 本文介绍基于德语单词的词性自动识别和综合德语题录的结构类型的德汉题录机器翻译系统TJTITR。

    TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title .

  8. 欧洲标准化委员会无损检测技术委员会(CEN/TC138)无损检测标准题录

    Index for the nondestructive testing standards of cen / TC 138

  9. 化学品中文文献题录检索系统的建立

    Establishment of the search system of Chinese literature titles on chemicals

  10. 化学品中文文献题录数据库的设计

    Design of a database for titles of Chinese literature on chemicals

  11. 给出了中国钼专利的题录并作了简述。

    Subject bibliography of China molybdenum patents is provided with brief statement .

  12. 特种稻论文题录(1995~2001年)

    Paper titles for special rice ( 1995 ~ 2001 )

  13. 《浙江大学学报》(医学版)第34卷题录索引

    JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY ( Medical Sciences ) Volume 34

  14. 地质学文献题录与索引。

    Bibliography and Index of Geology , with Annual Cumulations .

  15. 1959&1979年橡胶化学与工艺学橡胶综述专辑题录

    Rubber Chemistry and Technology " Rubber Reviews "

  16. 农业期刊题录在情报转化为生产力的特殊作用

    Special role of the bibliography of agricultural periodicals in the transformation from information into productivity

  17. 非洲地区第四届无损检测会议论文题录

    Index for Proceedings for 4 ~ ( th ) African Regional Conference on Nondestructive Testing

  18. 检索系统包含题录检索和结构检索。

    Search system has two kinds of patterns including topical and classified search and structure search .

  19. 第一届国际矿山规划开发技术讨论会论文题录及部分论文摘要

    Contents of technical papers and some abstracts from the first International Symposium on mine planning and development

  20. 期刊题录为科研服务是科技情报转化为生产力的有效途径。

    Periodical bibliography serving scientific research is an effective way to transform scientific and technological information into productivity .

  21. 国外标准题录

    Catalogue of foreign standards

  22. 期刊题录库是图书馆利用现代化手段,建立具有分类目录式资源组织体系、动态链接等特征的数据库检索平台。

    Periodical subject exploiting database is a database platform of classification directory resource and dynamic linking function using modern technique .

  23. 中国核工业职业医学成果摘要选集题录(英文)

    Bibliography of selected research reports on occupational medicine in nuclear industry of china ( list of subjects , 1958-1988 )

  24. 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所2004-2005年度发表的热喷涂相关论文题录(英文)

    Scientific publications on plasma sprayed coatings at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 2004 ~ 2005 )

  25. 地震期刊论文数据库分成二个数据库,题录数据库和论文文摘数据库。它们是文件结构型数据库。

    There are three file-structured databases , domain names are Papers , Subject Abstract , in this journal paper database of seismology .

  26. 我国道教宫观文化的研究与发展&辑录道教宫观文化研究论文题录有感

    The Taoist Temple Culture Researches And Development In Our Country & Some Impressions of Recording the Thesis Index of Taoist Temple culture Researches

  27. 该系统包含基于标准题录数据库及标准全文数据库开发的文献信息在线服务系统,基于客户信息数据库开发的文献购买离线服务系统。

    The system contains information online service system based on reference database and full page standard database , building on available offline purchase service system development .

  28. 关于大学生校外租房的思考1999年宁德师专教师校外出版著作发表论文题录

    Ponder over the issue of university students renting a room outside school A List of Thesis Titles Published Outside by the Faculties of Ningde Teachers College in 1999

  29. 该系统以国标GB3792.1&83(文献著录总则)及《各类型农业文献题录著录规则》为依据编制。

    The said system was compiled on the basis of State-standard GB3792.1 & 83 ( General Bibliographical Description ) and the " Bibliographical Description for Agricultural Documents " .

  30. 从1990年开始,国际环境伦理学学会每年都在因特网上发布这一学科及其相关领域的主要论著题录。

    Since 1990 , the International Environmental Association has been publishing titles of the important papers on the international environmental ethics and the relative fields in the internet .