
xuě sōng
  • cedar;deodar;white pine
雪松 [xuě sōng]
  • [deodar;cedar] 一种产于东印度的杉木( Cedrus deodara )

雪松[xuě sōng]
  1. 光照对雪松种子的发芽率和幼苗质量的影响

    Effect of illumination on germination rate and seedling in deodar cadar

  2. 第二类对环境净化能力强,如雪松、大叶女贞、紫叶李等;

    Second comprehensive absorbability in air pollution strong , such as Deodar Cedar , purple leaf Li , Glossy Privet ;

  3. 雪松油可用于制香水,因此十分珍贵。

    Oil of cedarwood is highly prized for its use in perfumery .

  4. 每根木材都被刨平了,切割成一定尺寸,并涂上了雪松防腐剂。

    Every piece of timber was planed , cut to size and stained with cedar preservative .

  5. 风暴严重损害了古老的雪松。

    The o1d cedars were badly damaged in the storm .

  6. 低温胁迫下SOD是雪松主要的保护酶;

    SOD was the main protective enzyme under low temperature ;

  7. 自然降温对雪松叶片中SOD及MDA的影响

    The Influence of Natural Temperature Falling on SOD and MDA in Cedar Blade

  8. 对引种雪松用帐篷进行保护,在植株正常生长的情况下,研究自然降温过程中其叶片内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。

    Using the introduced cedar planted in the tent as material , the content changes of SOD and MDA in blade in the natural temperature falling were studied .

  9. 采用GC-MS法分离确认出38种化学成分,其中主要成分为雪松烯,占总挥发油的41.25%。

    Thirty eight chemical components in the volatilizing oil were identified by GC-MS method . It was found that cedrene was the major constituent amounting to 41.25 % .

  10. 跨过横亘在神圣的五十铃河(Isuzuriver)上的一座木桥,走近神宫,你看不到明显的建筑印记,只能看到满山的雪松、柏树和松木。

    Approaching the complex over a wooden bridge , which arcs over the sacred Isuzu river , one finds no obvious signs of structures , but rather hills of cedar , cypress and pine .

  11. 比如MaisonFrancisKurkdjianOud(售价190英镑),便在其加入了广藿香、雪松以及藏红花,使之更为性感;

    Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud ( £ 190 ) , for example , combines the ingredient with patchouli as well as cedarwood and saffron for seductive depth ;

  12. Risqué清新、有皮革味,融合了佛手柑、广藿香、雪松、香根草、茉莉和风信子气息。

    Risqu é is both fresh and leathery , with notes of bergamot and patchouli , cedar wood , vetiver , rose , jasmine and hyacinth .

  13. 带有红莓果的芳香气息,兼有蘑菇、雪松类的味道。

    Berries on the nose , mixed with mushroom and cedar .

  14. 各种红雪松芳香的微红色木料。

    Fragrant reddish wood of any of various red cedar trees .

  15. 那棵雪松约有五尺高,风姿优美。

    The cedar was about five feet high and very shapely .

  16. 类似雪松的柏科植物。

    Any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars .

  17. 香味:甜浆果,醋栗,雪松,成熟的香气;

    Aroma : weet berry , currant , cedar , ripe aromas .

  18. 她的眼睛绿得像黎巴嫩雪松吧?

    Her eyes , green as the cedars of lebanon .

  19. 一个雪松和橡树环绕。

    A place set in the cedars and oak trees .

  20. 化学防治能有效的控制雪松枝枯病。

    This chemical control was effective to prevent cedar branch - withering .

  21. 他在雪松西奈山医院接受癌症治疗。

    She was in t cancer ward at Cedars-Sinai hospital .

  22. 雪松的挥发物质释放与温度的变化趋势相同。

    Release of volatile substances content is related to temperature . 4 .

  23. 雪松叶枯病病原菌及其生物学特性

    Pathogen of Leaf Blight of Cedar and Its Biological Characteristics

  24. 雪松烯的硼氢化反应及其产物构型的测定

    The Hydroboration of Cedrene and the Configuration of Its Product

  25. 在我的家梅村,我种了三棵雪松。

    In my home in Plum Village , I planted three cedar trees .

  26. 松树、雪松、云杉都是常绿的树。

    The pine , cedar and spruce are evergreens .

  27. 如雪松一样的建筑表层设计成穿孔,有利于室内对流的空气冷却。

    The cedar-clad skin is perforated to allow convective cooling of the interior .

  28. 橡木:雪松,药用,树脂,烟雾,香草,烟草。

    Oak : cedar , medicinal , resinous , smoke , vanilla , tobacco .

  29. 那块地嘛,我还建议你种引起针叶树,或许是雪松。

    On that piece of land I would also recommend conifers or maybe cedars .

  30. 我用雪松给你做了一条船。

    I prepared your canoe with cedar boughs .