
  1. 《天问》的原创意图论丁玲、陈染小说的文化内涵

    Of Ding Ling 's and Chen Ran 's Novels : Cultural Intention

  2. 郁达夫、陈染是本世纪初期和本世纪末期在“私小说”创作领域颇有成就的两位代表作家。

    Both You Dafu and Chen Ran are two outstanding authors in the field of writing novel concerning privacy in the early and late period of this century .

  3. 陈染等纷纷静下心来,在聆听、观赏、内化中,或有形或无形地学习着、借鉴着、尝试着而呈现出相似的叙事言语特征。

    Chen Ran and many other female writes all immersed in , listened , watched and within it , or tangible or intangible , they emerged similar characteristics to the narrative with Duras speech .

  4. 陈染曾声称自己深受西方哲学和精神分析学的影响,写作旨在表达一种人与世界的对抗关系,并以此来表达人的生存困境。

    She once said that her novels is affected by the west philosophy and spirit analytical theory and aimed at discovering the relation between the human being and nature to show the jam of survivorship of human being .

  5. 目前的女性文学研究一般到陈染、林白等以私人小说出名的女作家就戛然而止。

    Firstly as far as the study of the woman 's literature is concerned , too much attention has been paid on the Private Novel , which was created by Chen Ran , Lin Bai and so forth .

  6. 身体写作在中国文坛上,出现了以陈染、林白为代表的第一代作家,卫慧、棉棉代表的第二代,春树、木子美代表的第三代。

    In the Chinese literary circles , Chen Ran , Lin Bai appeared to represent the first generation of writers of " the body writing ", Wei Hui , Mian Mian the second generation and Chun Shu , Muzi Mei the third generation .

  7. 以林白、陈染、徐小斌、徐坤等为代表的新女性小说是90年代最引人注目的一道文学-文化景观,它标志着批判男权文化中心的女性意识和女性写作从无意识场景走向历史场景。

    Neo-Feminist Novel , taking LIN Bai , CHEN Ran , XU Xiao-bin , XU Kun as its representatives , is the most noticeable literature-culture landscape which symbolizes feminine awareness criticizing cultural center of male chauvinism , and that feminine writing has developed from non-consciousness to historical scenery .