
  1. 现在,陈晓琳计划在找到新工作之前,开始着手学习几门专业课程。

    Chen now plans to take up some professional courses before she finds a new job .

  2. 陈晓琳说:我很讨厌这份工作,有时甚至会在早晨上班前大哭一场。

    I hated my job so much that I even cried sometimes in the morning before going to work , said Chen .

  3. 上个月月底,27岁的陈晓琳(音译)辞掉自己在上海一家公关公司的会计员工作。

    Chen Xiaolin , 27 , quit her job as an accountant in a PR company in Shanghai at the end of last month .