
  • 网络static traffic
  1. 停车空间是城市静态交通不可或缺的一部分。

    Parking space is an indispensable part of urban static traffic .

  2. 中小城市静态交通的若干问题及对策

    Problems of static traffic in middle and small city and countermeasures

  3. 佛山市CBD静态交通研究

    Research of parking in CBD of Foshan city

  4. 现代城市静态交通规划建设新探讨

    New Discuss on Static Transportation Layout and Construction in Modernized Urban

  5. 大型活动的静态交通组织方法研究与应用

    Research and Application of Static Transportation Organization on Major Activities

  6. 城市静态交通发展战略研究

    Research on the Developing Strategy of Static Traffic in City

  7. 请放心,您的车辆没有静态交通违章的记录;

    Please be assured that your vehicle no static traffic violation records ;

  8. 静态交通管理系统的要素分析

    Analysis on the factor for static traffic management system

  9. 居住小区静态交通的几个问题

    Tentative Study on the Static Traffic in Residence Quarter

  10. 中山市居住小区静态交通规划发展动态研究

    Research on Residential Static Traffic Planning in Delta-Pearl Area

  11. 普陀区静态交通规划构想

    Conception of Static Traffic Plan for the Putuo District

  12. 静态交通管理,对于现代城市发展具有战略性重要价值。

    The static traffic management has important strategetic significance to development of modern city .

  13. 高速公路静态交通标志设置科学性分析

    Scientific installation of static traffic signs on expressway

  14. 静态交通管理信息系统

    The Static Management Information System for Transportation Traffic

  15. 合肥市静态交通问题的现状与对策

    Research on the static state management of the traffic in Hefei City and corresponding strategies

  16. 停车需求预测与管理是城市静态交通研究的重点和难点。

    Parking demand forecasting and management are both emphasis and difficulty of static traffic research .

  17. 基础交通信息按照其变化的频率不同可以分成静态交通信息和动态交通信息。

    The basic traffic information can be divided into statistic traffic information and dynamic traffic information .

  18. 您好,我想查一下我的车是不是有静态交通违章?

    Hello , I want to check my car isn 't there a static traffic situations ?

  19. 城市中心区静态交通空间及停车设施的优化设计研究

    The Research on the Static State Management of the Traffic and Parking Facility in City Centre Area

  20. 静态交通信息主要通过传统的调查法采集,或者从其它系统接入,一般采用人工录入方式存入静态交通信息数据库。

    The statistic traffic information can be usually collected by traditional survey or connected from other systems .

  21. 浅谈静态交通对道路通行能力的影响及解决措施

    Statement of static state traffic 's influence to passes capability of road and the measure should be adopted

  22. 传统的导航电子地图较好地反映了静态交通信息,但缺乏对实时交通信息的描述。

    Traditional navigation electronic map reflects static traffic information well ; however , lack the description of dynamic traffic information .

  23. 老新村综合整治中静态交通解决的思考&以苏州市为例

    Research on the Problem of Static Transport in Comprehensive Improvement of Old Residential Areas & A Case-study of Suzhou City

  24. 城市交通的良性运转需要动、静态交通设施配套发展,两者不可分割。

    Orderly development of the urban transport system needs the balance of dynamic and static traffic facilities , both are inseparable .

  25. 加强停车设施建设,解决静态交通问题,促进城市交通进入良性发展轨道。

    Increasing the parking lots , solving static traffic problems , and promoting city traffic to the orbit of favorable development .

  26. 静态交通是城市交通的重要特征,是城市交通系统一个不可分割的组成部分,它包括停车场的规划、建设和管理。

    The static traffic is important and inseparable from the city traffic system , including garage parkings'program , construction and management .

  27. 通过地下停车系统解决街区停车混杂局面,并辅以完善的地下步行系统,有效地组织了街区动静态交通;

    With the help of underground parking system and perfect underground walking system , the dynamic and static traffics are effectively organized .

  28. 作者先后论述了鼓楼街区的静态交通、动态交通、西安旧城存在的交通问题以及旅游业概述。

    The author one by one discusses static and dynamic traffic , traffic question and tour conditions in the inner city of Xi'an .

  29. 尤其是由于历史和观念的原因,我国城市静态交通设施建设落后于车辆增长态势,给城市停车带来了很多问题。

    Especially due to history and ideas of urban static construction of transport facilities lag behind the vehicle growth to the city parking lot .

  30. 然后论文进行了用于动态交通分配的并行化初步研究,给出了并行静态交通分配算法和网络图拆分算法,并对本论文给出的模型进行了并行性的分析。

    After that , this work explores parallel initialization of dynamic transportation assignment . And parallel dynamic assignment algorithm and network split algorithm are given .