
  1. 陈超,1958年生于山西省太原市。

    Chen Chao , in1958 was born in Taiyuan Shanxi Province .

  2. 首先,主持人介绍今天的演讲嘉宾陈超先生。

    First of all , toastmaster introduced Mr.

  3. 陈超探长在上海和北京解决了几起大案之后身心俱疲,于是领导放他来濒临太湖的无锡市度假修养。

    Inspector Chen , worn out by several high-profile police cases in Shanghai and Beijing , is sent to the lake city of Wuxi for a holiday .

  4. 陈超表示,他很好奇新片的艺术风格是否会有变化,同时期待在《熊猫和小鼹鼠》中看到新鲜的故事和寓意。

    He is curious to see whether there is change in artistic style and is looking forward to new stories and metaphors in the new panda and mole animation .

  5. 33岁的陈超(音)是北京的一位瓷器艺术家,80年代观看这部卡通片时,他就被其别具一格的艺术风格深深打动。

    Chen Chao , 33 , a Beijing-based porcelain artist , was impressed by the unique artistic style of the original when he watched the animation program during the 1980s .