
  • 网络Illegal Fund-raising;illegal fundraising;Raise funds
  1. 与行业有关的法律法规制度不健全,造成了P2P借贷平台的定位不准确,有可能被认为是非法集资。

    The system of laws and regulations related to the industry is imperfect . Because of the position of P2P Lending platform is not accurate , the platform should be considered as illegal fund-raising .

  2. 其次就是要重构非法集资的控制体系。

    The second is the reconstruction of the control of illegal fund-raising system .

  3. 侦办非法集资案的基本程序及应注意的几个问题

    On consideration of some questions about the illegal fund raising case

  4. 在我国,私募基金往往与非法集资、非法吸收公众存款等行为互相混淆,互相交叉。

    In China , private funds are often confused with illegal funds-raising .

  5. 其次,可以考虑用直接融资的手段来规制非法集资犯罪活动。

    Secondly , take the regulation on directly financing to curb illegal fund-raising crime .

  6. 上世纪90年代至今,非法集资行为屡禁不止,甚至出现愈演愈烈的趋势。

    Since the last century , acts of illegal fund-raising repeated in a growing trend .

  7. 私募基金不同于公募基金,更和非法集资有着本质区别,是一种典型的高风险高回报的投资方式。

    Private offered fund is a typical investment way that has high risk and high profit .

  8. 失去了总统身份的保护,希拉克可能将受到党内非法集资贪污案指控的调查。

    Without presidential immunity , Chirac could be subject to corruption investigations into alleged illegal party financing .

  9. 非法集资是一种对市场经济和社会秩序危害极大的犯罪行为。

    Illegal fund-raising is a kind of crime which is harming the market economy and social order .

  10. 非法集资是指末经有权机关依法批准向社会有偿筹集资金的行为。

    Illegal fund raising is not the right organs for approval to raise funds paid to the social behavior .

  11. 特别是2005年以来,非法集资犯罪活动在我国南方一些地区呈蔓延趋势。

    Especially since 2005 , the trend of illegal fund-raising criminal activities in some area in southern China was spreading .

  12. 可见,非法集资犯罪不仅现状依然严峻,且刑罚打击效果不佳。

    Visible , illegal fund-raising crime not only the current situation is still grim , and penalties to combat ineffective .

  13. 银监会负责非法集资的认定、查处和取缔及相关的组织协调工作。

    I.The CBRC is responsible for determining , investigating and banning illegal fund-raising activities as well as related organization and coordination .

  14. 第二部分主要介绍我国集资诈骗罪的犯罪状况,分析集资诈骗罪犯罪的起因和非法集资活动的特点及其严重社会危害性。

    Part Two illustrates the stipulations concerning about this crime in our country including the causes , main characters of fraudulent fund-raising .

  15. 10月在县法庭开庭审理,指控他的罪名是在当地非法集资1百60万美元。

    He was tried by a county court in October , and convicted of illegally accepting $ 1.6m in deposits from local residents .

  16. 为了获得更广阔的视角,本章内容涵盖了非法集资的概念、特点、立法沿革、成因分析及立法现状。

    For a broader perspective , this chapter covers the concept , characteristics , legislative history , causes and current legislation of illegal fund-raising .

  17. 文章对集资诈骗犯罪其非法集资行为和诈骗行为进行了研究,并总结出两行为的行为模式。

    The article to the fund-raising fraud crime illegally accepting the behavior and fraud , and sums up the two behavior of the general form .

  18. 非法集资指违反国家金融管理法律规定,向社会公众(包括单位和个人)吸收资金的行为。

    Illegal fund-raising refers to the act of raising money from the public ( including ) by violating national laws and regulations concerning financial management .

  19. 随着侦查、起诉、审判等法律程序的逐步进行,此系列非法集资案逐渐露出全貌。

    Along with the investigation , prosecution and judge etc process of law , this series gradually exposed gradually raising funds illegally case in its totality .

  20. 第一部分:对私募基金的概念进行了释义,并且通过与非法集资、代客理财、信托的比较分析,对私募基金进行了深入剖析,得出私募基金的本质是一种信托创新产品。

    This paper has 4 parts totally : Part 1 : The author paraphrases the concept of private funds and compares it with other financing business .

  21. 行政部门对于非法集资的性质认定,不是非法集资案件进入刑事程序的必经程序。

    I.The determination of the nature of illegal fund-raising by administrative departments is not a necessary procedure for illegal fund-raising cases to enter into criminal procedures .

  22. 行政部门未对非法集资作出性质认定的,不影响非法集资刑事案件的审判。

    The trial of criminal cases on illegal fund-raising shall not be affected by the administrative department 's failure to determine the nature of illegal fund-raising .

  23. 王皓说,因为缺乏相关的法律法规,很难将非法集资与大众集资区分开来。

    ' One can hardly draw a line between illegal fund-raising and crowd-funding now due to the absence of related regulation , ' Mr. Wang said .

  24. 按照非法集资的主观目的不同,非法集资可分为有正常集资需求的非法集资和以非法占有为目的的非法集资。

    Subjective according to different purposes of illegal fund-raising , illegal fund-raising fund-raising requirements can be divided into normal and illegal possession of illegal financing of illegal fund-raising .

  25. 作为保障社会的最后一道防线,刑法手段一旦介入了调整领域,部分非法集资行为也就上升为了集资犯罪。

    Once the criminal law involved in the adjustment area as a baseline to protect the society , part of the illegal fund raising acts became fund-raising crime .

  26. 并对实践中集资诈骗罪的诈骗方法和非法集资活动的方式手段进行了归纳总结。

    And to practiced gathers capital the way method which cheated the crime the cheating method and illegal gathers capital to move to carry on the induction summary .

  27. 非法集资高位运作、手段更加多样和隐蔽;破坏了市场经济秩序、影响了社会发展。

    Second , illegal fund has been raising and means has been more diverse and subtle that affected the order of market economic and the development of society .

  28. 非法集资是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是市场资金需求旺盛与供给不足之间矛盾的体现。

    Illegal fund-raising is the market economy develops to a certain stage , the funds in the market demand and insufficient supply of the contradiction between the expression .

  29. 中央纪检委称,此次调查行动,同样还主要针对那些通过拖欠银行贷款,非法集资,非法获捐或非法挪用资金等方式兴建的办公楼。

    The investigation will also target projects for which bank loans were obtained , money collected unofficially , donations sought illegally or funds misused , the CCDI said .

  30. 要实现对非法集资的有效治理,就必须建立事前预防与事后控制相结合的非法集资法律防控机制。

    To achieve effective control of illegal fund-raising , it must establish pre and post control to prevent the combination of prevention and control mechanisms of illegal fund-raising laws .