
  • 网络ceramic culture
  1. 依托社区教育平台推进陶瓷文化的探讨

    Research into the propulsion of ceramic culture with the backing of Community Education

  2. 景德镇陶瓷文化研究所·简介

    CeramiC Culture reSearCh inStitute Of JingdeZhen

  3. 陶瓷文化形态及唐山陶瓷文化的发展

    Cultural Pattern of Ceramics and the Development of Tangshan Ceramic Culture

  4. 景德镇陶瓷文化遗产与景德镇学

    The cultural heritage of Jingdezhen ceramics and " jingdezheng studies "

  5. 陶瓷文化在浅绛彩上的体现

    The incarnation of ceramics culture on the light purple color

  6. 最复杂的陶瓷文化在中国。

    The most sophisticated pottery culture was in China .

  7. 新石器时代早期的陶瓷文化

    On Ceramics Culture in the Early Stone Age

  8. 景德镇陶瓷文化景观域外器型因素探究

    An inquiry into factors form outside China to the types of Jingdezhen Ceramic Cultural Landscape

  9. 以灌千古陶瓷文化,技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,工艺精湛。

    Our company possesses of strong technology power , advanced production facilities and consummate craftwork .

  10. 从吉州窑瓷看南北陶瓷文化交流

    Porcelain Cultural Exchange between the South and the North as Evidenced by the Jizhou Kiln Porcelain

  11. 提出培养传承千年陶瓷文化对外交流翻译人才的新目标。

    Puts forward the new target of cultivating cross-cultural translators / interpreters for spreading millennial ceramic culture .

  12. 至今,民间陶瓷文化仍然对生活及艺术产生影响。

    The folk culture of ceramics has more profound impact on the life and arts at present .

  13. 我国有着悠久的陶瓷文化,陈设陶瓷曾经在古代家居中扮演过重要的角色。

    China has a long ceramic culture and display of ancient ceramics in home play an important role .

  14. 我国的陶瓷文化一直被视为体现中华民族文明成就和精神风采的重要方面。

    The porcelain culture of our country has long been seen as an important reflection of the glory and spirit of our civilization .

  15. 中国是瓷器的故乡,几千年来的陶瓷文化的传承和延伸,为人类历史文明做出了杰出的贡献。

    China is the hometown of Ceramics , and the succession of ceramic culture contributes much to the development of human history and civilization .

  16. 我们在继承传统陶瓷文化精髓的同时,勇于创新,积极开发符合时代审美精神的新产品。

    We have inherited the essence of traditional culture , meanwhile , we also develop new products which are accord with the modern taste .

  17. 中国有着浓厚的陶瓷文化历史,陶瓷作为一种泥与火的艺术有浓厚的文化韵味和民族艺术精髓。

    China has a long history of ceramics culture . As an art of mud and fire , ceramics has intense culture glamour and nation essence .

  18. 景德镇的优秀匠人们结合特殊的地理环境,特殊的制瓷技艺以及特殊的工具,共同构成了景德镇特殊的陶瓷文化。

    Combination of excellent artisans of Jingdezhen special geographical environment , special skills and special tools for porcelain , together constitute a special Jingdezhen ceramics culture .

  19. 陶瓷文化与服饰文化一样源远流长。陶瓷作为一种实用的器具发展成为具有文化价值的一门艺术,因其特性而成为记载和传承历史文化的一种最佳载体。

    Both ceramic culture and clothing culture have long history , As an applied ware , ceramic has become a kind of art which has cultural value .

  20. 克拉克瓷作为明末清初的一种中国外销瓷,对世界陶瓷文化和陶瓷贸易产生了重要影响。

    Kraak porcelain is a type of Chinese export ware of the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties , which exerted a major influence on world ceramic culture and trade .

  21. 景德镇陶瓷文化在母体文化中孕育和发展,并从外来文化中汲取营养,成为中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

    Jingdezhen ceramics culture has nurtured and developed in the " mother " and learned from foreign cultures , and has become an important part of traditional Chinese culture .

  22. 茶壶是茶文化和陶瓷文化碰撞的火花,通过其造型透露出的精神意蕴集中体现了中国人对器物的审美追求。

    Teapot is the tea culture and ceramic art of fusion . Through the form of teapots , it will be found that the Chinese to utensils esthetic pursue .

  23. 中国的陶瓷文化源远流长,陶瓷是中华民族的艺术瑰宝和智慧结晶,陶瓷绘画种类繁多,创作形式多样。

    Chinese ceramics culture goes back to ancient times , Ceramics is the Chinese nation art gem and wisdom crystal , Ceramics drawing great variety , creation are various in forms .

  24. 在漫长的历史过程中,茶具始终与伟大的陶瓷文化保持着密切的联系,成为民族文化的重要组成部分。

    In the long historical process , the tea set is keeping close contact deeply with the great ceramic culture , becomes one of the most important parts of the national culture .

  25. 本文通过景德镇陶瓷文化遗址景观的梳理、分析,研究国内外关于遗址景观的保护与利用的相关理论。

    In this paper , the landscape of the comb of the Jingdezhen Ceramic cultural sites , study at home and abroad on the ruins of landscape protection and use of relevant theory .

  26. 中国刻花瓷文化旅游园区建设项目,是集研究、设计、生产、旅游、餐饮、休闲为一体的陶瓷文化综合性项目。

    Chinese porcelain carved designs Culture and Tourism Park , is set in the research , design , production , tourism , catering , leisure and cultural as one of the ceramic integrated projects .

  27. 它能否从传统的手工绘制中走向产业化生产,满足普通消费者收藏名作的需求,从而推动整个陶瓷文化市场的发展。

    Whether It could turn to industrial production from the traditional handicraft , satisfying common consumer to collect each need for work , pushing the development of the whole porcelain and ceramics cultural market finally .

  28. 瓷都景德镇,闻名中外。要宣传景德镇陶瓷文化必须掌握相应的陶瓷英语,让更多的人了解瓷都,让瓷都更好地走向世界。

    We should give publicity to Jingdezhen Ceramic culture and master some relevant ceramic English so as to let more people get to know the porcelain capital and let the porcelain capital enter the world market .

  29. 本文尝试将中国传统瓷釉的审美意义放置到更大的文化语境中去考察,因此对釉的物质象征与精神内涵研究成为了理解、认识传统陶瓷文化的新途径。

    This paper will placed the aesthetic meaning of Chinese traditional glaze into a larger cultural context to study . The study material symbols and spiritual connotation of glaze has become a new way of understanding the traditional ceramic culture .

  30. 基于景德镇陶瓷文化遗址景观可持续利用模式与设计方法研究的基础上,以景德镇御窑遗址景观可持续性利用的整体规划与具体设计为例,对御窑遗址景观可持续利用进行深入研究。

    Sustainable use of Jingdezhen ceramics culture ruins landscape model and design method based on the overall planning and design of the sustainable use of the Jingdezhen Kilns ruins landscape , for example , in-depth study on the sustainable use of the imperial kiln site of landscape .