
  • 网络Yong
  1. 在推荐奖掖文人奇才方面,蔡邕和孔融有惊人的相似之处。

    In this aspect , Cai Yong had amazing similarities with Kong Rong .

  2. 第二章:蔡邕的学术研究与学术贡献。

    Chapter II is focus on Cai Yong 's academic research and academic contribution .

  3. 经学在汉代思想文化中占主导,它对蔡邕的思想与文学创作有广泛影响。

    The Confucian classics were dominant in Han and had a deep influence to the literature creation and his thoughts .

  4. 刘劭是用传统哲学来解说人的聪明和智慧,蔡邕则是通过具体的物象加以显现。

    Liu Shao explained cleverness and wisdom with the traditional philosophy , while Cai Yong explained them with the concrete things .

  5. 蔡邕生活于东汉末年,是一个时代新旧交替时期重要的过渡人物。

    Cai Yong , living in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty , was a transitional character between dynasties .

  6. 在我国碑志文发展史上,庾信是继蔡邕之后又一位具有里程碑意义的碑志文作家。

    In domestic epigraph development history , Yu Xin has been recognized as a epigraph writer of milestone significance following Cai Yong .

  7. 第三章通过对汉魏之际个人魅力形成、发展的历史考察,揭示出蔡邕作为文人阶层形成中的典型人物所表现出的迷人风采,以及对魏晋时代所产生的重大影响。

    The third chapter is to study charisma 's formation and development during the age of later Han and early Wei Dynasties .

  8. 蔡邕碑文在东汉的成就最高,受到人们极大的推崇。

    The inscription of Cai Yong was the greatest in the achievements of the East Han , and people then had the greatest esteem for it .

  9. 本文试图在对蔡邕的学术研究与学术贡献进行整体把握的基础上,以其主要的文献学成就为研究对象,对蔡邕在文献学上的贡献作一探讨。

    On the basis of Cai Yong 's academic research and academic contribution , this thesis grasps his achievements of philology , explores his contribution of philology .

  10. 蔡邕是东汉后期的文坛巨匠。他对于骈俪化的追求和探索,对六朝时的骈文创作有直接的启发意义。

    Cai Yong is an important writer in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty , whose pursuit of " Pian Li " had direct influence on literary style in the Six Dynasties .

  11. 蔡邕因为不愿趋附权贵,怕被人陷害,曾经亡命江南,往来于吴会之间(今江、浙一带)约十二年。

    Cai Yong disliked playing up to bigwigs and , to avoid frame-ups , he went into exile in the South , wandering about for twelve years in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces .

  12. 蔡邕对东汉中期文人王延寿、王充、赵晔的作品和著作非常欣赏,持认同态度,是因为他们反映的是尚奇求异的文学思潮,体现出文学变革的特征,是魏晋文学的先声。

    In addition , Cai thought highly of Wang Yanshou , Wang Chong , Zhao Ye and their pieces that reflected a unique literary ideological trend and oncoming literary revolution & - signs for the prelude to the booming of the Wei-and-Jin literature .

  13. 生活于东汉末年的蔡邕是一个新旧交替时代的典型人物,在他的身上,凝聚着那一时代的矛盾、困惑、风尚和精神。

    Cai Yong , living in the later East Han Dynasty , was a typical character in the age of the transition from the old to the new . He was the combination of the contradiction , puzzle , fashion and spirit of his age .

  14. 摘要被文学史家有意无意忽略的东汉赋作家王延寿,尽管现存其赋甚少,但他的一篇《鲁灵光殿赋》让当时最负盛名的学者、文学家蔡邕惊奇不已,并为之搁笔。

    Intentionally or unintentionally overlooked by literary historians of Eastern writers Wang yanshou , though rarely given its existing , but he 's an " lu Emmanuel temple fu " for the most renowned scholars , writers Caiyong surprised when , and who sign off .

  15. 内容涉及人的觉醒与个人魅力的发现、蔡邕以其全才所构成的个人魅力在文人风采形成中的典型意义、蔡邕个人魅力与曹魏年间文的自觉的密切关系。

    The content contains the awakening of individual and the discovery of charisma , the typical meaning of Cai Yong 's charisma with versatile talent during the formation of literati 's demeanor , the relationship between Cai Yong ' charisma and " the awareness of literature " in Wei Dynasty .