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  • 网络Longyang;longyang district
  1. 保山市隆阳区农村沼气发展思路

    Speculations on Rural Biogas Development in Longyang District of Baoshan City

  2. 1959~2001年保山市隆阳区降水时序特征初步分析

    Preliminary study on the serial characteristics of annual precipitation in Baoshan Longyang region

  3. 保山市隆阳区16所小学新课程改革调查报告

    Survey of Reform in New Curriculums in 16 Primary Schools in Long Yang District

  4. 隆阳区民营经济发展的特点及趋势分析

    On Private-owned Economy in Longyang District

  5. 试论隆阳区非物质文化遗产的保护与开发

    Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection & Exploitation

  6. 最后,将该算法运用到云南省保山市隆阳区的局部路网中。

    Finally , the algorithm is applied to the local road network of Longyang District , Baoshan City , Yunnan Province .

  7. 本文以保山市隆阳区杨柳彝族白族乡实地调查的91块云南松林样地数据研究了林分生长模型。

    Stand growth model was studied based on91 sample plots data collected in the Yangliu Township , Longyang District , Baoshan Prefecture .

  8. 在上述背景下,研究土地利用格局变化规律对于隆阳区的持续发展具有十分重要的现实意义。

    In this context , studying on the land use variation pattern is of great practical significance for the sustainable development of Longyang district .

  9. 云南省保山市隆阳区位于云贵高原,是我国西南部对外开放的门户。

    Longyang district of Baoshan City , Yunnan province is located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau , the southwest open-door to the outside world of China .

  10. 云南保山(隆阳)烟区主要植烟土壤养分状况分析及合理施肥研究

    The Status of Major Soil Fertility and Study on Reasonable Fertilization in Tobacco-growing Areas in Longyang District , Baoshan City , Yunnan Province