
  1. 接收损坏的货物,客户将自己担负责任。集装箱箱体自然损耗

    Accepting damaged packages is for the customers ' own risk ! Container Wear and Tear

  2. 集装箱箱体自然损耗

    Container Wear and Tear

  3. 测试结果表明,本论文提出的集装箱箱体无线远程标签达到各项技术指标。

    The results show that the proposed wireless remote label of the container box achieve each kind of technical indicators .

  4. 熏蒸载货的集装箱可处理箱体裸露的木质部分、木包装或货物。

    Loaded containers may be fumigated to treat the exposed timber components of containers , timber packaging or the cargo .

  5. 直升救护机医疗设备集装箱集装箱码头设备的计算机管理一种用于邮政集装箱箱体翻转的摆杆滑块机构的设计

    Design of a Rocker-Slider Mechanism Used in Post Container Tip Machine