
yǔ qíng
  • rain condition;rainfall in a given area
雨情 [yǔ qíng]
  • [rainfall in a given area] 某个地区降雨的情况

雨情[yǔ qíng]
  1. 实时雨情监视模块实现了对终止时间为当前时间的时段雨情的监视,并且能够在地图上反映雨量数据的变化。

    Real-time rain condition monitoring module could monitor current rainfall , and dynamically reflect rainfall change on electronic map .

  2. 基于GIS水雨情监测系统的分析设计

    Analysis and Design for the Rainfall and Flood Monitoring System Based on GIS

  3. 基于WEB开发的该系统是一个集成原有实时水雨情系统功能,并对实时水雨情、遥测水雨情以及历史水文数据库信息进行综合对比、分析与查询的系统。

    The hydrologic information service system integrates the original real-time flood-rainfall information system based on the WEB technique . The system is capable of contrasting , analyzing and querying the real-time , remote-sensed and historical flood-rainfall information synthetically .

  4. 调水系统实时水雨情分析应用研究

    Study on real-time water and rain information for water transfer system

  5. 山西省水雨情信息传输处理系统

    Information Transmission and Processing System of Water and Rain Regime , Shanxi

  6. 水雨情信息空间发布技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Spatial Issuance Technique of Water and Rainfall Information

  7. μC/OS-II嵌入式操作系统在水雨情遥测系统中的应用

    Application of μ C / OS-II in the remote measure system of rainfall

  8. 让他初尝云雨情的年长女子。

    An older woman who had initiated him into the mysteries of love .

  9. 水库雨情自动测报系统风险分析方法研究

    Study on risk analysis method for automatic measure and forecast system of reservoir rain regime

  10. 最后,给出移植了μC/OS-II实时嵌入式操作系统的水雨情遥测系统的测试结果和结论。

    At last , the test result of the system and the conclusion were given out .

  11. 实现了对浑河流域内各遥测站实时雨情、水情信息的自动监视;

    The automatization of watching the real-time precipitation information through the remote telemetry station in the Hun-River is obtained .

  12. 二处下辖一个中心站点和五个分站点,中心站点需要实时了解各分站点的水情和雨情状况来为水资源调度提供决策依据。

    The control center needs the data of the water level and rainfall of each aqueduct at real time for decision-making .

  13. 模糊相似选择在确定泥石流沟危险雨情区上的应用

    Application of the method of fuzzy similarity selection in determining the dangerous enveloped area of rainfall condition in debris flow gullies

  14. 水雨情遥测系统在防灾防汛工作中具有重要的作用,现在运行的系统,通常使用超短波电台进行数据的传输。

    Hydrological monitoring system plays an important role in the flood prevention work , . It typically uses UHF radio for data transmission .

  15. 分析了2003年8月呼兰河流域的雨情、水情和灾情。实时水雨情数据库的二次开发

    This paper analyzed the situation of rain , water and the extent of a disaster of Hulan River Valley in 2003 · 8

  16. 防汛等各部门将继续密切跟踪雨情变化,采取有力措施,确保防汛排涝工作万无一失。

    Flood control and related departments shall follow closely the raining situations and take forceful measures to ensure the success of flood control .

  17. 对1996年7月发生在伊春市南部的暴雨洪水进行雨情、水情和灾情的分析。

    This paper discussed the storm flood in the south of Yichun city in July , 1996 and rain , water and disaster regime .

  18. 该文根据所掌握的94·7特大暴雨的雨情资料,对暴雨的地理分布和时间演变等方面做了初步分析。

    Using the precipitation data of " 94.7 " torrential rain , a preliminary analysis to its geographic location and its temporal tendency is given .

  19. 根据查询站点的个数,雨情查询模块可划分为单站查询和多站查询。

    According to the number of query stations each time , rain regime query module could be divided into single station query and multi-station query module .

  20. 大隆水库在施工期采用水情自动测报系统收集雨情信息,使洪水预报更加及时。

    The basic concept , principle and characteristics of the satellite communication-based automatic system of hydrological data acquisition and transmission and MQ Series are introduced briefly .

  21. 最后,给出以水雨情会商系统为例的演示性应用,展示了上述技术的可行性和有效性。

    We also give a demonstrative application of a hydrographic information system to show the feasibility and effectivity of this work to meet the initial challenges .

  22. 直观表现和预见水雨情信息的空间分布状态有利于对水信息与地理信息的相互作用进行分析。

    The visual display and forecast of the spatial distribution of water and rainfall information are helpful to analyze the interaction between water information and geography information .

  23. 暗管排水流量组成分析优化运行的目标,是根据不同泵站、各泵装置之间的运行特性和水雨情对排水流量的要求,通过对流量的最优分配,达到效益最好的目的。

    Discharge Combination Analysis of Subsurface Drain Pipe System The optimization goal is to get the best benefits through the optimization allotment of total flow to different pumping station .

  24. 水文数据采集系统为防汛测报提供及时的水雨情信息,但在数据传输上存在不稳定现象,影响了自动测报的质量。

    The hydrology data collecting system offers prompt water and rain information for the flood prevention , but the data transmission has unstable phenomena and influences the quality of predicting .

  25. 所以我不得不别离故乡的雨,不得不在异乡他地独自承受那份浓浓的乡情、雨情。

    So I had to parting hometown of rain , had to bear alone in a foreign land , he places a heavy share of the nostalgia , rain condition .

  26. 各地相继利用无线通信技术、遥感遥测技术和计算机应用技术等建立的水雨情信息采集系统,在防汛工作中得到了广泛应用。

    The wireless communication technologies , remote sensing technologies and remote monitoring technologies have been widely used in building the system of hydrologic data collection and transmission for flood prevention .

  27. 该软件系统利用自动化测报系统实时采集的水雨情资料,进行实时水雨情动态分析,为决策者提供决策支持。

    And it has taken advantage of automatic measurement system to collect rain and water information and has made a dynamic analysis , so as to offer decision support for decision-maker .

  28. 雷达定量测雨可以作为常规雨量站网的补充,准实时地提供多种雨情信息。

    The measuring rainfall by the means of radar may be a supplement for the network of the routine rainfall station , it can give a variety of rainfall information quasi-real time .

  29. 设计一种具有数据采集、处理、通信和控制功能的智能采集系统,准确及时地提供水雨情信息,有着很重要的现实意义。

    Design of a data acquisition , processing , communications and control function of the intelligent acquisition system , accurate and timely delivery of water and rain information has very important practical significance .

  30. 水情测报系统实时采集、分析、处理水雨情数据,为防汛及水资源合理分配提供支持,是水利信息化的基础。

    Hydrological Information Measuring and Reporting System collects , analyses and processes the water and rainfall information in real time so that it can provide support for the flood prevention and water resources allocation .