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  1. 但是腾讯AI实验室的高级战略经理陈思(音)表示,赢得这些游戏所必需的感知和决策学习将具有借鉴价值。

    But Si Chen , senior strategy manager at Tencent 's AI lab , says the requisite perception and decision-making learning to beat those games will resonate .

  2. 当许多人同陈思一样为自己的过度消费而后悔不已时,也有人因为花钱少而收到网友追捧。

    While many like Chen regret their excessive spending , some are making a big deal out of how little they spent .

  3. 去年,陈思的淘宝账单约为1万元人民币,超过济南市60%的网购用户,占她日常开销的一多半。

    Last year , Chen spent about 10,000 yuan on Taobao & more than 60 percent of online shoppers in the city of Jinan and more than half of her living expenses .

  4. 山东艺术学院戏剧影视文学专业大四学生、23岁的陈思(音译)在自己的账单上打上了“无法直视”的标签。

    Chen Si , 23 , a senior in Literature of Film and TV at Shandong University of Arts , put a stamp " Can 't bear to look at it " on her statement .