
  • 网络Frequent transactions;Day Trading
  1. 在ETFs产品产生之前,短期交易者和投机者的频繁交易活动使长期投资者承担了更高的税费成本,对长期投资者的利益构成了损害;

    Before the emergence of ETFs , frequent transaction from the short-term investors and speculators engenders the profit loss of the long-term investors ;

  2. 对冲基金重要性明显上升的部分原因在于,Citadel及其它对冲基金正越来越多地利用电脑交易模型,进行频繁交易,以此利用债券价格的微小变动,带来了较高的成交量。

    The surge in the significance of hedge funds has arisen partly because Citadel and others are increasingly using computer-driven trading models that make trades very frequently to exploit tiny differences in prices , generating high volume .

  3. 多数人赞同对频繁交易的金融工具实施这一规则,他们担心的是,一些iasb成员试图将该规则推广到不在市场上交易的资产,这可能迫使企业编造资产价值。

    While most accept this for frequently-traded financial instruments , there are fears that some IASB members want to extend the concept to assets for which there are no markets , potentially forcing companies to produce hypothetical values .

  4. 频繁交易的投资者支付足以侵蚀他们投资业绩的交易成本,却未能提高他们的基础投资表现。

    Hyperactive investors paid corrosive trading costs while failing to improve their underlying investment performance .

  5. 对于那些喜欢极限交易和通常拥有大账目的客户,频繁交易是不行的。

    For those who prefer very limited trading and usually hold very large accounts , frequent trading is a turn-off .

  6. 短期行为和频繁交易的日子一去不复返了,取而代之的是注重投资结果的较长期和战略性的资产配置策略。

    Gone are the days of short-termism and frequent trading , to be replaced by a longer-term and strategic asset allocation approach that targets investment outcomes .

  7. 但就像过去20年的股票期权及能源市场的情况一样,集中清算所带来的价格透明度提高,能够让不那么频繁交易的用户(如企业)以更优惠的价格参与交易,从而降低成本。

    But as in the equity-option and energy markets over the past two decades , increased price transparency through central clearing enables less frequent users , such as corporations , to enter into trades at better prices , reducing costs .

  8. 为了完善交易机制,文交所不得不频繁修改交易规则,从而又引发了一系列的问题。

    To improve this system , the exchange has to revise the rule of transactions , again and again .

  9. 证券交易涉及的金额巨大,交易发生的次数频繁,交易关系复杂。试论关联方交易转移定价规范

    Securities trading is characterized by large amounts of money , frequency of transactions and complicated relationships . On the Regulating of Related Transactions

  10. 和古老的日子一样,威尼斯的快帆船和热那亚的平底船又在亚历山大港和法马古斯塔开始了频繁的交易。

    Again , as in the days of old , the Venetian caravels and the Genoese galleys plied regularly between Alexandria and Famagusta .

  11. 随着土地交易的日渐频繁、交易面积越来越大,对承包经营权流转的管理就有了更高的要求。

    With land trade increasingly frequent and trading area more and more bigger , there are higher requirements for the management of the transfer of land use rights .

  12. 但二重买卖行为频繁在交易市场上出现,此种行为不仅严重破坏了房地产市场正常的交易秩序,而且损害广大消费者的利益。

    But the house being sold twice behavior frequently appears in the market , this kind of behavior not only seriously destroyed the real estate market transaction order , but also harms the general consumers ' benefit .

  13. 但是由于C2C电子商务交易人数多,次数频繁,对交易主体的信用评价次数多,使得C2C电子商务信用环境差,引发了信用问题,阻碍了电子商务健康发展。

    However , due to increasing number of C2C e-commerce transactions and large number of transactions of the main credit evaluation , the C2C e-commerce has been made poor credit environment and caused credit problems , hindering the healthy development of e-commerce .

  14. 商品交换频繁发生、交易规模不断扩大、流转速度日趋快捷的现代经济生活中,物权变动理论掮起了确保财产在生产、流通等过程中形成良性的归属与利用秩序的重任。

    In such a fast developing modern society , the theories of the changes of real right takes on the heavy responsibility to form a virtuous ownership and a utilizing order in the process of property production and circulation .

  15. 股指期货的风险成因主要有股指频繁波动、保证金交易产生的杠杆效应、非理性投机以及市场机制不健全等。

    The reasons for risk mentioned above include the frequent fluctuation , the leverage of margin trade , irrational speculation and the unhealthy market mechanism .

  16. 在社会知识经济时代,知识产权已成为企业重要的生产要素,而商标作为知识产权的重要组成部分已越来越频繁的出现在交易市场上。

    In knowledge-economics time nowadays , intellectual property has become important and valuable element of production and trademark as a significant part of intellectual property has appeared frequently in trade market .

  17. 市场经济条件下,商品交易频繁,每个参与交易的人都可能因交易对象在多个主体之间的连续流转而成为现实的第三人。

    In the market economy , trade in goods happens frequently . There is a possibility for everyone that participates in the trade to become a de facto " third party " in the subsequent transfers among different subjects .