
  • 网络Stealth fighter;fighter jet;Stealth Fighter Jet
  1. 中国J-20四代隐形战斗机仍然在研究阶段。

    J-20 stealth fighter jet remains in research phase .

  2. 果然如他所言,中国军方透露刚刚完成新式隐形战斗机歼20的首次试飞,这个消息给美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)访华蒙上了阴影。

    True to his words , the military disclosed that it had just conducted its first test flight of a new stealth fighter , the j-20 overshadowing a visit to Beijing by Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  3. 澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。

    Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America 's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet .

  4. 俄罗斯的苏霍伊(Sukhoi)已经造出了T-50隐形战斗机,而中国的成都飞机工业集团正在研制歼-20战斗机(J-20)。

    Sukhoi of Russia has built a stealth fighter called the T-50 while China is developing the Chengdu J-20 .

  5. 虽然F-117A被称为“隐形战斗机”,实际上它是被作为轻型轰炸机来设计和使用的。

    While the F117A was called the " stealth fighter ", it was actually designed and used as a light bomber .

  6. 航空迷们正对着中国军事网上几张模糊的照片窃窃私语,声称是北京的第一架隐形战斗机,成飞制造的J-20。

    Aviation buffs are buzzing over blurry photographs now surfacing on Chinese military websites purporting to show Beijing 's first stealth fighter jet , the Chengdu J-20 fighter .

  7. 最后,电脑驱动飞行线控系统,并用于生产飞机,半无尾设计允许例如F-117隐形战斗机。

    Eventually , computer-driven fly-by-wire systems did allow for semi-tailless designs in production aircraft , such as the F-117 Stealth Fighter .

  8. 但美国却拒绝向日本出售其F-22“猛禽”隐形战斗机(F-22Raptor),东京方面不得不仰仗隐形和战斗能力不那么强的F-35战斗机。

    The US , however , has refused to sell Japan its own stealth fighter , the F-22 Raptor , leaving Tokyo to rely on the less stealthy and less powerful F-35 .

  9. 周五,日本国产隐形战斗机X-2从名古屋起飞,完成了“处女航”。这次试飞凸显出东亚军备竞赛在不断加速。

    Japan 's domestically built X-2 stealth fighter took off from Nagoya on Friday in a maiden flight that highlights the accelerating arms race in East Asia .

  10. 印度官员表示,这种飞机将在未来的六年建造,基于俄罗斯T-50隐形战斗机的原型。

    Indian officials say the aircraft will be built within the next six years and based on the prototype of the Russian T-50 stealth fighter .

  11. X-2的研发反映出了日本的失望情绪。它眼看着两个强大的邻国——俄罗斯和中国——都在发展隐形战斗机,而盟友美国却拒绝向它出售同级别的飞机。

    Development of the X-2 reflects Japan 's dismay as it watches two powerful neighbours , Russia and China , develop stealth fighters while its US ally refuses to sell an equivalent aircraft .

  12. 战斗机还没有发现隐形战斗机的迹象?

    And the fighters report no sign of stealth aircraft ?

  13. 这一局面促使日本启动了自己的隐形战斗机研发计划。

    That has prompted Japan to start its own stealth fighter programme .

  14. 歼-20是中国目前正在研发的一种新型隐形战斗机。

    The J-20 is a new stealth fighter under development in China .

  15. 隐形战斗机是为了使雷达无法识别而设计的飞机。

    The stealth fighter is an aircraft designed to be invisible to radar .

  16. 京晶:你说的是歼-20隐形战斗机吗?

    You mean the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter jet ?

  17. 歼-20隐形战斗机的首飞采用了中国独立研发的发动机,这是一个重要的信号。

    The J20 stealth fighter taking to the air using China own indigenous engines is significant .

  18. 中国最新型隐形战斗机歼20于去年公诸于世时,西方国防工业大吃一惊。

    When China last year revealed its newest stealth jet fighter , the defence industry was taken aback .

  19. 中国制造的隐形战斗机可能比美国造的性能更好,而且还更便宜。

    Probably the Chinese version will work much better than the American version and it will be much cheaper .

  20. 最近的军力展示中,中国新型隐形战斗机进行了第二次试飞。

    China has staged a second test flight of its new stealth fighter jet in its latest display of military strength .

  21. 据称,歼-20隐形战斗机在两架歼-10战斗机的陪伴下在空中飞行了约18分钟,随后安全着陆。

    They said the aircraft flew for about 18 minutes , accompanied by two J-10 fighters , and then landed safely .

  22. 尽管中国先进的国产隐形战斗机本周亮相,但是预计该型飞机在最近几年内不会大量投入现役。

    While China unveiled its own advanced stealth fighter this week , big deployments of the aircraft are not expected for several years .

  23. 今年以来,中国已向外界展示了其军事实力,首次装备了航空母舰和隐形战斗机。

    In the course of 2011 , China has flexed its military muscles , deploying an aircraft carrier and stealth fighter for the first time .

  24. 父亲在信中说,报上那个隐形战斗机分明可以看到,干吗说它“隐形”呢?

    Father asked in the mail , why do we call the stealth fighter " stealth " when it can be clearly observed on the newspaper ?

  25. 在过去的几天中国的多个互联网网站上出现了据称是中国新型隐形战斗机的照片。

    Over the last few days imagery of what is claimed to be China 's new stealth fighter has appeared on a range of Chinese Internet sites .

  26. 盖茨说,美国法律目前禁止向外国出售猛禽隐形战斗机,但是他鼓励澳大利亚游说美国国会修改这项法律。

    Gates said U.S. law currently forbids sale of the Raptor to foreign countries , but he encouraged Australia to lobby the U.S. Congress to amend that law .

  27. 一些教师谈到,“隐形战斗机父母”,他们不再没完没了地在孩子身边盘旋,但会在孩子所在的高中为音乐剧挑选演员或者确定手法阵容等关键时刻精确出击。

    Some teachers talk of " Stealth Fighter Parents " who no longer hover constantly but can be counted on for a surgical strike just when the high school musical is being cast or starting lineup chosen .

  28. 中国正展示出一种新自信不管是在哥本哈根气候变化谈判上与美国对抗、拒绝美国有关汇率的要求,还是在美国防部长访问北京期间测试新隐形战斗机。

    A new assertiveness is on display whether it involves confronting the US at the climate change talks in Copenhagen , rebuffing American demands on currency or testing a new stealth fighter while the US defence secretary is visiting Beijing .

  29. 中国的J-20是一款新式的、多用途的、攻击型隐形喷气式战斗机。这款战斗机就是设计用来对抗美国F-22的,而不是一款轰炸机。

    Chinese J-20 is a type of new multirole strike stealth fighter jet that was designed to counter american F-22 , not a type of bomber .