
  1. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  2. 而我国市场长期处于非均衡状态。

    Yet china market has been unbalanced for a long time .

  3. 信贷供求非均衡状态下农户信贷模式的理性选择&京山县农户信贷模式个案研究

    The Rational Choice of Farmer Under the Non-equilibrium of Credit Supply and Demand

  4. 经济非均衡状态下的地方政府职能

    The Functions of Local Government Based on Non-balanced Economy

  5. 但是由于各方面的原因,造成了我国区域经济发展的非均衡状态,近年来,这种差距有扩大之势。

    But the regional economic development has shown the non-balanced state because of reasons of various fields .

  6. 论我国大型体育赛事市场化运作的制度变迁&基于非均衡状态的分析与预期

    Chinese Institutional Changes of Market Operation of Major Sports Events & Analysis and Predictions Based on a Disequilibrium State

  7. 因此,中国经济结构半个多世纪以来一直处于不断调整的非均衡状态。

    Therefore , the economic structure China has been readjusted continuously in an unbalanced state more than half a century .

  8. 目前,汽车流通模式已经处于非均衡状态,制约了汽车业的发展。

    At present , the car circulation pattern has been in a unbalanced state , restricted the development of auto industry .

  9. 在市场经济条件下,宏观经济系统由非均衡状态向均衡增长轨道转移过程中必然伴随着价格的优化调整。

    When macroscopic economic system transfers from disequilibrium state to equilibrium increase orbit under market economy , it must has optimal regulation of price .

  10. 构造了非均衡状态和相对均衡状态下的套利策略,两种套利策略简单易于操作。

    Two arbitrage strategies , which are simple and easy to implement , are presented according to two different situations , non-equilibrium and equilibrium in approximation .

  11. 我国现行分业经营制度处于非均衡状态,这就产生了金融业经营制度变迁的客观必然性和推动力。

    The current separate operating system in the Chinese finance is in disequilibrium , which produces the objective necessity and driving force for changes in the operating system .

  12. 从金融组织制度、金融市场制度、金融监管和宏观调控四个方面具体分析了我国现行金融制度的非均衡状态。

    It makes a concrete analysis of the non-balanced state at the present stage in four aspects including financial organization , market system , macro adjustments and controls .

  13. 模型的结论除了涵盖市场均衡下的传统理论之外,还可以描述市场非均衡状态。

    From the conclusion , the classical theory under equilibrium states is included by this model , and the state of non-equilibrium market is can be described as well .

  14. 制度变迁是对制度非均衡状态的一种反应,是一种效益更高的制度对另一种制度的替代过程。

    The institutional change is one kind of reaction to the unbalanced state of system , which is a substitution process of a more effective system for another system .

  15. 本文的研究最终证明,中国股市非均衡状态的根本原因之一即在于投资者投票权的非完备性。

    The research of this thesis indicates that to debase the speculation and the swelling stock bubbles of Chinese stock market , the fundamentally measure is to complete the shareholders'voting rights .

  16. 我国存在着地区间发展的非均衡状态以及由此造成的金融运行环境的巨大差异,对地区金融资产质量的好坏有着重要的甚至是本源性的影响。

    In our country , there are non-equilibrium states between regions as well as great differences in external environment , which exerts important influence on the quality of regional financial assets .

  17. 特别是由于经济、文化、政策导向等因素导致的区域之间、城乡之间、校际之间教育发展的严重非均衡状态。

    Mainly because the serious unbalanced state of educational development caused by these factors such as economy , culture , policy , etc among the areas , towns and countries , schools .

  18. 技术进步和生产力的发展,使制度演进的需求和供给处于非均衡状态,进而推动了国际技术贸易制度的动态演进。

    It 's the development of technology and productivity that makes the demand and supply of the institutional change under the unbalanced condition and helps forward the dynamic institutional change of international technology trade .

  19. 我国经济的发展处于政府完全配给资源到市场完全配给资源的一个转轨阶段,转轨意味着经济运行模式处于非均衡状态及其变革的澎湃动力。

    The economic development of China is at the transition stage from resources fully distributed by government to market ," transition " means that the non-equilibrium status of economic model and the power of transform .

