
  1. 陈文希是新加坡的先驱艺术家之一。

    Chen Wen Hsi is one of the Singapore 's pioneer artists .

  2. 除了擅长中国水墨画,陈文希也精通西洋油画。他勇于尝试不同的风格,例如融入野兽派和立体派的创作。

    He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism .

  3. 它追述了陈文希的创作历程以及他对新加坡艺术界的深远影响。展览将呈献他艺术生涯中的重要作品。

    It tracks Chen 's creative development and his profound influence on the Singapore art community , featuring key works from notable periods in his artistic career .