
  • 网络arafat;Yasser Arafat;Yasir Arafat;YASSIR ARAFAT
  1. 马希尔向皮克通报了他本周五在约旦河西岸巴控城市拉姆安拉同阿拉法特会晤的情况。

    Ahmed Maher briefed Josep pique about his meeting with Yasser Arafat on Friday in the Palestinian-controlled town ramallah .

  2. 他尝试居住在莫斯科、开罗、贝鲁特等这些亚西尔。阿拉法特的巴勒斯坦自由组织能够建立流放政权的地区。

    He tried living in Moscow , then Cairo , then Beirut , where Yasser Arafat 's Palestine Liberation Organisation had been allowed to build a proto-state in exile .

  3. 以PMMA为基体的光折变聚合物的合成及成份分析后阿拉法特时代中东地区的和平前景

    Synthesis and Study on PMMA Photorefractive Material ; " Times After Arafat " Peaceful Settlement to the conflict of Middle East

  4. 阿拉法特被困在他在西岸城市拉姆安拉(Ramallah)的大院里,直到2004年因病去世都一直被隔绝在那里。

    Mr. Arafat was besieged in his compound in Ramallah , in the West Bank , where he remained isolated until illness overtook him , and he died in 2004 .

  5. 在祈祷朝圣者填写的街道,近Namira在阿拉法特,沙特阿拉伯周一,二○一○年十一月十五日清真寺。

    Pilgrims fill the streets in prayer , near Namira mosque in Arafat , Saudi Arabia on Monday , Nov.15,2010 .

  6. 布什:亚瑟尔?你是说阿拉法特在中国?

    George : yassir ? You mean Arafat is in china ?

  7. 1985年以色列曾派战斗机袭击阿拉法特。

    In 1985 , Israel sent fighter planes to kill Arafat .

  8. 阿拉法特的四次转变及对巴勒斯坦前途的影响

    Arafat 's four turns and their influence on Palestine 's future

  9. 阿拉法特和巴拉克手里握的并不是一样的牌。

    Arafat and Barak aren 't playing with the same cards .

  10. 机组人员全体遇难,而阿拉法特却得以生还。

    The crew was killed but he managed to remain alive .

  11. 阿拉法特与巴克拉总理有一次会面。

    Their was a meeting between Arafat and Ehud barak .

  12. 阿拉法特和沙龙间是什么业力呢?

    What is the karma between Arafat and Sharon ?

  13. 鲍威尔说与阿拉法特会谈很重要

    Powell says it is important that he meets Arafat

  14. 巴克拉面对面对阿拉法特说。

    That Barak told arafat , face to face .

  15. 后阿拉法特时代中东地区的和平前景

    " Times After Arafat " Peaceful Settlement to the conflict of Middle East

  16. 卡西姆教授盯上阿拉法特位子

    Professor sets sights on filling Arafat 's shoes

  17. 阿拉法特的去世并不意味着巴勒斯坦问题的终结。

    The death of Arafat does not mean the end of the Palestinian Issue .

  18. 最受指责的是阿拉法特。

    Yasir Arafat bears much of the blame .

  19. 阿拉法特之后,巴勒斯坦政府将更多地依赖“体制”运行。

    Post-Araft Palestinian government will be run on " systems " more and more .

  20. 令人不可思议的是在这样的危险面前,阿拉法特总能保持冷静。

    What is so unbelievable is that he always remains calm in great danger .

  21. 鲍威尔这次到中东斡旋最初并没有会晤阿拉法特的计划。

    There was originally no meeting with Arafat in Powell 's Middle East peace mission .

  22. 作为中东政坛传奇的不死鸟,阿拉法特把他的一生都奉献给了巴勒斯坦民族解放事业。

    As a legendary character in Mid-East , Arafat devoted himself to Palestine liberation cause .

  23. 2000年在戴维营,雅希尔-阿拉法特应该接受以色列给出的“慷慨的提议”。

    Yasser Arafat should have accepted Israel 's " generous offer " at Camp David in2000 .

  24. 当晚,他向沙龙通报了与阿拉法特会谈的情况。

    On that night , he briefed Sharon with the details of the meeting with Arafat .

  25. 当阿拉法特一离开美国,风暴开始消失。

    At the exact time that Arafat departs the country , the storm begins to dissipate .

  26. 然而距以色列坦克仅仅200米的阿拉法特却没有表现出丝毫畏惧。

    But Arafat , with Israeli tanks only 200 metres away , showed no fear at all .

  27. 近来,一种包装上印有阿拉法特形象的奶油夹心小食品成为了埃及首都开罗大街小巷的畅销商品。

    Yasser Arafat cheese puffs are the new hit snack on the streets of Egypt 's capital .

  28. 阿拉法特的家人希望他能被葬在耶路撒冷,但以色列政府不同意那样做。

    Arafat 's family had wanted him buried in Jerusalem , but the Israeli government forbade that .

  29. 在1993年和以色列签订了奥斯陆和平协议后,阿拉法特与其战友被允许返回巴勒斯坦。

    Arafat and company were allowed back after signing the Oslo peace accords with Israel in 1993 .

  30. 以色列将再度驱逐阿拉法特

    Israel to Expel Arafat