
  • 网络Face-centered cubic;fcc;a-Co;face-centered cubic crystal structure
  1. SiO2光子晶体为面心立方结构,结构内的主要缺陷为溶剂挥发所形成的裂纹以及堆垛层错。

    The 3D SiO2 photonic crystal had FCC structure , and the main defects were stacking faults and cracks induced by solvent evaporation .

  2. 用不同厚度的材料制作面心立方结构光子晶体,并测量了其禁带的光谱特性。

    Fcc photonic crystals with different numbers of cells were fabricated by using recording materials of different thickness in holography .

  3. 对纳米线进行结构分析表明,本方法制备的纳米线为面心立方结构的βSiC。

    The microstructure analysis indicate that the nanowires are β SiC with face centered cubic structure .

  4. X射线衍射分析表明,载银二氧化硅表面覆盖的为具有面心立方结构的纯单质银,无氧化银等杂质。

    X-ray diffraction revealed that the surface of SiO2 was surrounded by pure silver , and the silver had face-centered-cubic structure .

  5. 组装成胶晶模板采用自然沉降法和离心法两种方法。所得到的胶晶都具有面心立方结构(fcc)特征,从胶晶规整性比较,自然沉降法优于离心法。

    Colloidal crystal template was assembled by a natural sedimentation and a centrifugation method .

  6. 研究表明:面心立方结构的TiN涂层晶粒形貌为典型的喇叭口结构,沿(200)、(111)择优生长;

    Results show that TiN coating is bell mouth columnar structures and shows ( 200 ), ( 111 ) preferred orientation .

  7. 由X衍射实验判定,Ni-W合金镀层足以Ni为溶剂、W为济质的置换型固溶体,呈面心立方结构。

    A displacement solid solution made up of solvent Ni and solute W was determined by X - ray diffraction experiment .

  8. 经真空退火后,CoCu颗粒膜中析出的Co颗粒呈面心立方结构。

    Co particles with fcc structure are precipitated from CoCu granular film after vacuum annealing .

  9. 经X射线定量分析,稀土添加剂可较大幅度地抑制合金中钴相的马氏体相变,使更多的面心立方结构钴保留下来。

    X-ary quantitative analysis shows the additions of rare-earth can control to greater extent the martensitic phase change of cobalt phase in alloy , remaining more a-Co with face-centered cubic structure .

  10. 降低温度和控制湿度可以调整胶体粒子的沉积速度,更有利于得到长程有序的面心立方结构(FCC)的单晶态胶体晶体模板。

    Single crystalline and long-range ordered opal templates with face centered cubic ( FCC ) structure can be obtained by controlling temperature and humidity .

  11. 合金的母相为L21面心立方结构,马氏体为五层体心四方结构。

    X-ray diffraction spectrum of L2_1 structure accords with that of face-centered cubic structure ; Martensite is body-centered tetragonal structure ( 5M ) .

  12. 通过XRD表征发现,制备的Fe3O4空心纳米材料的纯度高,结晶性能好,而且为面心立方结构。

    XRD characterization demonstrated that the synthesized hollow magnetite spheres are of high purity , well-crystallized and have the cubic face-centered phase .

  13. XRD分析表明,薄膜为面心立方结构,高温热处理会导致薄膜的氧化而出现含氧的新相。

    X-ray diffraction studies show that the films are well crystallized according to the centered cubic structure , and new phase containing oxygen appears after heat treatment in a high temperature .

  14. 结果表明,(Ti,Al)N为面心立方结构,其组织呈细柱状晶,晶粒平均尺寸小于0.1μm。

    The results show that the face centred cubic structure and fine columnar crystal microstructure of ( Ti , Al ) N phase are detected with an average grain size of less than 0.1 μ m.

  15. TEM与XRD分析结果表明,纳米Pd是面心立方结构、结晶度良好、Pd的平均粒径约为25nm。

    TEM and XRD analysis showed that the Pd nanoparticles were face-centered cubic lattice with high crystallinity , and the average particle size was around 25 nm .

  16. 所得CeO2纳米管为面心立方结构,直径40~60nm,长度0.5~2μm。

    The results reveal that the face-centered cubic-phase CeO2 nanotubes with an average diameter of 40 60 nm and a length of 0.5 2 μ m is synthesized .

