
  • 网络Snow Monster;wendigo;yeti;snowman
  1. 当地人亲切地称之为“雪怪”。

    " Snow monsters ," the locals affectionately call them .

  2. 这位篮球巨星近期为2018年的电影《雪怪大冒险》中的角色Gwangi配了音。

    The basketball star also recently contributed his voice to the character Gwangi in 2018 's Smallfoot .

  3. 然而,这些螃蟹也不只是像微缩的喜马拉雅雪怪那样站着,戴一副红色会蜇人的装饰球。

    The crab doesn 't just stand there looking like a miniature yeti with red pain-pompoms , though .

  4. Tjournal新闻网站上一名自称“安东·安东诺夫”的读者开玩笑说道:“很快亚马尔半岛就会被从蛋里孵出来的雪怪入侵了。”

    A reader of the TJournal news site calling himself " Anton Antonov " joked : " Soon the peninsula will be invaded by hatched snowsaurs ! "