
  • 网络reja;Rhea;Reya
  1. 阿穆利乌斯暴跳如雷,但是雷亚声称让她怀孕的是战神马尔斯。

    Amulius was maddened with rage , but Rhea protested that it was the god Mars who was responsible for her pregnancy .

  2. 那不勒斯的主教练艾迪。雷亚和转会专家皮耶保罗。马里诺坚持认为后卫毛里奇奥。多米齐将不会离开俱乐部。

    Napoli coach Edy Reja and transfer guru Pierpaolo Marino have insisted that defender Maurizio Domizzi will not be leaving the club .

  3. “人们吃的东西可能是药,也可能是毒药,”雷亚说。

    " What people eat can be medicine or poison , " Rea says .

  4. 雷亚说,许多人都不知道如何做饭,他们只知道如何加热。

    Many people don 't know how to cook , Rea says , and they only know how to heat things up .

  5. “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,”帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的布伦达·雷亚博士说。

    " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

  6. 第二部分沿袭了匹萨雷亚迪斯(Pissarides,19851994)搜寻模型的基本框架,构建了一个包含教育与就业的两部门搜寻模型。

    The second part builds a two-section search model including education and employment , which follows the basic frame of Pissarides ( 1985 , 1994 ) .

  7. 我们都在伊夫雷亚互动设计研究所工作,

    So we came together in this design institute called the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea ,

  8. 伊莎瓷砖于上个世纪六十年代创建于意大利北部的小镇伊夫雷亚。

    In the1960s , Esha was founded in Ivrea , a small town in north of Italy .

  9. 巴哈雷亚是埃及著名的黄金木乃伊谷的所在地,在那里,1996年,人们共发现了17个古墓,约254具木乃伊。

    Bahariya Oasis is home to Egypt 's famed Valley of the Golden Mummies , where a collection of 17 tombs with about 254 mummies was discovered in 1996 .

  10. 这位奥斯卡最佳导演奖得主进入好莱坞的道路非常曲折。詹姆斯卡梅隆出生于加拿大,并在那里长大,1971年,他和家人移民至加州布雷亚市。

    James Cameron The Academy Award-winning director followed a circuitous route to Hollywood . Born and raised in Canada , he and his family moved to Brea , California in 1971 .

  11. 目前来说,换帅还是有作用的,不过雷亚带领那不勒斯从丙级一直打到甲级还是很有成就的。

    The change of the bench arrived in line with the moment of the team and could be useful right now . However , Reja did well leading the team from Serie C to Serie A.

  12. 上周四,该事件在意大利北部城市伊夫雷亚开庭,法院站在了罗密欧这一边,并要求电信公司每年支付他近7000欧元(约7500美元)的赔偿金。

    Last Thursday , it emerged a court in the northern city of Ivrea has sided with Romeo , ordering the mobile network giant to pay him up to 7000 euro a year ( around $ 7500 ) .