
qīng nián qī
  • adolescence
青年期[qīng nián qī]
  1. 青年期直肠癌的临床病理学特征探讨。

    Discussion of clinical pathology character of rectal cancer in adolescence .

  2. 论青年期认识特点

    On the Cognitive Features of Adolescence

  3. 在青春期女性∑qrs振幅与年龄相关明显,在青年期男性∑qrs与年龄相关明显;

    In puberty , the correlation of Σ QRS amplitude with age was remarkable in men .

  4. bFGF蛋白、基因以及受体在小鼠4种不同发育阶段的表皮与真皮均有表达,其定位与表达特征与bFGF在青年期大鼠皮肤一致。

    The expression of bFGF receptor and bFGF gene could be found in the skin from all developmental stages in rats and mice .

  5. 试验采用20只青年期(2月龄、体重约13kg)发育良好、健康无病、未经尿素适应的新西兰雄兔,随机分为4组:Ⅰ组饲喂基础日粮;

    In this thirty-day experiment , 20 young and healthy New Zealand rabbits ( 2 months of age and about 1.3 kg in body weight ) were divided randomly into four groups .

  6. 发病时间可以从出生前到青春期或青年期。

    Onset ranges from before birth to adolescence or young adulthood .

  7. 青年期广西本地水牛下丘脑催产素的免疫组化定位

    Immunohistochemical localization of oxytocin in hypothalamus of youth Guangxi local buffalo

  8. 论高职学生英语学习心理优势的培养青年期的发展心理与高职学生职业生涯规划

    Psychological Development in Adolescence and Career Planning for Vocational College Students

  9. 青年期行为还有一个重要的特征就是充满了困惑。

    Puzzlement is another significant characteristic of behaviours in the period of youth .

  10. 产生不良行为的趋势会一直持续到青年期。

    It was found that these delinquent tendencies lasted well into early adulthood .

  11. 向青年期过渡的过程。

    The process of growing into a youth .

  12. 青年期阶段是该地洼盆地演化的最主要阶段,壮年期则是其定型阶段。

    The youth stage is the most important and the adult stage is the finalized .

  13. 企业家们的名声里总不乏青年期叛逆和大学辍学等字眼。

    The entrepreneur 's hall of fame is full of teenage flakes and college dropouts .

  14. 目的:观察青年期子宫内膜恶性肿瘤的临床与病理特点。

    Objectives : To investigate the clinical and pathological characteristics of endometrial malignancies in young women .

  15. 结论青年期乳腺癌与非青年期女性乳腺癌相比显示出更强的侵袭性且预后不佳。

    Conclusions Younger women with breast cancer often demonstrate more invasive characteristics and have relatively poor prognosis .

  16. 青年期及产蛋期绍兴鸭和康贝尔鸭血清促性腺激素释放激素浓度的比较

    Comparison of serum levels of gonadotrophin releasing hormone ( GnRH ) between Shaoxing duck and Khaki Campbell duck

  17. 女性的平均寿命低于男性,这可能与女性青年期负担生育功能有关。

    Women 's average life span is lower than men 's which , tive function during female adolescence .

  18. 目的:探讨手法对青年期神经根型颈椎病患者的近期和远期治疗效果。

    Objective : To investigate the short-term and long-term effects of manipulation for cervical spondylotic radiculopathy in adolescence .

  19. 青年期过后,他又经历第二个儿童期,即老年期。

    After youth he again goes through the second phase of childhood , also called as old age .

  20. 青年期作为青年学生个体发展过程中的一个独特时期,本身就是不成熟的、带有过渡性质的一个阶段。

    As a special period of youthful students ' individual develop process , adolescence is an immature interim .

  21. 研究人员对青春期和青年期的不同经历如何对大脑发育产生影响的研究正处于起步阶段。

    Researchers are just beginning to study how different experiences in adolescence and young adulthood may impact brain development .

  22. 选用32只健康、体重相近、青年期的獭兔,随机分配到4个组中,每组8只獭兔。

    Thirty-two Rex rabbits ( health , nearly weight , and adolescence ) were randomly allocated into 4 groups .

  23. 从生命全程的发展分期来看,青年期到成年期是一生最长的阶段。

    With the development of the life changes , which from young period to adulthood is the longest period .

  24. 月经初潮年龄与青年期身高、体重、体表面积、体脂的关系

    Correlation between menarche age and the stature , body weight , body surface area and body fat of young women

  25. 同一性与青年期同一性地位的研究&同一性地位的构成及其自我测定

    A study of ego identity and identity status in youth : the structure of identity status and methods of measurement

  26. 在大学学习阶段,各种青年期不可避免的问题和大学生所特有的紧张与压力极大地影响着大学生的健康成长。

    At college all kinds of unavoidable problems trobling the young people and special strain and pressure greatly affect undergraduates'healthy growing .

  27. 21世纪步履蹒跚的步入自己的“青年期”,展望未来,我们看到的是不断扩大的政府赤字和仍未解决的全球失衡。

    The century limps into its teens looking ahead to yawning government deficits and global imbalances that are still not resolved .

  28. 中国天然气已处于快速发展的青年期,即将成为天然气大国。

    Natural gas industry in China has entered a fast-developing stage , and China will soon become a large gas producer .

  29. 2.120龄是青梅幼态期,2080龄或更大是青年期。

    The juvenile phase of Vatica hainanensis is age between one and twenty , juvenescent phase between twenty and eighty or more .

  30. 他们大部分人的青春、青年期都是在日本度过的,留日以后开始从事写作。

    Most of them spent their puberty and adolescence in Japan , and they began to wrote after they studied in Japan .