
Táo Yuānmínɡ
  • Tao Yuanming;scholar famed for his distaste of official life and his depiction of the utopian "Peach Blossom Spring"
陶渊明 [táo yuān míng]
  • [Tao Yuanming] (365-427) 东晋文学家、诗人。一名潜,字元亮,私谥靖节。浔阳柴桑(今江西九江市西南)人,曾为江州祭酒、镇江参军,后任彭泽令。因不满当时官员的腐败而去职,归隐田园,至死不仕。其诗以《归去来兮辞》、《饮酒》、《桃花源诗》、《咏荆轲》、《读山海经.精卫衔微木》等为代表,今存《陶渊明集》

  1. 他正在为写陶渊明传记搜集材料。

    He is now collecting material for a biography of Tao Yuanming .

  2. 陶渊明不为五斗米折腰。

    Tao Yuanming wouldn 't bow and scrape for five pecks of rice ( the regulation salary of a magistrate ) .

  3. 生命的诗学与生存的诗学&陶渊明与华兹华斯自然诗之管窥

    A Comparison of Tao Yuanming 's and Wordsworth 's Nature Poetry

  4. 《史记》与陶渊明的政治理想

    " The Historical Records " and Tao Yuanming 's Political Ideal

  5. 论陶渊明诗歌的理性精神

    A Study on the Rational Spirits of Tao Yuan-ming 's Poems

  6. 和谐社会语境下对陶渊明田园诗的解读

    Interpretation On TAO Yuan-ming 's Pastoral Poetry under the Harmonious Society

  7. 第五部分则考察了陶渊明诗文中的隐喻性叙事。

    Chapter Five focalizes on metaphorical narrative of Tao Yuan-ming works .

  8. 陶渊明诗意人生的实现及其美学意义

    The Realization of Tao Yuanming 's Poetic Life and Aesthetic Meaning

  9. 陶渊明是魏晋南北朝时期卓冠一代的大诗人。

    TAO Yuan-ming is a great poet of the Jin Dynasty .

  10. 平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一&从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

    A Unity of Being Plain and Natural & Being Deep and Mellow

  11. 陶渊明之隐&中国古代隐文化之典范

    Tao Yuanming as a Hermit Set the Model in Ancient China Culture

  12. 从美的逻辑建构看陶渊明及其田园诗

    The Logical Construction of Beauty in Tao Yuan-ming 's Eclogues

  13. 论陶渊明对中国诗境的七大开拓

    On Seven Exploitations of Chinese Poetic Realm by Tao Yuanming

  14. 陶渊明田园诗中的黄昏情结

    On the Complex at Dusk in the Pastoral Poems by Tao Yuanming

  15. 陶渊明的幽默是柔和的,是含着泪的幽默。

    Tao 's humor is mild , but with tears .

  16. 高丽文人笔下的陶渊明形象

    The Image of Tao Yuanming in the Eyes Koryo Scholars

  17. 你看过陶渊明的诗集吗?

    Have you read the gleanings of yuan-ming 's poems ?

  18. 陶渊明的精神危机及精神探索

    TAO Yuan - ming 's Spiritual Crisis and Spiritual Explorations

  19. 用很后现代的方式消遣了陶渊明一把。

    Very post-modern way of Tao Yuan-ming 's a pastime .

  20. 陶渊明是中国田园诗歌的开山鼻祖。

    Tao Yuanming is the father of Chinese pastoral poetry .

  21. 回归自然&论陶渊明对自由的追求

    Return to the Nature & On Tao Yuanming 's Pursuit of Freedom

  22. 陶渊明对生命一体的神话精神的复活

    The Revival of Mythology Spirit of Solidarity of Life by Tao Yuan-ming

  23. 陶渊明、王维诗歌意境的比较

    The Comparison of Tao Yuanming and Wang Wei 's Poetry Artistic Conception

  24. 陶渊明诗所受佛经影响

    On Tao Yuan-ming 's Poetry Being Influenced by Buddhist Scriptures

  25. 陶渊明与韩国诗人金时习之比较

    A Comparison between Chinese Poet Tao Yuanming and Korean Poet Kim Si-sup

  26. 试解陶渊明不做山水诗之原因

    Why Tao Yuanming Refused to Be a Poet of Landscape

  27. 陶渊明是我国古代伟大的文学家、思想家。

    Tao Yuanming is an important writer and thinker in ancient China .

  28. 陶渊明是一位很有成就的诗人。

    Tao yuan-ming is a very famous poet who gets great achievements .

  29. 陶渊明诗歌语言艺术新论

    A New Approach to the Language Art of Tao Yuan-ming 's Poems

  30. 陶渊明的孤独与超脱

    The Solitude and Aloofness of Tao Yuan - ming