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  1. 于是,他前往吴郡,求教名士陆机、陆两兄弟。

    Thereupon , he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted6 brothers , Lu Ji and Lu Yun .

  2. 陆机、刘勰论艺术表现与审美形式

    Lu Ji and Liu Xie on Artistic Representation and Aesthetic Form

  3. 陆机《文赋》与文艺学的元问题

    Lu Ji 's Wen-fu and the Basic Problem of Literary Theory

  4. 太康五年陆机初次入洛;

    Luji went to Luoyang in the fifth year of Taikang ;

  5. 陆机入洛之遭遇及其死因考析

    Analyse the Encounter of Entering Luoyang of LU Ji and His Death

  6. 陆机作品的主导风格为繁缛,主要表现在意繁和辞缛两个方面。

    The leading style of his works was numerous .

  7. 论陆机陆云兄弟之死

    On the Death of Lu Ji and Lu Yun

  8. 陆机与吴地文化

    Lu Ji and Wu Culture

  9. 体变曹王&试论陆机的文体创新

    " Changing Cao 's and Wang 's Creative Style " & on Lu Ji 's Style Innovation

  10. 前人对陆机诗歌有情还是无情的争议,以及对陆机诗歌的抬高和贬低,都与他诗歌中的士族意识密切相关。

    The dispute over Lu Ji 's poems is closely related to the aristocratic consciousness in them .

  11. 陆机的代表作《文赋》为中国文学的发展贡献巨大。

    Lu Ji 's special treatise On Poetry Writing , contributed to the development of China 's literary though .

  12. 江南水乡风光旖旎、色彩绚丽的地理特色,使陆机对形式之美非常敏感。

    Finally , the pretty and colorful scenery of watery region had an effect on his sensibility to form .

  13. 言意之辩对古代文论的全方位影响,在陆机、刘勰那里得到了最突出的表现。

    The influence of the argumentation on word and meaning found its most prominent expression in Lu Ji and Liu Xie .

  14. 陆机适应时代重情的风尚在其《文赋》中提出诗缘情的观点,强调诗歌抒写人的情感,揭示了诗歌本质规律和诗歌创作的基本特征。

    Lu Ji put forward the view of poetry origins in emotion in Wen Fu , and emphasized the lyric characteristic of poetry .

  15. 陆机、陆云兄弟是西晋政坛、文坛的重要人物,有着广泛的政治与文化影响。

    Lu Ji , Lu Yun brothers were important figures in Western Jin dynasty , having wide range influence on literature , culture and politics .

  16. 陆机是中古文学史上的重要作家,也是第一位在生前和身后都产生了一定影响的吴地作家。

    Lu Ji was not only an important writer in the history of middle ancient literature , but also the first influential writer coming from Wu .

  17. 从文体语言来看,潘岳和陆机都以辞采华美著称,但陆机更刻意追求语言的富赡、典雅,表现出繁缛的特点,潘岳的作品则比较浅切明畅,表现出清绮的风貌。

    Compared from language styles , Pan and Lu both were famous for flowery language , but Lu pursued the elegance and magnificence style more than Pan .

  18. 陆机和潘岳是西晋文学的代表人物,他们的创作代表着西晋文学的一般风尚。

    Lu Ji and Pan Yue were the representative figures of the literature of the West Jin Dynasty , whose works represented the common style of that era .

  19. 从陆机诗赋论看其诗学赋学思想价值&兼论诗赋理论研究的思维模式与方法

    Surveying the Ideological Value in LU Ji 's Studies on Poetry and Fu & Also Discussing Modes of Thinking and Methods of Researching into Theories on Poetry and Fu

  20. 本文从《文赋》出发,并联系陆机其他著作中的音乐资料,分别阐明这五个范畴的音乐美学内涵。

    From the Wen Fu , and to contact Lu 's other music materials , the paper was to clarify the meanings of music aesthetics in these five categories .

  21. 并以陆机及其《拟古诗》十二首为典型范例,论述拟诗对于魏晋文学的深远影响。

    " draft ancient poetry " 12 typical example , is it draft between poem and far-reaching influence of literature of the Wei Jin Dynasty to expound the fact with land machine .

  22. 士族意识的形成是魏晋文学史上的重要现象之一,陆机诗歌中的士族意识标志着中国诗史上士族意识的成熟。陆机诗歌对中国诗史的最大贡献就在于他第一次深刻地表现了士族意识。

    The formation of the aristocratic consciousness is characteristic of the literary history in the Wei Jin , and Lu Ji 's poems epitomize the aristocratic consciousness in the history of Chinese poetry .

  23. 陆机理论主张与其创作实践相脱节之原因有二:其一是玄学思想的影响,其二是陆机的功名欲念也让陆机写出了大量缺乏真情实感的应酬之作。

    There are two reasons for that : The first is metaphysics , the second is Luji 's desires for fame that make Luji write a lot of poem lacking of true feeling .

  24. 为重振家族,陆机、陆云徘徊近十年后毅然仕晋。

    In order to restore the Lu 's family , the Lu brothers , Lu Ji and Lu Yun , decided to be officials in the Jin period after wandering for about ten years .

  25. 虚静作为审美发生的心理前提,影响了陆机、宗炳、刘勰等一大批理论家,成为中国古典艺术理论的重要概念。

    Nothingness and Silence as an important concept of Chinese classical art theories is a mental presupposition , which influences such a great deal of theorists as Lu Ji , Zong Bing , Liu Xie etc.

  26. 在文学理论建树方面,傅玄比较注意研究文学之体裁风格,陆机则建立了他的相当全面而系统的创作学理论,展现了一种为艺术而艺术的文学精神。

    Fu Xuan often gave his attention to the types of literature . Lu Ji established his quite comprehensive and systemic literary theory , and put up his strong literary spirit as art for art sake .

  27. 魏晋南北朝的杰出文艺理论家陆机、刘勰不仅深刻地论述了文艺创作的神思即创作的艺术思维,而且还客观而全面地阐析了艺术表现和作品的审美形式。

    Lu Ji and Liu Xie , the great art theoreticians of the Wei Jin period and Southern and Northern dynasties , have discussed deeply on both literary inspiration and artistic representation and the aesthetic form of literary works .

  28. 陆机《文赋》的感物观及其诗歌创作这种不同水稻材料植株在不同生育期产生并释放化感物质量的差异是导致它们在田间抑草效应强弱的重要原因之一。

    The Sensation of Object in " Wen Fu " by Lu Ji and His Poetry Creation Obviously , the differences of weed-suppressing effects of rice accessions resulted from their different amounts of allelochemicals produced and released in the field .

  29. 历代论者对他的文学作品和创作理论之间的关系争议很大,尤其是近代论者甚至依据二者之间的个别的脱节现象,几乎完全否定了陆机在文学史上的地位。

    Many critics have controversial opinions on the relationship between his works and his theories of creation , and even some contemporary critics almost deny his important status in Chinese literature history due to some detachment phenomenon between his works and theories .

  30. 潘岳和陆机共同生活在西晋时代,这使得他们的诗歌内容都不同程度打上了时代的烙印,但又因个人差异而有着各自不同的内容取向和情感内涵。

    Pan and Lu live together in the Western Jin Dynasty , which makes the content of their poems are marked with the times somewhat . But their content of poem are different in orientation and emotional connotations because of the personal differences .