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yǐn jū
  • seclusion;be a hermit;live in seclusion;seclude;far away from;withdraw from society and live in solitude
隐居 [yǐn jū]
  • [be a hermit;live in seclusion] 退居乡里,不肯出仕。退居山野

  • 隐居之室。--明. 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》

隐居[yǐn jū]
  1. 隐居地点在今山西省万荣县孤山;

    The place where he live in seclusion is Gu Hill in Wan rong , Shanxi province today .

  2. 他隐居在天台唐兴县西七十里号为“寒岩”的地方,经常往来国清寺。

    Number place of " cold rock " 35 kilometers west of he live in seclusion Tang make the county prosperous in balcony , often exchanged Guoqing Temple .

  3. 他隐居在威尔士一个偏僻的小村舍里。

    He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales .

  4. 她与丈夫隐居在他们在巴拿马的农场。

    She lived in seclusion with her husband on their farm in Panama

  5. 格林讲述他有一次去布雷姆纳隐居之处看他的经历。

    Green recounts how he once went to see Bremner in his lair

  6. “自从隐居到这里,”他在生命即将结束时写道,“我一直没有离开过这些大山。”

    ' Since I retired to this place , ' he wrote near the end of his life , ' I have never been out of these mountains . '

  7. 我不理解,为什么一位原先那么喜欢社交的人竟会突然隐居到偏僻的小村庄。

    I couldn 't understand why a man who had always been so fond of the social scene should suddenly want to bury himself alive in a one-horse village at the back of no where .

  8. 在路上他们碰见了里斯·谢尔史密斯(曾主演《9号秘室》)饰演的一名疯癫的隐居者,从那开始事情变得诡异起来。

    Along the way they encounter a mad hermit16 played by Reece Shearsmith ( Inside No. 9 ) , and things get weirder17 from there .

  9. Laplace隐居在巴黎附近的一个小城市梅龙。

    Laplace retired to Melun , a small city near Paris .

  10. Alice非常外向和社交化,而George是个隐居者。

    So , Alice was very outgoing and sociable , and George was a recluse .

  11. SixSensesNinhBay酒店提供58个别墅,包括丛林隐居、山顶眺望、海滩或者水边等等各种环境。

    Six Senses Ninh Van Bay retreat offers 58 villas with a choice of jungle seclusion , hilltop views , beachside or water-edge settings .

  12. 在1997年参与创立的HTC公司,王雪红更喜欢隐居幕后,这一点并不意外。

    It is no surprise that Wang ( rhymes with gong ) prefers a more behind-the-scenes role at HTC , which she co-founded in 1997 .

  13. 李被誉为文学界的嘉宝(Garbo),过着隐居生活,极少公开露面,偶尔接受奖项或荣誉学位都会成为重要新闻。

    Lee gained a reputation as a literary Garbo , a recluse whose public appearances to accept an award or an honorary degree counted as important news simply because of their rarity .

  14. 尽管东京把现代化发挥到了极致,但仍有一些迷人的地方能勾起人的怀旧情结,比如琥珀咖啡(CafédeL’Ambre)。这家传统的咖啡馆从1948年起就隐居在银座的一条后巷里。

    Even as the city pushes the limits of modernization , there remain charming spots where you can feel the nostalgic pull of the past . That 's evident at Caf é de L'Ambre , a classic kissaten ( coffee shop ) tucked on a back lane in Ginza since 1948 .

  15. 这家人过去几天一直过着隐居生活。

    The family has spent the past few days in secludion .

  16. 我退休后要到乡间隐居。

    I 'll bury myself in the country after my retirement .

  17. 隐逸:仕途憧憬的逆向缓冲&唐末诗人的隐居与诗歌创作

    Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  18. 他们多徘徊在佛道思想之间,借以充实自己的隐居生活。

    They used Buddhist and Taoism thoughts to enrich their seclusion .

  19. 他是个隐居的百万富翁,拒绝接受采访。

    He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews .

  20. 先祖们在此隐居100多年了

    Our ancesters lived in secrecy for over a hundred years .

  21. 这个人已隐居多年。

    The man has isolated himself from society for many years .

  22. 每天过著下将棋喝著茶的悠闲隐居生活。

    Drinking tea and playing shoji during a relax life everyday !

  23. 不能仅仅把她当成一个古怪的隐居者。

    She cannot just be written off as an eccentric recluse .

  24. 他们寻找一个可以过隐居生活的地方。

    They search for a place where they can live in solitude .

  25. 他把这个地方当作避难所和隐居处。

    He thought of it as refuge and a kind of retirement .

  26. 花豹不像狮子或印度豹,是属于较神秘而隐居的大猫。

    Unlike lions or cheetahs , leopards are secretive , solitary cats .

  27. 孤立:一位作家过着隐居的生活。

    Condition of being obscure : a writer who lived in obscurity .

  28. 他会自愿隐居于这些沙漠地区。

    He would voluntarily bury himself in these desert regions .

  29. 他为什么隐居,这对我是个迷。

    It is a mystery to me why he lives in solitude .

  30. 隐居处的意思是要你更多地关注你自己。

    It means that you are getting more in touch with yourself .