  20. 尽管征地制度处于非均衡状态,但由于各利益主体对于每项制度都有着自身的费用-支出,而且各利益主体的谈判力量也不同,通过博弈,最终将只有少量新制度会产生。

    Despite this imbalanced status , profit parties have their own income and expenses for each system as well as their different negotiation abilities , as a result of Game , only a few new systems will emerge .

  21. 在这个过程中,核心的思路是,从国家本位与农民本位相结合的角度出发,来客观判断在非均衡状态下乡村治理的现状与可能性出路。

    In this process , the core mentality is to carry on the objective judgment on the present situation and possible outlet of village government under the non - balanced condition embarking from the union of national standard and farmer standard .

  22. 因为制度创新的充分条件是一定的制度非均衡状态具有不可持续性,只有在有关经济主体具备了实际创新动机和能力时,一定的非均衡状态才具有不可持续性。

    Because the sufficient condition for system innovation is a certain system of non-equilibrium state that is not sustainable , only when relevant economic entities have possessed real innovative motive and the ability can the certain non-equilibrium state has the non-sustainability .

  23. 实证分析的结果显示,我国瘦肉精规制的制度供给存在非均衡状态,主要表现在各级政府对此问题的反应速度、数量和具体内容上。

    The empirical analysis results show that the supply of regulatory system for " Lean meat powder " in China are unbalanced state , which is mainly displays in the government reaction speed , quantity and specific content on the issue .

  24. 由于制度选择集合、技术、制度服务的需求以及相关的金融经营制度等因素发生变化,使得各国的金融监管处于制度非均衡状态,从而导致相应的诱致性、强制性金融监管制度变迁。

    Financial supervision system is in an disequilibrium due to the requirement of system selection , techniques , and system services and the changing of concerning financial operation system , leading to the allured and compulsory system evolution of financial supervision system .

  25. 在金融市场为复杂非线性系统这一结论的基础上,探讨了一般非均衡状态下的金融市场的描述方式并引入分数布朗运动来解释市场变动的动力学过程。

    Based on the conclusion that securities market is a complex nonlinear system characteristic , this paper has discussed the description of non - equilibrium state securities market , and the application of fractal Brownian motion in explaining the market dynamics process .

  26. 在总体上讨论非均衡状态的前提下,从样本乡镇的具体情况出发较为详细地分析了非均衡状态的基本特征,进而确定了非均衡的研究框架。

    Under the premise of overall discussion about the non - balanced condition , it analyzes the basic characteristic in detail embarking from the special situations of sample villages and towns , then determines the research frame on non - balanced condition .

  27. 但是,对于占重庆市人口比例55%左右的农村来说,教育水平却远远落后于城市,特别是基础教育的发展,显现出了严重的非均衡状态。

    However , the education in the rural areas , which covers about 55 % of the population in Chongqing , is far behind that of the urban areas , especially the basic education , which is in a seriously unbalanced state .

  28. 公共物品多中心供给模式正是在此基础上发展起来的,多中心内含着参与主体相互独立、地位平等、自愿参与一系列同时发生的博弈,达到非均衡平衡状态的性质;

    The polycentric supply is of the nature that the participators are separate in each other , equal in status , voluntarily participate in a series of synchronous games and come to an unbalanced equilibrium .

  29. 瓦尔拉斯均衡通常被人们认为是经济运行中的理想态势,但在现实生活中,供给与需求往往很难达到瓦尔拉斯均衡,经济更多的表现为非均衡运行状态。

    Var Russ balance is usually thought by people the ideal situation in the economic movement , but in the real life , the supplies and the demand often inaccessibility var Russ balance , economic more performance for non-balance running stations .

  30. 房地产市场运行的供求理论主要阐释了城市土地的供求和城市房屋的供求两大部分,以及房地产市场在运行过程中供给与需求的均衡与非均衡的状态特征。

    Supply and demand theory of real estate market function has mainly explained two parts of urban land supply and demand , the urban building supply and demand , as well as condition characteristics of balanced and non-balanced in real estate market supply and demand .