
yù fánɡ xìnɡ wài jiāo
  • preventive diplomacy
  1. 预防性外交是冷战后亚太安全合作中的新课题,也是东盟地区论坛(ARF)的一个重要发展阶段。

    Preventive diplomacy is a new topic of Asia-Pacific security cooperation after the Cold War as well as an important phase of ASEAN Regional Forum ( ARF ) development .

  2. 论亚太地区预防性外交的发展

    On the Development of Preventive Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region

  3. 冷战的结束推动了预防性外交的发展,《和平纲领》的发表标志着预防性外交的复兴。

    The end of the cold war promoted the development of preventive diplomacy .

  4. 建立和平和预防性外交实例手册

    Case Handbook on Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy

  5. 建立和平和预防性外交研究金方案

    Fellowship Programme in Peacemaking and Preventive Diplomacy

  6. 这些都是预防性外交所必须面对的先天性缺陷。

    All of these are the congenital defects that the preventive diplomacy to be faced .

  7. 东盟地区论坛与预防性外交

    ASEAN Regional Forum and Preventive Diplomacy

  8. 尽管其并未如愿以偿,但却开启了预防性外交的发展历程。

    Although the aim cannot be achieved completely , it opened the course of preventive diplomacy .

  9. 支助特派团及其他预防性外交和建立和平活动信托基金;

    Trust fund in support of special missions and other activities related to preventive diplomacy and peacemaking ;

  10. 对预防性外交的前景进行展望,是本文最后一部分所要完成的主要任务。

    The outlook of the preventive diplomacy is the main task that the last part to finish .

  11. 东盟地区论坛从建立信任措施向预防性外交阶段的过渡取得实质性成果。

    The ASEAN Regional Forum has made substantive achievements in the transition from confidence-building measures to preventive diplomacy .

  12. 关于加强联合国在预防性外交、建立和平与维持和平领域的能力的指导方针

    Guidelines for strengthening the capacity of the United Nations in the area of preventive diplomacy , peace-making and peace-keeping

  13. 至于外部环境的挑战,对于预防性外交来讲也是不得不面对的考验。

    As for the challenge of external environment , is the test that the preventive diplomacy must to be faced .

  14. 预防性外交与国际法上的和平解决争端思想既有区别,又有联系,是对这一思想的发展。

    Preventive diplomacy not only bears some differences from Peaceful Settlement of Disputes in International Law but connections as well .

  15. 笔者对预防性外交中所存在的问题,进行了系统的分类,从内在和外在两个方面,对预防性外交的理论缺陷和实践制约进行了分析。

    The author classified these problems systematically and analyzed the theoretical defects and the practical constraints from the internal and external aspects .

  16. 预防性外交是否避免内战的合理政策?或者至少是有时与这种战争有关联的最坏的过分行为?

    Is preventive diplomacy a reasonable policy tool to avoid civil wars , or at least the worst excesses sometimes associated with such wars ?

  17. 近年来,秘书长加紧开展预防性外交,防止国际冲突的发生、升级或扩散。

    In recent years , the Secretary-General has intensified the exercise of preventive diplomacy to keep international disputes from arising , escalating or spreading .

  18. 在这种情况下,这位鹰派评论人士只得主张,预防性外交是避免亚洲爆发水资源战争的最佳方法。

    Under the circumstances , this rather hawkish commentator is left advocating preventive diplomacy as the best way of avoiding water wars in Asia .

  19. 由于各国间存在着巨大的差异性,围绕预防性外交的基本概念产生了很大的争论。

    Because of the huge diversities , each country has a great debate on the basic concept of preventive diplomacy and interprets it in its own way .

  20. 随着1994年东盟地区论坛的成立,亚太地区各国展开了预防性外交的大讨论。

    As the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994 , all the countries in the Asia-Pacific Region have had a great debate on the preventive diplomacy .

  21. 论文的第五章采用案例分析的办法,选取马其顿维和和卢旺达种族屠杀的事例,对预防性外交的实际效果进行了初步探讨。

    The Fifth Chapter concentrated on the two case-studies : the peacekeeping actions in Macedonia and the race massacres in Rwanda to show the effect of preventive diplomacy in reality .

  22. 本文对冷战后兴起的预防性外交的主张及其实践进行了比较系统的考察。

    This dissertation has done comparatively thorough research on the arguments and practices of preventive diplomacy developed after the Cold War and has analyzed the historical background upon which it was aroused .

  23. 正在和平崛起的中国也应该建设性地利用预防性外交带来的机遇,为维护世界和平做出更大的贡献。

    As the " peaceful rising " has been taken as a national strategy , China should use the opportunities brought about by preventive diplomacy and make more contributions to the world peace .

  24. 本文还认为,9·11事件后,以联合国为代表的多边国际安全机制处于低潮期,预防性外交的发展面临重重阻碍,任重而道远。

    After 11th Sept. the international multilateral security system represented by the United Nations is at a low tide . So the development of Preventive Diplomacy still has a long way to go .

  25. 从理论层面来说,预防性外交的定义至今尚无定论,概念的混乱给预防性外交的实践带来了诸多的困惑,也缺乏统一的规范。

    Seen from the theoretical facet , the definition of preventive diplomacy has not a certain conclusion , the chaos of the concept brought much confusion to the practice and lack of uniform norms .

  26. 希望通过对预防性外交存在问题的分析以及前景的展望,深化我们对它的认识与理解,从而对我国预防性外交活动的开展有所启示。

    Also hope to deepen the awareness and the understanding of the preventive diplomacy by the analysis of the problems and the prediction of the prospect , therefore enlighten the preventive diplomacy activities of our country .

  27. 尽管预防性外交在维护世界和平方面做出了很大的贡献,但其毕竟还只是处于探索和尝试阶段,不可避免的会存在一些问题,这也是本文第二部分所要阐述的主要内容。

    Preventive diplomacy had a great contribution to keeping the world peace , but it is still in the period of exploring and tempting . The existence of problems is inevitable , that is the main content of the second part expounded .

  28. 但是通过东盟地区论坛等多边合作机制的发展,在追求共识、求同存异的基础上,各方通过交流寻找普遍接受的共同原则,正在形成有亚太地区特色的预防性外交理论。

    Nevertheless through the development of multi-cooperation system such as the ASEAN Regional Forum , based on pursuing consensus and remaining differences , each pursues common accepted rules via communication and the theory of preventive diplomacy with the characteristics of Asia-Pacific Region is being formulated .

  29. 他表示世界的稳定应首要依靠预防性的政治,外交以及经济手段,不过任何国家都有权展示其保卫国家利益的军事能力。

    Baluyevsky said that the stability in the world should be primarily achieved by preventive political , diplomatic and economic measures , but any country had the right to show its military capability to defend its national interests .