  17. SEM和XRD分析表明,两种电极上Pd在C/TiO2上均匀分布、Pd具有面心立方结构,Pd膜与Pd线均由粒径约为20nm的Pd颗粒构成。

    SEM and XRD results showed that Pd were uniform distributed on C / TiO2 with face-centered cubic lattice , and both the Pd film and Pd wire were composed of Pd nanoparticles with diameter around 20 nm .

  18. 铜镀层为面心立方结构,没有明显的晶面择优取向现象,镀层结构的晶面间距d和晶胞参数a与标准Cu粉末的相比均较大,说明铜镀层仍存在应力和缺陷。

    The deposit was in face-centered cubic structure without obvious crystal face preferred orientation . Its lattice distanced and lattice parameter a were larger than those of standard copper powder , which indicated that the obtained deposit was still present internal stress and defects .

  19. 研究结果表明:两种涂层均与基体结合紧密,(Ti,Al)N为面心立方结构;TiN/(Ti,Al)N多层涂层具有更高的硬度、更低的脆性和更好的切削性能。

    Results show that both coatings perform higher bond strength between coating and substrate , and TiN / ( Ti , Al ) N multilayer coating exhibits higher hardness , lower brittleness and excellent cutting performance compared with ( Ti , Al ) N monolayer coating .

  20. 结果表明,Co-Ni镀层是具有六方密排结构(hcp)的,以Co为溶剂,Ni溶解在Co中的单相固溶体,而纯Ni镀层为单一的面心立方结构(fcc)。

    It is found that the structure of Co-Ni deposits which were single phase solid solution composed by solvent Co and solute Ni is hexagonal close packed ( hcp ), while the structure of pure Ni deposits is face-centered cube ( fcc ) .

  21. 结果表明:在PtRu/C中,面心立方结构中的部分铂原子被钌原子取代,铂钌合金原子的粒子大小在3nm左右;

    The XRD results indicate that part of Pt atoms in the Pt_Ru / C catalysts are replaced by Ru atoms on the lattice pointes of a face_centered cube . Pt_Ru particle size is about 3 nm .

  22. 沉积温度为100℃~250℃时,薄膜转变为晶粒尺度约14nm的面心立方结构;

    The films deposited at the temperature range of 100 ℃ to 250 ℃ had a face-center-cubic ( fcc ) structure with the grain size of 14 nm .

  23. 测试结果表明:NiO纳米线为面心立方结构,平均晶粒尺寸为50nm,纳米线直径约90nm,与模板孔径相当;

    XRD results indicate that the NiO nanowire has a face-cubic structure and its average crystal size is about 50 nm . According to SEM , the diameter of the NiO nanowires is about 90 nm , equivalent to the diameter of template pores ;

  24. 测定了面心立方结构Fe-Mn-Al,Fe-Mn-Cr合金的电阻率及磁化率与温度的关系,这些合金均呈现顺磁性-反铁磁性转变,并伴有电阻率-温度关系的反常变化。

    Measurement was carried out of the temperature dependence of the antiferromagnetic fcc Fe-Mn-Al and Fe-Mn-Cr alloys upon the electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility . A paramagnetic - antiferromagnetic transition together with an anomaly of resistivity of them is obtained .

  25. 面心立方结构填隙固溶体有序结构的确定

    Determination of ordered structures in face-centred cube interstitial solutions

  26. 光全息制作的变形面心立方结构光子晶体的带隙

    Photonic Band Gap of the Distorted Face-Center-Cubic Structure Photonic Crystal Fabricated by Holographic Lithography

  27. 实验结果表明,所得胶晶都具有面心立方结构,结构有序性相当高。

    All colloidal crystals have face-centered cubic structures and the structures are highly ordered .

  28. 金属铱是面心立方结构晶体,原子序数是77,原子重量为192.2。

    The crystal structure of metal Iridium is the face-centered cubic ( FCC ) lattice .

  29. 研究表明,原子数为108256的立方体纳米微粒的稳定结构是非晶态,而其他尺寸的球形和立方体形微粒则是面心立方结构。

    The results show that the cubic nanoparticles with 108 and 256 atoms are amorphous in structure while the other nanoparticles are fcc in structure .

  30. 结果表明,所有镍镀层皆为面心立方结构,在(200)面有明显择优取向;

    The results indicated that all the crystallographic structures of nickel coatings were face centered cubic and had a highly preferred orientation of ( 200 ) face .